Shots Of The Stazione di Perugia!
Perugia’s central railway station. Quiet right now, in these shots, but a busy place at most other times of the day.
The track south (shots 1 and 2) heads for points south and east of Perugia, and of course for Rome, about an hour away. The track north (shots 3 and 4) loops around to the west, and eventually heads for Florence, Bologne and Milan.
This station seems to enter the story on five occasions.
Meredith first arrived here, and would have walked through one of those doors and that waiting room with her bags to the piazza out front, presumably to take a taxi home on that first day.
Knox arrived here at least twice, and departed (back to Germany) at least once. And Sollecito once had a deal with a Polish woman, to drop her off here on the night in question. Which she then canceled.
Thus providing time enough for Sollecito to do mischief. Seemingly, considerable mischief.
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