Friday, January 16, 2009
Trial: The Proceedings Commence: The UK’s Daily Mail Reports First
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the story. From Nick Pisa’s report:
Dressed in a hooded grey sweatshirt Knox, 21, smiled and shook hands with her legal team as she was led into court. She seemed overwhelmed by the mass presence of over 150 journalists and TV crews - who, bizarrely, had been herded inside a caged area in the court normally reserved for terrorists.
Nick Pisa appears to be sitting in the terrorist cage at bottom-right below. Click for a better look at him.
I must say that, as cages go, that is a very nice cage. Very tasteful.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Trial: The Proceedings Commence: The Times’s Lunchbreak Report
Or to previous entry Good Overview Of The Case In Germany’s Der Spiegel