Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Il Messaggero Gets A German Case-Watcher’s Point Of View
Posted by Peter Quennell
We have a number of readers in Germany, and of course Rudy Guede was arrested there.
So a German perspective is of some interest. Click above for Il Messagero’s interview with journalist Anke Helle in Italian. See Catnip’s translation of it below.
Saturday, 09 May 2009
Many are the journalists, both from within Italy and also belonging to the foreign press, who have been accredited to the Court of Assize to follow the case where Amanda and Sollecito are standing in the dock.
Each journalist has their own opinion, very different to that of their colleagues’, and depending, in some part, on nationalities. The innocentisti form the greater part of the US contingent, leaning in favour of Amanda, while the colpevolisti are the majority party amongst the British, perhaps in part to uphold and dignify the memory of the young victim.
Practically divided right down the middle are the Italians who see Raffaele as either incapable of doing bad, or as an accomplice of, and hag-ridden by, Amanda, his then girlfriend.
So now a calmer and more objective opinion could come from Anke Helle, 27 years old, a journalist from Focus TV (a German TV show based in Munich in Bavaria) and sociology graduate of Trento University, who comes from a country that is neutral in this case.
What are they saying in Germany about this murder?
“The case is well enough known in my country, and I am convinced that their interest is above all in Amanda because the case is being followed above all by the scandal mags, and that genre requires a beautiful woman who is intriguing and a touch diabolical.
Naturally, in following the case attentively and with curiosity, they haven’t yet settled on the identify of the guilty party. We are still at the interrogative stage, in fact ““ my colleagues who are following up the case, are directing the attention of their readers to the question whether Amanda, so beautiful and intriguing, could really be the authoress of such a horrendous crime”.
And what do they say about Raffaele?
“They are more detached about him, and play up the doubt that the “˜boyfriend’, so sweet, affectionate and thoughtful, could really be complicit in such a murder”.
And Rudy?
“As for him, unfortunately being already assured of a sentence, they are not that interested in him except to say and write that “˜a person’ is already in prison, without even quoting his name”.
And what do they think about the investigations and the case?
“As far as regarding the unfolding of the investigations and of the case in general, in Germany it is being seen in the usual light that reinforces the perception that, in Italy, things are done “the Italian way (all’italiana)”.
And what do you think?
“Having come to know your country well, I love it and appreciate everything about Italian life, so I don’t agree with these criticisms, which, in any case, don’t come from any hostile preconceptions, but only from a very lightly held attitude.
As for the facts, initially I was thinking that Amanda could be innocent, now I’m not so sure”.
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