Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Kane Hall Book Promotion: Interviewer And Sollecito Panderer Dennis Bounds Drops The Ball Terribly
Posted by Media Watcher
[Above: Amanda Knox’s mother and sister are to the right in the back row in white and red sweaters]
Sales statistics show that Sollecito’s book is selling terribly and light-years from recouping costs.
Tonight’s public interview showed one good reason why. A small mostly elderly entirely white crowd in Kane Hall heard Sollecito being allowed to blame it solely on the black guy. Not even his own lawyers did that. But there was no argument from the interviewer, no tension, no excitement, no sense of discovery or truth.
And the feeble questions moved on.
Dennis Bounds, anchor for KING-5 television news in Seattle, certainly demonstrated why he’s no journalist. After tossing softball after softball at Sollecito during an “interview” at UW’s Kane Hall and then teasing Sollecito that he should come to the UW as an exchange student, Bounds declared “You’re out of jail and you’re not guilty - which is the important thing.”
Untrue. Sollecito still stands accused of Meredith’s murder until the Supreme Court signs off on the case. The pandering Dennis Bounds was eagerly first in line to get a book signed by the accused. See the image at bottom.
The problem with most of the US media is that they’ve never taken the time to review the case, including the original Massei sentencing report (which gives very thoughtful, not sensational, overview of the evidence and how it ties together), what was reviewed during the appeal and what specific elements should have been under review, and what that means for the prosecutor’s appeal that’s now been submitted to Italy’s Supreme Court.
Hard questions a real journalist could have asked
These are examples of what Dennis Bounds could have asked Sollecito in direct follow-up to answers that Sollecito gave tonight, instead of moving on to the next softball.
Sollecito: After ten hours of questioning in a very rude, aggressive way”¦(one of the detectives said) “If you stand up now, I will leave you in a pool of blood.”
Journalist: Are you asserting that one of the detectives threatened you? Did you relay this to your family and ultimately to your attorneys?
Sollecito: No one ever asked me to be on the witness stand. No one ever asked me anything. I was a shadow.
Journalist: Who prevented you from testifying? Did you want to testify? Did you ask your attorneys to let you testify? Given that you were willing to testify, what can you say here tonight about why you gave so many versions of what you were doing the night the murder took place.
Sollecito: For any kind of detail, I’m here; you can ask me.
Journalist: Why did you tell detectives that there was a burglary, but nothing was taken before the room in question was even checked out? And given that it wasn’t your room, how did you know that nothing was taken?
Journalist: You and Amanda claimed that you needed to get a mop from Amanda’s flat to wipe up under a leaky sink. Why would you wait hours to go get a mop unstead of just sopping up the water with towels from your own flat?
Sollecito: Most of the people who are “guilters” follow the media and don’t know anything about the case.
Journalist: If that’s the case, why are they asking questions about how Meredith’s fresh blood got mixed with Amanda’s DNA in multiple places in the bathroom, and why are they so focused on phone records that showed that what you told detectives originally was untrue.
Sollecito: (About Rudy Guede) - He is a burglar who did similar burglaries”¦..he’s most probably implicated; he’s most probably the only one.
Journalist: If Guede was the only person there that night, where did the other footprints come from, how did Amanda’s DNA get mixed with Meredith’s blood, and who do you think staged the break-in, after making sure Meredith’s room was locked?
Journalist: And by the way, can you explain why Amanda Knox called her mother in the middle of the night, Seattle time, given that to that point, she should not have known anything about the dark events that had taken place in the flat? Were you with her when she made that call?
Another question.
With new charges against you almost inevitable, based on the numerous defamations and false accusations of crimes in the book, is it true that your father Francesco and your sister Vanessa are now in Seattle to drag you home to Italy before you do MORE damage?
Poorly attended and not one happy face anywhere. The expressions and body language in the audience says it all. Anxiety, defensiveness, bewilderment, boredom, and praying to God that there are no massive cock-ups and that it isn’t as bad as it looks.
Yeah, aren’t their thoughts obvious?! And: “Can we get out of here before forking over $25 for this little toad’s book?”
After dozens of gushing PR stories planted in the media in the past 10 days, and dozens of phoney 5-star reviews, the hardcover sales worldwide in total are today about 135 and the kindle sales about 125.
Meanwhile we have seen some hundreds of new readers. Gee thanks Sollecito. That presumably wasnt intended?!
Remarkably, more hardcover copies were given out FREE to the audiences for Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper on Fox than have been sold worldwide for hard cash.
Amanda Knox publisher HarperCollins, and agent Robert Barnett, please note? Murder isn’t bankable, it seems.
Wow! Thanks Media Watcher for exposing just how empty Kane Hall actually was during Sollecito’s feeble book promotion attempt.
Remarkably the photo depicting an empty Kane Hall before this non-event in the previous post below appears the same as the photo above which reveals the near empty Kane Hall along with the reverberations of Sollecito listening to his own echoes!
Unfortunately for Sollecito this picture is worth a thousand words.
Is the interview available online? Or a transcript? I am just curious!
Common man would certainly want to know more and dig deeper. Unintended consequence and not too good for AK&RS;.
RS appears to be under stress. Perhaps the American food is not suiting him well. Who knows what will come out finally!
He is actually on a quicksand with his crappy answers. But then there is no answers that can save him.
135 copies, ha ha, better be careful, it will be on the ‘rare’ booklist soon!
To be fair, better revise the count to 145 copies because in the picture above it looks like there were 10 people in line to purchase a signed copy at the meet-and-greet last night!
Did Sollecito repeat his claim that his own questioning on the evening of 05-NOV-2007 lasted ten hours? Did he repeat his claim that it began at 21:00—at least an hour and a half prior to its actual commencement?
He appears to be unaware that the testimony and documentation prove that his own interrogation was largely complete by 01:00 on 06-NOV-2007 and that he was already in processing for remand by 03:30.
Otherwise he is intentionally misleading everyone into thinking that Knox signed her statements before he withdrew her alibi.
A few direct questions might also have been in order. Was it Profazio who Sollecito claims to have threatened his life? If it was not Profazio then who was it? Did he identify the abusive officer to his lawyer the moment he had the opportunity?
Where is the officer identified in any of the multiple pages of “prison notes” he wrote prior to Guede’s capture? Why did he not identify the officer in a spontaneous declaration during his court appearances?
Here are some comments Sollecito made during the “interview”:
“Built case on basis of a fancy story”
“Someone came and destroyed everything.”
“You can’t throw a person in jail for an affectionate gesture.”
“First they (investigators) were gentle, then they became aggressive and were yelling and shouting.”
“We were there (for) hours and hours just alone.”
“There were 15-30 people - not all the people at the same time, was really confusing.”
“They wanted me to reconstruct everything the night of the murder (six days after). After ten hours of questioning in a very rude aggressive way….I just wanted to leave the police station and go home.”
“They put pressure on me doing everything legally possible.”
“Why did Mignini behave in such a hideous way against us?”
So he repeated the provably false ten hour lie. The police brutality softened to “pressure” and acknowledgement that his interview was performed within the bounds of the law.
Who coached him to withdraw from his previous allegations?
I noticed there was no mention of his phone records in the media report. That was what they wanted to talk to him about that evening.
Thanks Media Watcher. Sollecito knew his audience. For the hardcore groupies, lies are not enough. The more racist, the more xenophobic, the more hysterical, the better.
I’ll ask again why, of these 15-30 police officers (it must have been the entire force on duty at the time), not a single one came forward, even anonymously, to support the lovebirds’ accusations.
Sollecito claims in his book that one policewoman told him privately he should get a lawyer. This officer was obviously looking out for his interests. Why doesn’t she come forward to confirm the supposedly rampant police misconduct?
Raffaele makes use of his secret knowledge to make the Mellox crowd dance to his tune. Wouldn’t Edda and Deanna give much to know what Raf actually saw Amanda do on the night of the murder? Then they would know how much hidden ammunition he really has to use against their daughter and them.
Raffaele’s secret knowledge is his form of security. It’s too precious to reveal in a book at the moment. I’m sure he hid it well in the book just like he did while assisting justice during his police interviews. It has kept him safe along with his pseudo-girlfriend. Who wants to bet he delights in his power to create a public scandal for them at the drop of a hat. Ah! Fortune favors the brave.
Hi Hopeful.
You have obviously been reading up on your nuclear escalation strategy! That is what first made Henry Kissinger prominent and Dr Strangelove a funny but quite real film. When he has at his command a doomsday machine the maddest in the group controls the game.
Our poster Cesare Beccaria was observing this too when he wrote about how in the Porta a Portas each of the 3 teams is trying to push the others between themselves and the fire. (In person Cesare, a lawyer with a doctorate in jurisprudence, is brilliant at this.)
One can trace this power imbalance in RS’s favor all the way back to the fatal night. My guess is that Amanda wielded the fatal knife with a mad roar and RS and Guede were both caught unawares, not having known this was the game they had bought in.
Both have shown a special wariness toward her ever since. Honor indeed! There was no honor, and Amanda made herself the weakest of the three for the whole time, even becoming rather desperate to talk with RS privately in Capanne during the appeal.
HOWEVER. I think RS is losing it now, in two respects.
First, Dr Galati is a very, very bright man and his appeal statement (link at top) has pushed the case onto a sophisticated plane that none of the defence lawyers are competent to play on and on which RS simply doesnt have a clue.
And second, try as he may, he cant power Amanda back into his bed. She is now punishing him in turn with an extended period of no sex - well, sex with one or more others, which must get him red faced and eyes bulging every night before he sleeps - alone.
It is very very unstable and if any of them go for an OJ Simpson moment (probable given the NPD psychologies of RS and AK) all three will be toast. On PMF they’ve just looked at two subsets of this: the week before Meredith died; and then the 4-5 days since.
The recent displays by Raffaele Sollecito, revealing his true-self, show both extreme Arrogance, and extreme Ignorance.
I hope this leads to both Raffaele Sollecito’s and Amanda Knox’s undoing.
I don’t understand why the piece of shit is in Seattle anyway.
Hi all!
Hu Jumpy
How about: hug your friends closely and your enemies even more closely?! Some there wanted him.
RS is clearly in a highly narcissistic pumped-up mode and he and his writer clearly got considerable help from the Knox shills though Knox herself seems to want to keep him at arms-length now.
As several posts below and above suggest things are already unscrambling for him in Italy and if there’s one thing the Knox shills never get to understand: that is the ONLY place that matters.
Knox with her increasing gloom and doom may be the only one who realizes.
I thought I would be clever and identify Professor Snape in the above picture, knowing where he would be when he photographed Edda, but no such luck. Just an empty space. He was obviously wearing his Invisibility Cloak. Damn!
Is it just my impression, or has RS shrunk in size? Or is the interviewer a giant?
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Sollecito’s Book Honor Bound Hits Italy And Already Scathing Reactions And Legal Trouble
Or to previous entry Will Sollecito Drop Amanda Knox In It Further In A Public Seattle Interview At 7:00 PM Tonight?