Friday, November 20, 2009
The Summations: A Summary Of The Agenda For The Next Few Days
Posted by Tiziano
[Above: A shot of the courtroom taken this morning]
A translation of the trial agenda from Giornale Online Di Perugia
Maurizio Troccoli November 19th, 2009 15.33
Just one day after the request for a confirmation of the penalty of 30 years against Rudy Hermann Guede, drafted by the Prosecutor General, in the Appeal Court of the Assizes, it’s over to the other first-stage trial against Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox, still in the Assizes and for the same murder, accused of being the killers of Meredith.
[Today] is the day of PM Giuliano Mignini and PM Manuela Comodi’s summing-up, which will go back over the whole investigation into the murder of the English student. The hearing on Saturday has also been reserved for the magistrates when they will formulate their requests for the verdict.
The PMs will delineate the framework of the investigations carried out by the flying squad of Perugia, by the SCO [Servizio Centrale Operativo of the State Police], and by the scientific police after the crime which took place on the night between November 1st and 2nd, 2007. The witness statements and the scientific evidence against the the two young people, on trial since January 16th of this year, will be summarised for the college, chaired by Giancarlo Massei, with deputy Beatrice Cristiani, supported by six civil judges.
For the first time they will hear the request for a sentence. The PMs will have to ask the judges for the number of years they believe that the two will have to serve. Then it will be the turn of the defence lawyers to play the last cards to try and dismantle the accusatorial theorem of the PMs.
Sollecito, 25 years old from Giovinazzo, and Knox, a 22 year-old from Seattle, have been put on trial for voluntary murder of Kercher, for sexual assault against her, unjustifiable carrying of a knife, theft (about 300 euros, two credit cards and two mobile phones belonging to the victim) and simulation of a crime (for the breaking-in carried out in one of the bedrooms of the crime house in order to derail the investigations, according to the prosecution).
Only the American must answer as well to defamation against Patrick Lumumba, for having involved him with her declarations during the investigation into the murder of Meredith Kercher, in which it was recognised on the other hand that he had no involvement. Both have however proclaimed themselves completely extraneous to the charges.
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