Knox Reported Smiling & Singing During Micheli-Hearings Breaks
The Daily Telegraph has this report:
Amanda Knox, the young woman accused of murdering the British student Meredith Kercher, sighed and sang during breaks in her court appearance, it has been reported.
Miss Knox… is known to sing in jail to pass the time. During breaks in a pre-trial hearing, she sang hits by the band Feist [shot above] the Sun newspaper claimed.
A source at the court in Perugia, where Miss Kercher was found murdered, told the Sun: “During the hearing she never said a word. But outside when there were breaks for water and coffee she was smiling and singing. She was also huffing and puffing a lot - I think it was because it was a long day. It was a song by Feist and she said she sings to relax and deal with her stress.
Another shot of Feist that she may now regret.
And here’s Ester Walker of the Independent on the outfit Knox wore - smart move, apparently. (Tell THAT to the judge.)
What could possibly be more innocent than this outfit? Knox, the Seattle-born woman suspected of murdering British student Meredith Kercher, is only 21 and has dressed for her court appearance in Perugia, Italy, like the student that she is.
She wears a waist-length, white cotton smock top, which has red and blue flowers printed along the neckline, over a pair of blue denim jeans. Her hair is tied up in the schoolgirl-ish style, with the top half tied back off her bare face and secured with a purple plastic butterfly clip, and the rest loose.
Her entire outfit makes her look completely out of place in the Italian courtroom or flanked by policemen.
We’re still waiting for a take on Knox’s tan. Sprayed on? Or by the prison pool?
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The girl had to wear something - what do you suggest? Mourning black? Deep scarlet? Cleavage, no cleavage? Whatever. Who cares. The media will make a meal out of any angle. Has Amanda Knox entered the world of High Celeb? Her tan or no tan is not the issue here. It’s just a nonsense. A girl has been brutally murdered in the prime of her life. That’s the issue. All that lost potential. That’s the issue. Her family have to deal with that, in perpetuate. That’s the issue. They need to know why and how. That’s the issue. Clothing? Tan? Vacuous. Get a grip!
p.s. How, in this day and age could one look ‘in place’ in a medieval courtroom? It’s not a Ren Fair for heaven’s sake, it’s a 21st Century murder trial. Silly post.
Apparently the sarcasm went over Frankie’s head. Get a grip Frankie, we’re all on the same side.
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