
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Media Reaction Commences: What Is It About Amanda Knox…
Posted by Peter Quennell
Media can be a fickle friend. Big bucks may now be dictating a U-turn. One early indicator?
We should be happy for her, the innocent victim of this terrible miscarriage of justice.
Yet there is something disquieting about Amanda Knox, something that slightly chills the blood. Those piercing blue eyes, as cold as the steel of the knife that slit Meredith Kercher’s throat, have hardly flinched during her court appearances.
Not since Lindy-the dingo-did-it-Chamberlain was cleared of murdering her baby has a woman so divided public opinion.
Amanda’s prison diaries reveal an astonishing calmness and self-belief. While most 20-year-old girls falsely accused of a vile sex murder would be in pieces, she was planning her 21st birthday party, right down to the guest list.
There is hardly a mention of the brutal murder of her friend in the bedroom next to her. It’s all about Amanda.
Even The Independent’s Peter Popham is pouring cold water on the parade. Helping to find “the real killers” may be a way to help stem this tide.
you will have to be quick to view this. if you google ‘amanda knox and nick pisa’ you will see that the mailonline had wrote a story about Amanda being guilty. The link to the story doesn’t work.
“ … madonnina infilzata … â€
Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi, chapters XI, XXXVIII
Why do you write of the real killers, Peter? To quote John Kercher: “This is crazy. How can you ignore all the other evidence?”
Seems to me one may be on her way home to fame and fortune. The other is fading to grey.
I do not accept the verdict, just as John Kercher does not accept it. Bring on the appeal.
“Helping to find the real killers” is what the now-imprisoned OJ Simpson promised to do. He did nothing and it has become a sort of national joke.
Quite frankly I just dont understand this verdict.
How can they possibly ignore all the other evidence?
How can they ignore the supreme court findings?
There are many questions that need to be asked on this verdict and I hope they are asked too.
We will have to wait for the motivation report and I will be very interested as to why the mountain of evidence against the two cleared of this terriblle crime didn’t have any impact on the judge and jurors.
There is no trace of anyone else - the only traces found were that of Knox, Sollecito and Guede.
This verdict is bewildering and is not right.
dailyfail’s story can be viewed here
The only possible explanation for this ruling is envelopes stuffed with cash. Old fashioned, unpalatable bribes. My heart goes out to the Kerchers, ever dignified and bewildered.
I have been wrong in thinking that this could not possibly happen. Pointless, here, to review the evidence—but I have certainly reviewed it.
So then: Curt Knox has won his game. Amanda walks free, but no sir, the explanation for this ruling is not “envelopes stuffed with cash” but politics.
Judge Hellman wasn’t bribed but he was told what to do. We were told also, on reflection: That one prosecutor who told us earlier, The court is against us. And added a prediction: Amanda will go free.
TJMK is not in vain, has not been in vain. Amanda walks free of confinement but she cannot walk free of her deed (ancient wisdom.)
I posted this last night but for some reason it didn’t appear here:
I just don’t get this part at all:
There were two forms of acquittal open to the judges. They could have freed Knox and Sollecito on the grounds that there was insufficient proof of their guilt – an outcome similar to the Scottish law verdict of “not proven”. But, instead, they chose to acquit them entirely.
I don’t think Hellman was either bribed or manipulated. His vote doesn’t outweigh the other judges’ votes, so his own responsibility for the verdict could be very limited. If this verdict gets overturned by the Supreme Court, he might have something to do with it. I have a feeling that the 530-1 decision will not stand up, that he knows that, and that the motivation report will be accordingly unconvincing. If he couldn’t stop it now, at least he might able to make it easier to overturn.
Curt Knox and the PR machine didn’t win the trial, but they provided the smoke and mirrors for other things.
I’ll be waiting for the motivation report with great interest.
Vivianna refers to the legal and political insights provided from Italy by Yummi in several long comments om page 18 of PMF. Judge Hellman may have subtly made it easier for the Supreme Court to overturn his court’s verdict in several respects and he read out the verdict as if it was distasteful to him.
His sentencing report due in three months would seem an almost impossible task to make convincing to the public and Supreme Court. Especially as he is normally a business judge not a criminal court judge and may have picked out the wrong law (530 para 1)
Today, Tuesday October 4, is St. Francis Assissi day. Here’s a prayer from him I hope will help:
The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, parÂdon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understandÂ;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
It is hard to read this prayer and have inner peace because the media circus is just rolling on:
She is expected to arrive at Sea-Tac Airport at about 5 p.m. Tuesday.
It is absolutely sickening to be here in Seattle…
i hear you , hungarian. i am so sickened by the bremner & foa media pawns’ gloating & continuing to ignore & misrepresent the facts/evidence. i am in canada & it’s sickening here too, but i can’t imagine being in seattle right now. she wasn’t 4 yrs in jail for a crime she didn’t commit; at the least she served 3 yrs for her CONVICTION for slander. now bring on the appeal!
Has there been any statement from Maresca at all? I haven’t heard anything but I don’t have a TV so I could have missed something.
I would like an explanation if anyone has got one.
How did the slander case become part of the appeal?
I don’t really understand that also. How is that, that they didn’t consider the huge amount of evidence from the first trial but made the slander case part of the appeal???
“What was the motive for the slander if she was not involved in the murder?” asked Mignini
Lack of motive??
Sollicito and Knox both had rape fantasies! Sexual fantasies are the motive rapists, pedos etc.
Luciano Garofalo, former head of the Carabinieri paramilitary police scientific squad and now a professor of forensic investigation, told Reuters that police in every country had to improve the quality of evidence collection and analysis.
He pointed to the Innocence Project in the United States which has used DNA testing to review previous convictions, resulting in the exoneration of 273 people.
“This shows that judicial errors are made all over the world and all over the world you can make mistakes,” he told Reuters.
He did concede, however, that Italy may be behind some other countries in the training of first response units to a crime, be they police or emergency services, who can contaminate the scene if they follow the wrong procedures.
“We must spend more resources on this. But really it is a world problem—the application of proper protocols at the scene of a crime.
“We must all create real experts who go to the scene of a crime and then in a laboratory do the analysis. And the laboratories must conform to the highest standards of quality,” he told Reuters.
In the Knox case, he believes there is a question over whether the independent experts were in fact more qualified than the scientific police, without excluding that mistakes were made by the latter.
“Who says these two (the independent experts) have a level of competence enough to give us the certainty that everything was mistaken?” he asked. “We must not give exclusive importance to what the independent experts said.”
Garofalo said he also believed, from his own investigations, that the evidence from the bra clip and knife was “very limited” but said there was other material including blood found in the bath of the apartment where Kercher was killed that could have thrown more light on who was responsible.
I agree, starsdad. Anyway, in most judicial systems, proving motive is not essential for proving guilt. I’m not sure if that’s true in Italy, however I assume it is. Was that lay judge not instructed properly somehow?
This is for Ergon, but, in case, also for others ….
Laudato si’, mi Signore, per quelli che perdonano per lo Tuo amore
et sostengono infirmitate et tribulatione.
Beati quelli ke ‘l sosterranno in pace,
ka da Te, Altissimo, sirano incoronati.
Laudato si’ mi Signore, per sora nostra Morte corporale,
da la quale nullu homo vivente po’ skappare:
guai a quelli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali;
beati quelli ke trovarà ne le Tue sanctissime voluntati,
ka la morte secunda no ‘l farrà male.
Laudate et benedicete mi Signore et rengratiate
e serviateli cum grande humilitate.
Praised be You, my Lord
For those who forgive out of love for You;
And endure sickness and trial.
Happy those who endure in peace
For by you, Most High, they shall be crowned.
Praised be You, my Lord
For our Sister Bodily Death,
From whose embrace no living person can escape.
Woe to those who die in mortal sin!
Happy those she finds
Doing your most holy will.
The second death can do no harm to them!
Praise and bless my Lord
And give thanks
And serve him with great humility.
The plane must be near because we in Seattle can already smell the sulphur of the dark ones. All of our local media sock puppets are in line genuflecting to Marriott and Bremner.
Jen in Seattle
The jurors whose faces I studied had the same look of sheepishness as the two “independent experts” after their performance as if they understood they would be splainin to a higher power someday.
I wonder if this verdict will encourage Rudy Guede to tell what he really knows. If he was being honest about having part in Meredith’s murder himself and about knowing of Amanda’s and Raffaele’s responsibility, he must be very angry indeed. It’s unclear to me what kind of advisors (legal and otherwise) Rudy Guede has had. I haven’t heard of any family members counseling him; so, it seems uncertain if anyone in close contact has encouraged him to do what is morally right. I’d like to think that the Italian justice system would make an appeal to him, with some offer of leniency, to tell the full truth. Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini seemed very concerned for the Kerchers’ loss and aware that they need to know the truth.
Sorry, in my comment above, I left out the word “no” in the second sentence.
I wonder if this verdict will encourage Rudy Guede to tell what he really knows. If he was being honest about having no part in Meredith’s murder himself and about knowing of Amanda’s and Raffaele’s responsibility, he must be very angry indeed. It’s unclear to me what kind of advisors (legal and otherwise) Rudy Guede has had. I haven’t heard of any family members counseling him; so, it seems uncertain if anyone in close contact has encouraged him to do what is morally right. I’d like to think that the Italian justice system would make an appeal to him, with some offer of leniency, to tell the full truth. Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini seemed very concerned for the Kerchers’ loss and aware that they need to know the truth.
I saw a post on a work colleague’s Facebook page that said “I’m so happy for Amanda”.
I of course chipped in and asked, why?
I then got in a debate with her and two other colleagues, all protesting her innocence.
Needless to say that all three knew absolutely nothing about the case apart from the odd snippet they’d heard from the Knox’s and the odd headline here and there.
There has been a lot of support for Amanda Knox but I believe it has for the most part come from the above - people who have dipped into the case in the briefest of ways to witness the Knox PR machine in full effect and poor news reports skimming over evidence.
To truly understand why this verdict sickens you need to have followed this case for the past four years. If you haven’t, your opinion is worth nothing.
Personally I’m not completely angered by the acquittal. I saw it coming and believe the police in Perugia have a lot to answer for. Their work should have been water tight and it wasn’t.
What has angered and sickened me is the “total innocence” verdict when “insufficient evidence” was available to them.
How can anyone following this case ever declare that the two are totally innocent. All we can ever admit to is that there may have not been enough evidence to hold the pair on the grounds of “beyond all reasonable doubt”.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will properly analyse the evidence and right some wrongs here.
Only to point out that the “insufficienza di prove = insufficient evidence†disappeared from the Italian code in 1988.
The jurors whose faces I studied had the same look of sheepishness as the two “independent experts” after their performance as if they understood they would be splainin to a higher power someday.
When I look at the photo of Lizzie Borden,(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie_Borden) I cannot help noticing the uncanny resemblance to Amanda Knox. Now with this acquittal, they have more in common than just their looks, as Lizzie was also acquitted, yet there was little doubt that she did it. She did a miraculous job on the cleanup of her crime, as well, and as with the Knox trial, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence to support her guilt. Let’s all pray for karmic justice, and for the truth to come out eventually, for all the world to see.
Thanks for the prayer, nncountryside. Whatever contemplative thought or meditation that can help others cope with the sadness is appreciated.
Well said Peter! I am from Louisiana and everytime my family and I see Amanda Knox, we see nothing but coldness that sends chills through our body.We, as well as everyone we know, knows that she and Sollicito were involved in this crime. In this picture, to me, it shows nothing but, haha we did it! We got away with it!” She is definitely a sociopath in my book. Just so much pure evil! I pray that the Kercher family will find peace and justice one day. I agree with so many others on this post. As tuilla said,” maybe Rudy Guede will come forward with the truth, especially knowing that he is the only one convicted and Amanda and Sollicito are not.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry The Guardian Publishes A Negative Take On Italian Justice Rather Poorly Researched
Or to previous entry Knox And Sollecito Declared Not Guilty But With Angry Booing Outside The Courtroom