Thursday, May 12, 2011
It Looks Like Joel Simon And Nina Ognianova May Have Been Set Up In Their New Attack On Mignini
Posted by Peter Quennell
Kermit below lists all the open questions about the claimed closing of Perugia Shock on a judical order that CPJ did’t seem to have bothered to ask.
Now a new Perugia Shock is up and running in a test phase with a simple change in the host and different free software.
NO WAY that site would be going live if a judge in Florence had said to shut it down. Or if Frank’s legal troubles were because of it. Or if Mignini really were gunning for him.
It looks like all the Google Blogger hullaballoo yesterday was to simply set CPJ up for another anti-Mignini attack, and to add to Frank’s martyrdom and jump his usually very small audience.
The website tracker Whois is showing that the domain name PerugiaShock[dot]com was registered by proxy only yesterday 11 May.
Registered through: Automattic
Created on: 11-May-11
Expires on: 11-May-12
Last Updated on: 11-May-11Administrative Contact:
Private, Registration PERUGIASHOCK.COM]at]domainsbyproxy.com
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States
(480) 624-2599 Fax—(480) 624-2598
We are familiar with sites registered via Domains By Proxy.
The FOA sites amandadefensefund.org and Friendsofamanda.org were both registered by proxy there. At a guess, Frank’s new site is being created right now by a current temporary resident of Perugia who is an American computer specialist and a relative of Aamda Knox. There is some evidence of his developing the whole FOA network for the Marriott PR operation..
Very tough situation for CPJ now having stuck their necks out so far.
Their new claims against Mignini quoted by Kermit below would seem to go way too far. Is another semi-partial retraction, on their obscure corporate CPJ blog, now in the works?
I’m really surprised to see CPJ go out on a limb like this. Usually it publishes dry lists of numbers of journalists killed or jailed. So it’s a bit jarring to see it go so out on an advocacy limb like this.
Sure, the four named Prestons on its contributor list may have had something to do with it. I see The Monster of Florence film is listed as being in development at IMDB.Com and maybe that has something to do with it; it’s all about ginning up publicity for CPJ’s media ‘partners’
With all the real problems we’re facing as a country, I can only speculate we’re being prepared for lots more spectacle.
One of our Italian lawyers thinks that Joel and Nina are getting awfully close now to being open to a charge of calunnia.
There are good explanations of calunnia on the site. It is not simply the same as libel. Amanda and Curt and Edda may be of help.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Andrea Vogt Obtains New Rome Embassy Cables From State, Still Showing Zero Concern About Knox
Or to previous entry Could One Good Outcome Of This Sad Case Be That Italy Sees Less Foreign Student Druggies?