Sunday, February 23, 2020
Please Check Out Our Expanded New-Format Wiki Of This Extraordinarily Well-Documented Case
Posted by azoza
The famous Quadriga sculpture atop the Rome Supreme Court
1. What’s New Here
Italian justice sure goes the extra mile in documenting its cases.
Today our own collection for the murder case of Meredith Kercher features roughly 3,000 PDFs, 17,000 images, 150 audio files and 130 video files.
All these files now have a new second home at this address. Please note the “dot net”.
These are most of the existant files relevant to the murder case. They are necessarily a subset of the entire source documents on file in several locations in Italy. But we continue to seek to provide as complete a record of case documents as possible.
Above all, this is an extremely objective, reliable and trustworthy collection. Not a single document has been doctored and to our knowledge not a single document mistranslated.
This new “MMK.net” site was created in part as a more navigable version of the original file library (which is still available with some outdated analysis at the original Meredith Kercher Wiki website).
And also it was created in part for the much expanded file library, which is more complete and refined than the old one, with a very large image file section.
And also it was created in part as a precautionary backup in the event that the original site may no longer be available.
The new “MMK.net” will now serve as our primary file library website for the murder case, so that for example anyone interested in researching the murder case can easily get to the original documents, including many put into English, and view the facts of the case for themselves.
Eventually we hope to provide a guidebook documenting in detail some of the important key documents of the case.
Some source material that we did not scan or digitize are things like press pass requests, invoices for court expenses and various court administrative documents that were ancillary to the court proceedings.
There was some source material, like recordings on micro-tape, which will likely remain un-digitized. And, there some files, such as the autopsy video or phone intercept recordings, that will never be posted, out of respect for privacy.
2. Five Main Ways Of Navigating
Links to the files are organized in a number of different ways:
1) The “Master List Of Files” Webpage has links to all the files on a single page.
With the “find” function of your web browser, you can search for specific filenames.
2) The “Files By Chronology” Webpage lists the files chronologically, based on their date of creation.
So police and prosecutor notices issued on November 3rd, 2007, can be found on the webpage titled “November 3rd, 2007”. The chronological ordering is very interesting as it provides a daily, monthly and then yearly view of the police investigations, prosecutor and lawyer notices, court proceedings, etc.
3) The “Files By Subject Matter” Webpage organizes the files by the subject they deal with.
This grouping has links to a selection of the library files, since some of the files do not pertain to the subjects listed. Instead, this grouping is helpful to people just learning about the case. As an example, someone may want to find all the files relevant to DNA analysis, or all the files related to a particular lawyer, or all the files related to a particular court proceeding, or all the files related to a type of evidence.
4) The “Files By Type Of Content” Webpage organizes the files primarily by their document type or by their content type.
Most of the links are to pages featuring the PDF documents, but some of the links go to webpages featuring images. This organization is more “inclusive” than the subject matter organization. As an example, the “testimony” link goes to a webpage listing ALL the courtroom testimony available in the library, both in PDF documents and in audio files.
5) The “Files By Type Of Format” Webpage organizes the files by their type of data: PDF, images, audio or video files.
3. Other Available Ways Of Navigating
In addition to the five available “sorts” above of the file library documents, there are a few ancillary options.
Three webpages of images galleries feature (1) Meredith, (2) Perugia, and (3) select photos of the small mountain of source documentation that was consulted.
Various “Case Overview” links provide some general information about the case as help to newcomers.
The “Case Timeline” Webpage features a table of the events of the murder case, from the discovery of the murder to the final Italian Cassazione ruling.
The “Key Documents” Webpage provides links to documents that will be analyzed further in an upcoming guidebook on the documentation.
The “Evidence list” Webpage featuring a detailed listing of case evidence. It is still a work in progress.
We hope to eventually have authorization again to access the prosecutor case archives, and also the police archives, to find a few documents and files we know are still missing. We hope to have this in the next year or so.
We wish you fruitful researching.
Lovely work, Azoza and co.
This is rather like wandering around in a series of cathedrals, so vast is each of the areas!
Now of course we need the Chinese, Arabic and Russian versions… just kidding! We do have good readerships, though, in France, Germany, and India, among some other places.
Even Italians might be surprised. Just in the past several years, the Wiki has expanded in leaps and bounds in terms of documents added and translated. Especially eye-opening and impressive to we Wiki end-users was the chronologies.
You can see for example the incessant generation of more and more reports by the investigators and courts through the first eight months from November 2007 to the middle of 2008, after which the evidence-collection phase was for the most part concluded.
As we could see in recent posts, for example on Malcolm Gladwell and Kary Antholis, one ignores these official statements of fact only at great peril.
Gladwell for example channeled two major Knox PR hoaxes (the 2012 Forgotten Killer and the 2016 fake Netflix documentary) which are laughable in claiming investigators simply jumped to conclusions and then downed their tools.
That is NOT what the documents tell us.
MMK.net is awesome. Thank you Azoza for foresight and doing all the hard work of safeguarding this treasure trove about the case. It could so easily have all disappeared.
This is the exact kind of site I wish for when I find a digital flash mob slamming the police about a criminal investigation and taking issue with the guilty verdict. One can rarely suss out the REASONS the accused were found guilty and sentenced.
One can rarely locate the prosecution’s stance online, or any of the hard evidence against the defendants. One is left with the one-sided hysteria of those who seek to overturn the verdict.
I hope MMK.net will benefit many seekers of truth. So thank you for the brainpower, time and effort. It’s a labor of love and takes incredible work and attention to detail when organizing so much info into a user friendly form. Now it will not disappear.
Hi Hopeful
So true on the US and UK situations. A virtual drought of case documentation.
In Italy, not only is all the evidence documented. So are the full court proceedings, and all of the judges’ ruling, and even the findings of the juries - almost never divulged in any other country.
The reports were often ridiculed and misrepresented and “mistranslated” by Bruce Fischer and the other mafia poodles. But none of them now attempt to go against all of this lot.
The volume of case documentation in any other justice system is just minuscule in comparison. The US has been headed toward almost no case documentation at all because of this appalling phenomenon.
The Innocence Project has caused the release of LESS THAN 400 of those 200,000. You’d think the Innocence Project and the mafia poodles would be fighting for more openness.
Rather than feting Knox and maligning Italy.
The new Wiki website is an essential resource for anybody who wants to have a more thorough understanding of the case. The vast majority of journalists who have covered the case are still ignorant of the basic facts of the case and unquestioningly believe the PR fantasy version of events that was propagated widely in the media by Amanda Knox’s family and supporters.
I recommend reading the documents related to the DNA evidence:
Even Knox’s most ardent supporters who obsess over the case 24/7 didn’t know that defence expert Professor Vinci claimed that her DNA was on Meredith’s bra clasp. They refused to believe that Sollecito’s lawyers brought this up in court at Rudy Guede’s fast-track trial in 2008. They still don’t understand that the truth isn’t whatever you want it to be.
Many thanks to the Wiki team who have done a fantastic job of creating such an invaluable resource. They are concerned with making the truth known unlike most of the mainstream media organisations in America and England who want to promote the melodramatic fairytale of an innocent American gal who was railroaded by corrupt and/or incompetent cops and a rogue prosecutor. Perhaps one day they will realise that the sexual assault and brutal murder of an innocent woman is a tragic event - not an entertaining story.
@The Machine, I wish to goodness the prosecution had used a bullhorn to announce Professor Vinci’s claims of Knox’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp.
I’m still aghast at how much undeniable physical evidence was handwaved away.
The new MMK.net site will set the record straight. It may become crucial one day. I agree, Meredith’s case was seen by media as a fictional story and not the tragic event it really was.
There was an unreality to the media coverage, aided and abetted by the Marriott paid PR machine running like a juggernaut over Italian restraint and dignity. The latter term is unknown to Knox’s quirky shameless crowd and their ilk.
@Julan, thanks for linking to Knox news re: renting out her house on AirBNB and providing guests free condoms on display, since she was rebuked for having private items on display in Perugia cottage. Now she can be her big bad freewheeling self.
Thanks Julan for Knox’s short video of the small booklet she made recently. She titled it “What Lies Ahead”. There’s the word ‘lies’ right in the middle of the title.
The booklet appears to be hand size, 6 inches? tiny. The cover shows a football player in helmet.
She has cut and pasted words like you see in kidnapper ransom notes or art collages, large words cut out of magazines. She flips through each page reading her booklet aloud and grinning, gigglng.
One page is covered with the words, “What lies ahead? What lies ahead? What lies ahead?”
One page says, ‘What would you do?”
One page shows a bleacher where people sit watching (one assumes) the football game and the words, “People up in arms” or something similar.
I can’t make head nor tails out of it except as one more blurred picture into Knox’s demented personality right before her wedding.
The upcoming nups to her already legal husband. The belated public nups occur this Saturday February 29, 2020 Leap Day.
If this crazy book she made by hand and showed by video to the world is some dark window into her soul before the wedding, she seems to be regressing back to childhood.
The football theme suggests competition ahead.
Who will win the game of marriage? Is marriage like football just a game? Will it last only 3 hours like the Super Bowl on TV? What lies ahead?
The question is all about the future, the unknown. Perhaps her comedy masks a serious question and anxiety.
Strange little booklet by Knox. “What Lies Ahead” bodes ill…what do you make of it?
Is it some bizarre reference to the Harrison Ford thriller movie, “What Lies Beneath?” That was a creep fest (spoiler alert)
where a seemingly perfect yuppie couple are soon troubled by spooky revelation that the professor had unbeknownst to new wife (Michelle Pfeiffer) murdered a college student he was having an affair with.
New wife discovered his guilty secret and was soon to face the same fate, via a bathtub drowning but she escaped.
The body of the murdered student was deep in the lake near their house by the pier. The professor in chasing wife to the water plunges in to kill her but meets his demise. He fights underwater where the ghostly figure of his first victim somehow freaks him out or comes alive and causes him to drown.
I felt a little guilty watching that because I steer clear of shows with psychic or demonic content but I was lured by a strong attraction to Harrison Ford from his glorious Star Wars days and Indiana Jones role.
“What Lies Beneath”...and “What Lies Ahead”....I think the latter phrase was a very old euphemism for a woman’s impending pregnancy, often out of wedlock when she feared for the future. “What Lies Ahead”
I guess the point of the new Knox booklet is so she can say she wrote the book on love, and she got it “printed” before Chris’s next book comes out, if ever it does. He has had 2 books published to Knox’s one. Now she evens the score.
As in football.
Yes, you would think that if Knox’s DNA was on the bra clasp then that would be something the Prosecution would be keen to emphasize, wouldn’t you?
Unfortunately that was something they could not establish.The swab produced, on analysis, the mixed genetic profiles of Kercher and Sollecito, and although there was evidence of another minor contributor,there was not another profile.
Whether or not Professor Vinci claimed that Knox’s DNA was there (and why would he?), I rather think that the claim falls in to the same bracket as Vecchiotti claiming that her own DNA could be found there as well.
Vinci, it might be remembered, also claimed that the bath mat print belonged to Guede and not Sollecito, and that the print of a heel on the pillowcase belonged to Guede rather than Knox. Obviously he likes to be contentious.
By the way MMK. net website is great!
Hi James,
It was reported in the media that Sollecito’s lawyers claimed that Amanda Knox’s DNA was on Meredith’s bra clasp at Rudy Guede’s fast-track trial in 2008.
Pete wrote a post about this for TJMK:
He included a quotation from Richard Owen’s article for The Times newspaper:
”Lawyers for Mr Sollecito have told the judge that, according to a forensic expert called by the defence, Ms Knox’s DNA is on Ms Kercher’s bloodied bra-strap as well as that of Mr Sollecito and Rudy Guede.”
The link to the article no longer works, but Tom Kington made the same claim in an article for The Guardian newspaper:
“Francesco Vinci, a forensic science expert hired by Sollecito’s legal team, said the DNA of all three suspects and two other unidentified people might be on the bra. Sollecito’s lawyers say this proves their theory that the clasp was contaminated after police mistakenly left it on the floor of Kercher’s bedroom for weeks before testing it.”
I found Professor Vinci’s report on the new Wiki website and he devotes four pages of his court official report - pages 9-12 - explaining why it is Amanda Knox’s DNA. Here is his conclusion on pages 11-12.
“in particulari questi profili genetici risultano compatibili con alcuni marcatori attributi a Amanda Knox e Rudy Guede”.
“in particular these genetic profiles are compatible with some markers attributed to Amanda Knox and Rudy Guede”.
Here’s the link to Professor Vinci’s report:
Professor Vinci’s claim was corroborated by Professor Garofano:
”Look at the electropherogram and compare the three. Of course, Meredith’s DNA is overwhelmingly present, but look at this. If we go along the graph line, yes we have a lot of Raffaele too, but in the first locus we have eleven and twelve STRs, which is the same as in Amanda’s DNA profile, twenty-nine and thirty X remember - one from the father and one from the mother - in the second, eight, and eleven in the third, also the same as Amanda’s DNA profile, maybe a fifteen in the fifth…look, ten out of 15 loci have peaks that correspond to Amanda DNA’s profile. The hypothesis is that Amanda also touched the bra clasp.
My conclusion is that the bra clasp certainly works as a piece of evidence - it is a strong clue against the suspects Amanda and Raffaele. The RFU number is high enough. So the result is perfect.”
I just watched the sinister ‘what lies ahead’ vid.
I think Hopeful’s observations are very accurate.
If I were Chris Robinson I’d keep a marathon distance from her at all times! Or emigrate.
Apparently, Vincenzo Pascali, Sollecito’s chief forensic consultant, also thought Amanda Knox’s DNA was on Meredith’s bra clasp:
“Vincenzo Pascali, the chief forensic consultant who was set to give expert testimony about the possible contamination of the bra clasp, walked off the case last month, reportedly leaving a €50,000 bill. Back in September, Pascali, who declined to comment for this story, hinted that the clasp also contained Knox’s DNA.”
Mario Cerciello Rega case: US students in Italian court over police murder
“Some in the US have even compared the case to that of Amanda Knox.
“The US student served four years in prison for the murder of Meredith Kercher. Italy’s top appeals court overturned her conviction in 2015.”
It will be interesting to see if the media coverage of this case in the US will be as partisan and xenophobic as it was with the Meredith Kercher case.
There is never any reference to Amanda Knox’s calunnia conviction or any of the Supreme Court’s most damning findings against her in the media reports that mention her acquittal. I’m not sure these are deliberate omissions. I suspect most journalists are ignorant of the fact that she wasn’t acquitted of all charges and that the Italian Supreme Court stated it’s a proven fact she was at the cottage when Meredith was killed and she washed Meredith’s blood off in the small bathroom.
@The Machine, I saw the photos of Italian police officer Brigadier? Rega in today’s Daily Mail 2/26/20. Fine officer in scenes of his best days. So tragic.
Finnegan Elder the punk stabbed him. Elder’s pal and coke buddy, both from California I think, Gabriel Hjorth who also has an Italian last name and whose dad is Italian, appears more somber. He’s aware of the seriousness of the Italian court he finds himself in. Gabriel is charged with murder as well as Elder.
The defense case pivots on the question of whether officer Rega and his fellow officer clearly identified themselves to the youths as Carabinieri.
The boys claim they feared Rega was a criminal. Elder had a knife hidden inside his sweatshirt and attacked during a drug deal gone bad. Elder’s defense is also that he didn’t speak Italian.
Heartbroken Maria Rega, the lovely young widow of Brigadier Rega, was pictured in court beside her lawyer. She spoke of how her family is gone after “Mario’s death” and how all her future children and dreams are with him in the grave. The two had just returned from their honeymoon when Rega was knifed to death.
Tragic. Many echoes of Knox case with wild American youth acting out on foreign soil while amped up with a friend, both chasing drugs.
It will be very interesting to see how U.S. media play this story already so full of pathos. May justice win.
As for Knox my fantasy is that she might be forced to undergo the use of the old truth serum, sodium amytal. It would release in her a stream of confessions.
They used sodium amytal to enforce “talk therapy” on war veterans after WWI or WWII.
Traumatized soldiers had converted mental horror into physical symptoms like shaky walking, flailing movements of limbs, a shutdown of speech, hysterical blindness, body limitations or paralysis. One man no longer knew his own name! These were in the days of shell shock. They had escaped somewhere deep into their own minds.
After sodium amytal injections the soldier was guided by a doctor who gave the man hypnotic suggestions. He assured him that he was going to recall the incident clearly that bothered him, that he was safe and the danger had passed, that all was well. He was reassured that he had acted bravely or reasonably and had not let down his pals.
He was encouraged to talk about the terrifying memories and told that afterward he would feel refreshed upon “awaking”.
The soldiers after truth serum would immediately talk freely and release pent-up memories of horror. Their mental blocks were gone. Their symptoms soon abated. It was quite remarkable. Almost miraculous changes occurred.
The recipients of the sodium amytal said they could in no way resist the urge to speak and speak and speak.
If only this truth drug could come back into vogue!!!
It would elicit words and confessions about crimes from liars like Knox and Sollecito.
It would be more useful than lie detector results. Maybe considered an “excited utterance”.
Hi Hopeful
“It will be very interesting to see how U.S. media play this story already so full of pathos.”
I see some shrill attempts at PR but not many nibbles yet. There seems no doubt that they did kill. And as you say, the cop and his wife were truly fine.
And in fact every year in Italy American students go to excess and the US media normally barely shows a pulse.
That Knox has caused some to stay away from Italy does not provoke a lot of lament!
Thanks to azoza for updating the wiki site and organizing the files in chronological order.
Her email to fam/friends is an attempt to create an ‘alibi’.
“i ran outside and down to our neighbors door… i wanted to ask them if they had heard anything the night before”.
What confusion in the courtroom w her lawyer constantly interrupting and objecting when others try to get any straight answers from Knox esp about her accusation of Patrick.
In the tapped prison calls and visits.. she seems very impressionable by mom’s suggestions.
The news article makes note of possible exaggerations. Notice how much RS looks like DJ the Seattle bf - both resembling Harry Potter.
Re: her little booklet ‘What lies ahead’ The use of the cut out letters, as you say, looks rather childish and/or like a ransom note.
Yes, I figured a double meaning too for ‘lies’. > More lies ahead.
The whole thing seems bizarre and dark to me esp the motion with holding a knife.
The tattoo on her wrist is an electrical drawing symbol for ‘resistor’. I’m not sure but maybe it means resistance in the case of modern day tattoos.
Narration by Amanda (Aug 28 2019):
[Cover football player]
” I made this little book last night ‘What lies ahead”? [Photo: Spectators? sitting on bleachers]
Watch. Faces in the crowd. People. taking up arms (gesture holding a knife)
I’m at my wit’s end [Photo: a Man says this to another man w police officers standing in bkgrd].
I’ve tried everything. (smiles)
How would you react? (laughter)
What lies ahead (giggles)
[Back cover - tackle] (more emphasized giggles).
The back cover brought to mind the reconstruction dwg of the pack attack on poor Meredith.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Very Efficient Italian Containment Of CoronaVirus - Foolishly Gets Isolated Anyway
Or to previous entry Highly Misleading But Revealing “Knox Week” On Enabler Kary Antholis’s “Crime Story” Site