Friday, January 24, 2025

US’s Financially Beleagured Associated Press Again Shows Anti-Italy Pro-Mafia Bias

Posted by KrissyG

AP Reporting Update

Is the Associated Press on the take?! Hard to account otherwise for its perpetual strong bias on Meredith’s case. We have a full report in the works.

Colleen Barry, the ardant Amanda Knox fan-girl reporter who supplies the AP releases on Knox, has been filing heavily pro-Knox reports since 2013. That was already long after the trial, and the Massei sentencing report, which she clearly has never read.

She has never even mentioned the mafia angle although even the cautious Italian press has often openly reported on it. She has never even hinted at how the Hellman appeal court and the Maresca-Bruno appeal court and the Boninsegna calunnia court were bent.

She ignored the 500 or so false claims in Knox’s book. She reported none of the smoking guns on this page. She shows the legal aptitude of a newt. She is utterly at sea on ECHR.

Now she is failing Americans again in her latest laughable attempt to swing it for Knox. Her gushing pieces appear in worldwide media as syndicated articles which hundreds of outlets quote verbatim as their template.

For example, see this glowing AP press release put out by Barry, back in April 2024 re the then forthcoming calunnia trial, fawning over Knox with an overdose of sugary syrup and saccharine that is quite nauseating:

MILAN (AP) — Amanda Knox faces another trial for slander this week in Italy in a case that could remove the last legal stain against her, nine years after Italy’s highest court threw out her conviction for the murder of her 21-year-old British roommate.

Knox, who was a 20-year-old student when she was accused along with her then-boyfriend of murdering Meredith Kercher in 2007, has built a life back in the United States as an advocate, writer, podcaster and producer — with much of her work drawing on her experience.

Now 36 and the mother of two small children, Knox campaigns for criminal justice reform and to raise awareness about forced confessions. She has recorded a series on resilience for a meditation app and has a podcast with her husband, Christopher Robinson, and an upcoming limited series on her struggles within the Italian legal system for Hulu that has Monica Lewinsky as an executive producer.

...and continues in a similar cloying vein, with Lumumba, the victim of the crime - let’s not forget, not Knox - dropped in as merely a few words, a passing pesky footnote, to the proceedings at hand.

Colleen Barry’s favourite phrase in respect of all of this is that of “a case that could remove the last legal stain” from Knox. 

Prior to yesterday’s final outcome, Barry was still using the term ‘taint’ that very morning to describe the presumed abomination Barry saw as being outrageously placed on Knox’s saintly head. 

By yesterday evening, Barry - with the verdict in - had pulled words like ‘stain’ and ‘taint’ out of her articles, now that Knox is indeed irrevocably ‘stained’ and ‘tainted’ - Barry’s own words - by her serious criminal conviction. 

So today, all the references to ‘stain’ and ‘tainted’ have been removed as we cannot have Colleen Barry’s object of admiration thus described.  Barry then has to do her actual paid job, as a neutral journalist, of just reporting the facts (what a bore for her):

Judge Monica Boni read the verdict aloud in a courtroom that was empty except for a few reporters and guards. The lawyers for both Knox and the man she wrongly accused, Patrick Lumumba, had gone home during deliberations.

But Colleen Barry of AP cannot resist sneaking in a few fangirl words about Knox nonetheless, tacked on at the end, quoting Knox’ X-twitter message and displaying the whole image:

Knox called it a “surreal” day in a post on X.

“I’ve just been found guilty yet again of a crime I didn’t commit,” her post said. “And I was just awarded the Innocence Network Impact Award, ‘created to honor an exonerated person who raises awareness of wrongful convictions, policy issues, or assists others post-release.’”

As if Knox is not a confirmed convicted felon of a serious crime.

Oh dear.  Amanda Knox and her keen admirer, Colleen Barry of AP, propagandist extraordinaire, just cannot understand - nor seemingly accept - the concept of the rule of law.

Sod Lumumba, the victim of her crime: in Colleen Barry’s world, who cares about him?

But Colleen Barry was forced to approach Lumumba for comment, given, hello, *that is her job* and so she had to reveal:

Reached by telephone, Lumumba said he was satisfied with the verdict. “Amanda was wrong. This verdict has to accompany her for the rest of her life,″ he said.

Shucks.  That was really hard for Colleen Barry to write.  It hurt.

Posted by KrissyG on 01/24/25 at 01:34 PM in Hoaxes Sollecito etc


Timely scorching post. Funny too. Kiss goodbye to the multi-million wrongful imprisonment case.

I must have heard a dozen objective reporters expressing total contempt for Colleen Barry. She undermines their work and puts them at risk.

We have been in touch with AP HQ in New York about turning over a new leaf: their maybe being the first to blow out of the water the giant Knox-is-innocent hoax.

Maybe they dont deserve that break, but the Knox-groveler Colleen Barry has been leading them around by the nose for years and they could use something new.

We already have the New York Times doing a deep dive into our Wiki and here in process of a rethink.

Also on the bright side, we have reported in the past that maybe half of all of the US press never bent to the Knox PR’s bribes and threats, though that was a huge and barbaric campaign.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/24/25 at 01:57 PM | #

Krissy reports Knox’s reference to some Innocence Project award “for an exonerated person”.

She was never exonerated. See Hoax 22. What a joke the Innocence Project is.

This sham organization was begun by an American legal professor, right here in New York. It was originally benign, and we had some respect for it.

But the more we looked, when it made Knox a big star, the more we came to see it as a huge scam, by lawyers out to feather their nests.

It makes windfall money in two ways: (1) suckers who donate, and attend the pricey conferences, and (2) the shakedown of state and city governments for multi-million jury awards.

It is reliably estimated that around 200,000 innocents are in American prisons, ending up there by way of hard-nosed threats and bargaining by prosecutors eager to avoid a jury trial. (In the US jury trials have almost disappeared.)

And do you know how many of those 200,000 the Innocence Project has helped release? Less than 500 so far!

Both of Knox’s current lawyers are looking for a big take.

Dalla Vedova looked to the ECHR to make a E1 million award (that is why he took the case there) and got less than E20,000. James R will be posting on this soon.

The other guy is the head of Italy’s laughable Innocence Project who after three years is still looking for his first huge money-making case.

Obviously all of Knox’s projects are about bloodmoney-grubbing as well.

All three were expecting an easy win on a multi-million wrongful imprisonment suit. No wonder they squawked and Knox ranted to media.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/24/25 at 03:07 PM | #

Amanda Knox has published an extended article in the Atlantic today, 24/1/2025. I’m upset that she is still trying to falsely claim that she is innocent.

Posted by rebecca on 01/24/25 at 05:35 PM | #

Much appreciated Rebecca. I did hunt it down right away, I’ve been offline since. That The Atlantic chooses to post this bunch of nonsense with such poor timing suggests its readers are desperate for anything not political.

The Atlantic is one of the better commentary websites and has never visited the case before. We could maybe fact-check it quickly though we have much bigger and more irresponsible fish to fry. Any votes?

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/24/25 at 09:51 PM | #

Strange, all these women who go bananas over Knox. She never seems to show these wannabe mother-substitutes etc etc much respect. Colleen Barry has real competition in leapfrogging the parade. Here is a partial list (pdf).

Of course, even more women went the other way: Ann Coulter, Nancy Grace, and Wendy Murphy, to name three that we’ve posted on.

The attempt to make this a feminist cause fell flat. Not least because the victim, flatmates, lead investigator, overseeing magistrate, co-prosecutor, lead forensic expert, co-judge, and over half of the two juries (2009 and 2014) were women.

So are top reporters Andrea Vogt, Barbie Nadeau, and Ann Wise, editor Tina Brown, and the ORIGINAL excellent Associated Press team (both Italian).

But Knox still tries.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/26/25 at 09:50 PM | #

Apologies for the overnight “offline experience”. There was nothing wrong with the file that the error notice pointed to; just we couldn’t find it.

Entirely my fault. I was “up there"via FTP on our server making the folder structure neater for the long term with all our pages and huge number of posts, images and documents.

Somehow I dragged a system file out of correct location. Hoster guys and paid software guys worked really hard to track it down.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/28/25 at 12:01 PM | #
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