Friday, June 12, 2009
Trial: Richard Owen Reports First Knox Testimony With Nick Pisa Video
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the report in the Times, and once there click on the video.
When questioned in court today, the American said that when under “police pressure” she had “imagined many things”.
She said she had made her accusation against Mr Lumumba “against my will”. Asked if the police had suggested to her that the murder had taken place during a party at which Ms Kercher had had sex she replied: “Yes”.
Asked if she had been struck by police, she again replied “Yes”. Police have testified that Ms Knox was treated well during her questioning and have denied that she was hit
She said: “They called me a stupid liar and said I was trying to protect someone”.
By the way, no lawyer following the trial that we know thinks the evidence is “flimsy"as the TV anchor seems to think.
I don’t see much thus far indicative of real cross-examination. She seems to be adopting the “deer in the headlights” defense, saying she was confused, high and abused. The reports I have seen have her confirming that she spent the entire night at Sollecitos, but was she asked about his, and her own, contradictory statements? I hope a transcript of her testimony will be available at some point.
The reports in the Italian media, which we are getting around to, make the questioning seem much tougher. There is apparently plenty of skepticism in Italy over the claims being made and the demeanor being adopted.
Perugail m urderfile seems to have been taken down.
Does anybody hae worthwhile objective media reports in Engish from the Italian press?
thank you.
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