Overview Of Four Series On This Page
1. Currently 26 Posts In 4 Series On Knox Book
You won’t be reading a page like this any time soon! The book is possibly the most dishonest ever written. Deliberately so. Knox was almost certainly going down for the count. The corruption of the 2011 appeal was unraveling - and so the book doubled-down!
- 1. Amanda Knox Book - Knox’s 518 Lies (12 posts)
2. Amanda Knox Book - Some 90 Of Knox’s Demonizations (4 posts)
3. Amanda Knox Book - Knox Herself Proves 90 Lies (8 posts)
4. Amanda Knox Book - Knox’s 48 Tortured Logics (2 posts)
Curt Knox’s and David Marriott’s intention was to steamroll out this inflammatory work, only in English, long before (1) Italians could catch on, and (2) translations into English of court documents could reach critical mass.
And in particular (3) before the Knox and Sollecito appeal of 2011 they helped corrupt could be repeated, honestly and legally this time around.
2. Judicial Context Of Book Publication
Knox’s bizarrely-titled Waiting To Be Heard was released in the US in April 2013, right in the middle of her judicial process which was still alive.
Curt Knox’s and David Marriott’s intention was to steamroll out this inflammatory work, only in English, long before (1) Italians could catch on, and (2) translations into English of court documents could reach critical mass.
And in particular (3) before the Knox and Sollecito appeal of 2011 they helped corrupt could be repeated, honestly and legally this time around.
Perfectly obviously to any watching Italian and to objective members of the foreign press, and complained about publicly by prosecutors, Knox’s and Sollecito’s first-level appeal in 2011 was bent.
It was bent via (1) illegal judge shopping by defense teams for an ill-qualified renegade judge, (2) illegally expanded scope of the appeal, (3) illegal appointment of external DNA consultants, in theory neutral but with illegal ties to defense teams and a pro-Knox American academic, and (4) frequent flouting of judicial law.
In such contexts of illegalities, Italian law requires that chief prosecutors file a complaint with the Rome Supreme Court. This was done in February 2012. From then on, the two appellants and their families and legal teams absolutely knew a complete reversal was in the cards.
So with the very obvious intention of bending opinion against a rerun of their first-level appeal, the Sollecito (late 2012) and Knox (early 2013) teams raced two inflammatory books into print.
Sollecito’s book is analyzed by others here on another TJMK page. Sollecito & Gumbel were taken to court in Florence by prosecutors for diffamazione. [They later lost.]
3. Book Writing And Publication
The Knox book was written in Seattle in 2012, ostensibly by Knox, with Linda Kulman as shadow-writer. Several of the Knox PR hoaxers were heavily involved. As this series will show, their work is riddled with false claims, more than one on every page.
The Knox publication sale, for a price up to $4 million, was organized by Knox’s US lawyers Robert Barnett and Ted Simon. We see no sign either they or the publishers did due diligence. Waiting To Be Heard was published (and reissued in 2015) only in English, and initially only in the US. Very few Italians are aware of the lies that Knox has published about them, even now.
The book seems to have received zero editorial or legal vetting by anyone in Italy, not least by Knox’s own lawyers in Perugia. The extended version in 2015 received not one correction of the myriad wrong claims, and all of the demonizations remained intact.
4. False Claims, Diffamaziones, Defamations
Bear in mind Knox was found guilty of criminal lying by all courts, and rightly served three years for framing an innocent man. She is a felon for life.
Bear in mind throughout the judicial process Knox was monitored by (1) her lawyers, (2) her family, (3) the US Rome Embassy, (4) the Italian Member of Parliament Rocco Girlanda, and (5) media insiders weaponized by the Knox public relations.
Bear in mind not ONE complaint was ever put before a judge - a felony by the lawyers if they were hiding abuse claims. In fact in contrast Knox’s own lawyers instead publicly complained that Knox was lying all the time, and requested that she be stopped.
“Lies” in this series refer to any attempt by Knox in her book to deceive the reader or the court, ranging from the very frequent embellishments of Knox herself to the very frequent denigration of others, and to statements of evidence and timelines that are shown to be incorrect.
All dialogue in the book, of which there is a lot, is simply invented by Linda Kulman and bears little resemblance to how Knox herself spoke or those around her spoke. Typically the real Knox was brasher and more unpleasant, and those around her smarter and more classy.
In numerous places the book and afterword contradicts what Knox has said previously, including on the stand at trial in mid-2009.
Numerous people were demonized by Knox throughout, often in proximity to utterances of how amazing Knox thinks she is. These demonizations have only ever been published in English and even now are often unknown to Knox’s targets in Italy.
They include diffamazione false accusations - similar to the calunnia felony Knox served three years for, but intended to sway the judicial process still under way. For example: Knox describes at length an illegal interrogation by Dr Mignini on 5-6 November 2007. He was actually at home in bed.
A key false claim in the 2015 Afterword was that Knox was “exonerated” or “found innocent” by the Supreme Court. That court, though provably bent, in fact ruled that Knox was present at the scene of the crime with blood on her hands. The ruling was a mere “insufficient evidence” (as that court ignored most of it) which can be appealed.
5. Legal Problems Early On & Now
UK and Italy editions were withdrawn at the last moment for fear (correctly) that they were defamatory. The US edition was released again in 2015, unamended, with an equally untruthful Afterword (also analyzed in this series). It is available on Amazon Italia, significant for legal reasons.
Sollecito accepted that he had no choice but to admit publicly to diffamazione - that key passages are invented and defamatory. He wrote an apology, and paid a fine and court costs. The same is expected to happen for the Knox book, and the statute of limitations still has several years to run yet.
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