Thursday, May 19, 2011
Andrea Vogt Obtains New Rome Embassy Cables From State, Still Showing Zero Concern About Knox
Posted by True North
The State Department released seven cables a year ago. Click image above for details of the further release.
They were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. These now provide a complete overview. The new cables are as bland and routine and unconcerned about Amanda Knox as ever.
There was no smoking gun among them, as the Knox PR campaign had so very much hoped for. The State Department will never move on this case based on how Italy handled it.
Remarkably, the increasingly bitter loser “Bruce Fisher” actually draws attention to the Knox PR campaign’s big disappointing loss with these bland new cables showing Italy has handled the case just fine in the Embassy’s eyes.
The poster of the first seven cables, History Buff, had hoped they would show the Rome Embassy was really concerned about Amanda Knox’s trial and sentence. No such luck. He seems to have hidden those cables now.
You can still read them here
Yes, I was also amused by “Fisher’s” little rant, Peter. If Andrea Vogt said the sky was blue, “Fisher” would bang out a post saying the sky definitely isn’t blue, but even if it IS, she wasn’t the first person to say it.
Hi. I don’t want to give the idea that I believe all I read in the media, I was just wondering if there is an explanation for this:
It says that the prosecution is witholding lab reports from the two neutral experts brought in to review the DNA evidence.
I know it’s coming from Curt Knox but ....?
Greetings thundering.
First: The so-called “independent experts” are just that: independent. The have no inside connections and are not beholden to either Curt Knox or Giuliano Mignini.
Second: Dr. Patrizia Stefanini and the Italian Scientific Police Unit in Rome are busy, working on criminal projects from all over Italy. They will provide the requested evidence in due course.
Think of it this way: If Mr. Knox needs to renew his Passport for his next trip to Italy and puts in a renewal request with the government it’s going to take about 6 weeks for him to get the new document. Perhaps we’ll see him on TV, then, complaining about how the government is intentionally preventing him from seeing his daughter.
The unexpurgated version of the interview that Prosecutor Mignini granted in good faith to CNN will be posted at TJMK as soon as Pete is available. For those who can’t wait, I have just posted it at perugiamurderfile.org.
Andrea Vogt’s professional, objective, precise and no nonsense reporting is exemplified once again through her latest coverage on the Meredith Kercher murder.
Having accessed and published these official US government documents - Amanda Knox’s US Embassy cables confirm that Amanda Knox has been treated fairly by the Italian courts.
The cables reveal on the fair Italian legal process. There is no mention of anything wrong. No charges or claims or complaints are relayed from Amanda Knox.
Andrea Vogt also reveals that US Embassy officials had visited Amanda Knox in jail even before her own father.
Thanks to Skep, Jools, Clander, Yummi, TomM, Catnip and Thoughful for making the CNN Mignini interview translation available to all.
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