9 The Mignini V Knox Hoax
1. False Claims
A lot of Americans are in prison for false criminal changes made to investigators and police and to the courts.
Falsely accuse someone of murder (as Knox falsely accused Patrick) in some states you can be sent way, not for a mere three years, but for LIFE.
But only one false accuser lies about what happened in the face of final rulings by possible courts, and has even ended up running her own show.
Only one has conned over a dozen legal groups and Innocence groups; over a dozen media groups, and over 100 reporters and crime professionals.
Giuliano Mignini has been demonized far, far more than Knox, if she was ever demonized at all. Always in English, of course. With the Atlantic Ocean in between. Numerous books, articles and appearances on TV.
The cowardly Doug Preston, who was a caught committing a crime, has made an industry out of it. Michael Heavey too. Steve Moore too. Bruce Fischer too. Paul Ciolino too. Examples there.
2. Hard Truths
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