Category: 15 Single alibi hoax
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ground Increasingly Disappearing From Under Knox-Sollecito Defense
Posted by Peter Quennell
Judge Paolo Micheli has now been interviewed by Messaggero Umbria, a newspaper published in Perugia.
The judge really seems to have arrived at a very clear conception of how the cruel, senseless deed took place. Observe in particular these findings below.
All of them are devastating to the talking-points of Friends Of Amanda recently parroted in dozens of news outlets.
Three attackers were present
I took the opposite approach to that of the defence teams. The lawyers claimed that there was no proof of conspiracy between the three because they didn’t know each other and Kokomani’s testimony wasn’t reliable. They also said that it would have been impossible for them to have organised the crime since they had previous commitments which then fell through. My starting point was the three’s presence in the room where the crime was committed.
DNA on the bra clasp was RS’s
I don’t believe [the bra clasp] was contaminated. The dna either came from outside or it was in the room. It’s not possible that Raffaele Sollecito’s dna was in that room. He had no reason to go there.
No contamination of the knife DNA
It’s true that Amanda’s dna was also on another knife found at Sollecito’s home but there can’t have been contamination. I checked both the objects seized from the cottage in via della Pergola and Sollecito’s apartment in corso Garibaldi. Only once, on Nov6 last year, were objects taken from both locations on the same day and the officers who entered the two buildings were not the same.
Guede was not unknown to other two
The fact that there were no calls [with Rudy] is easy to explain; since Oct27, Rudy hasn’t had a mobile phone. It was taken off him by the police. One of the couple knew Rudy. Meeting people in Perugia is easy, it could have been a chance meeting too.
There was definitely sexual assault
There are some doubts about the dynamics and the position of the victim’s body when she was stabbed. These are however not sufficent to repudiate the hypothesis of sexual assault…. Sexual assault is also an “˜invasion’ of the body as was described in the autopsy. It is certain that the rapist pulled the victim’s top up. Some blood had also run down onto the trousers. It’s therefore plausible to think that whoever violated the victim put their hand down her trousers.
Why there was no rape
Why didnt they complete a rape?] Because she screamed. Also with a knife at her throat and being held down it’s likely that she shouted out. There is a witness, Nara Capezzali, who said she woke up and was shocked by this scream.
Meredith was restrained while taunted
On the victim’s right-hand there was one small cut, a few milimetres long, in between two fingers. On the left-hand, there were four clearly visible cuts. Also the tip of the finger had blood on it. This indicates that the victim’s right-hand was being held as she tried to defend herself with the left. After the fatal stab, she put her hands on the wound.
That last remark really drives home the true horror of Meredith’s incredibly cruel last few minutes. Someone was ferociously slashing away at Meredith like a maniac with a knife. And then did nothing at all to save her.
Walked out on her while she was still alive, clutching her neck to stop the life-blood flowing out of her.
After months of murky semi-silence from police and prosecutors, now the sentencing dossier quoted below and this interview seem like a fire-hose of information.
Is the judge signaling to the defense that a long-form trial will not work to their advantage? That they should simply cave now? Plead guilty, and hope?
And if they don’t, how on earth can they fight THIS sad, sick, depraved stuff?
Judge Micheli’s First Statement - The 10,000 Pages Start To Talk EDIT
Posted by Peter Quennell
Here now is the full 2011 Micheli Report kindly translated by Catnip for the Wiki and TJMK.
Judge Micheli’s dossier.
This below is from London’s Daily Telegraph. Click above for the full story.
In a dossier on the high-profile case, Judge Paolo Micheli said the 21 year-old’s murder was more likely spontaneous rather than pre-planned.
The judge, however, appears to agree with prosecution claims that the Leeds University student was murdered by more than one person.
He said that footprints in the flat showed there was more than one attacker in Miss Kercher’s flat on the night she was killed.
The revelations came after the Italian judge rejected one of her accused killer’s applications for bail…
Judge Micheli said he feared the two suspects could flee the country or commit another murder.
[Meredith’s] semi-naked body was found in the whitewashed cottage she shared with Miss Knox and two other students on November 2 last year.
She had been stabbed in the neck three times, and sustained more than 40 other injuries.
The judge attached weight to a kitchen knife found in Mr Sollecito’s flat which allegedly carried traces of Miss Knox’s DNA on the handle and Miss Kercher’s DNA on the blade.
He also said there were inconsistencies in Mr Sollecito’s accounts of where he was that night.
Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini told the court last week that Miss Kercher was killed when all three suspects tried to force her to participate in “a perverse group sex game”.
Judge Paolo Micheli has a terrific reputation as a judge, He did not of course devote only last Tuesday to reviewing the case. That has been a full-time job for him for several months now. In particular, he will have read the 10,000 pages of evidence the police and prosecutor have submitted. Almost certainly again and again.
The partial evidence already out here is pretty telling to those who have worked so hard to put it all together. And the 30-year sentence Judge Micheli handed down to Rudy Guede on Tuesday suggests just how overwhelming the full body of evidence must be. How it must really hang together.
And how it must evoke the intense agony of the final moments of Meredith Kercher, as she was seemingly tortured to death amid laughter and taunts. What is actually in those 10,000 pages will soon be common knowledge, by way of both the Knox/Sollecito trial in December and the Guede appeal thereafter.
Tick tick tick..
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Kate Mansey Interviews Sollecito Several Days Before His Arrest
Posted by Our Main Posters
Published in the Sunday Mirror 4/11/2007
Friend tells how he broke down door
Kate Mansey In Perugia, Italy 4/11/2007A friend of murdered British student Meredith Kercher told last night how he discovered her body in her blood-spattered bedroom.
Raffaele Sollecito, 23, relived the horror of finding the body of the pretty brunette who died when her killer broke into her home and cut her throat as she lay in her bed.
“It is something I never hope to see again,” he said. “There was blood everywhere and I couldn’t take it all in.
“My girlfriend was her flatmate and she was crying and screaming, ‘How could anyone do this?’”
Meredith, 21, who had been studying in Perugia, Italy since August, was murdered the day after a Halloween fancy dress party at the city’s British-themed Merlin Pub on Wednesday.
On Thursday she posted happy snaps of herself in fancy dress on the internet and in the evening had returned home alone after watching a film at a friend’s house.
But her flatmates - two Italian girls and one American - had all stayed out for the night, so the gruesome discovery wasn’t made until the next day.
Raffaele had spent the night at his own house on the other side of the city with his girlfriend, Meredith’s American flatmate Amanda Knox, 22.
He said: “It was a normal night. Meredith had gone out with one of her English friends and Amanda and I went to party with one of my friends.
“The next day, around lunchtime, Amanda went back to their apartment to have a shower.”
As Amanda, from Washington DC, stepped into house [sic B] she could tell there was something terribly wrong.
Raffaele said: “When she arrived the front door was wide open. She thought it was weird, but thought maybe someone was in the house and had left it ajar.
“But when she went into the bathroom she saw spots of blood all over the bath and sink. That’s when she started getting really afraid and ran back to my place because she didn’t want to go into the house alone. So I agreed to go back with her. When we walked in together, I knew straight away it was wrong. It was really eerily silent and the bathroom was speckled with blood like someone had flicked it around, just little spots.
“We went into the bedroom of Philomena (another flatmate who was away) and it had been ransacked, like someone had been looking for something. But when we tried Meredith’s room, the door was locked. She never normally locked her bedroom door and that really made us frightened.”
Their panic grew as they desperately banged on her door.
Raffaele said: “I tried to knock it down. I thought maybe she was ill… I made a dent, but I wasn’t strong enough on my own so I called the police.”
When police arrived they knocked the door down straightaway and Raffaele followed them into the room.
“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” he said. “It was hard to tell it was Meredith at first but Amanda started crying and screaming. I dragged her away because I didn’t want her to see it, it was so horrible.
“It seems her killer came through the window because it was smashed and there was glass all over the place. It was so sinister because other parts of the house were just as normal.”
Raffaele, a computer science student, said Meredith had recently started seeing an Italian neighbour called Giacamo [sic B] who lived in the apartment beneath the girls.
He said: “Meredith was always smiling and happy. She was really popular and it’s horrible that someone would want to hurt her.”