Thursday, Knox lawyers will argue to First ("Murders") Chamber of Supreme Court that Florence court's Calunnia II conviction of Knox was wrong. Uphill battle. Florence reasoning has been widely praised.
Category: The prosecutors
Sunday, December 28, 2008
New Pressure Now On Rudy Guede To Start Talking? EDIT
Posted by Peter Quennell
[click above for Guede profile]
There’s a new report in the Italian press that Guede is apparently now transferred to the sex offenders wing of the prison mentioned below.
It seems that sex offenders are not great favorites among the other prisoners, so the point of such a move might be to protect him rather than to give him an additionally hard time.
Or could this be more pressure on him to start talking? Guede seems to have made remarks to his lawyer in the last several days intended to convey to the Kerchers that he is sad for them at what happened.
Prosecutor Mignini has a reputation among people who actually know him and regard him with respect for above all wanting justice and closure for the families of victims.
And for wanting to know precisely what happened. He is not really known for being among the most vengeful of prosecutors, or for seeking particularly harsh sentences.
If Mr Mignini is not having periodic chats about what is best for Meredith’s family with the Kerchers’ lawyer Mr Maresca, it would be uncharacteristic of him.
Closure for some victims’ families can be above all a matter of knowing what happened and why, and of hearing some real contrition from the perp or the perps.
Mr Mignini seems to us just right for this kind of outcome, and the Kerchers have several times seemed to suggest that they think so, too.
May the whipsawing, if that is what it is, please continue…
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dramatic Day For Guede, Knox, Sollecito: The Cast Arrives
Posted by Peter Quennell
[click for larger images]
Above: Prosecutor Mignini
Above: Prosecutors Mignini and Comodi
Above: Kercher family lawyer Maresca
Above:Sollecito lawyers Buongiorno and Mauri
Above: Knox lawyers Ghirgha and Vedova
Above: Falsely accused Lumumba and lawyer Pacelli
Above: And the defendants; in the vans