Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Possibilities For Political Derailing Of Justice For Meredith Are Now Down Near Zero
Posted by Peter Quennell
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (below left) gets a huge slap in the face in a referendum of Italian voters. He had no obvious powers to wield over the appeal in any case.
Mr Berlusconi’s own grip on power will be weakened by the repeal of a law that excused senior office holders from attending court because of their workload. He is a defendant in three time-consuming trials involving allegations of bribery, fraud and paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl—cases that are sapping his authority.
And the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (below right) makes clear through a spokesman that he will not lift a finger to help to spring Amanda Knox despite the request from some junior Berlusconi-party parliamentarians..
Italy’s president says he’s following the case of American student Amanda Knox but can’t intervene as she appeals her conviction on charges she murdered her British roommate.
President Giorgio Napolitano’s diplomatic counselor responded to an Italian lawmaker who asked the head of state to intervene to avert controversies stemming from the case.
Mr Napolitano is known to really dislike Mr Berlusconi and his party, so the Rocco Girlanda ploy the Knox forces inflated into an imminent home run was actually dead even before it ever began.
There is no growing global or American or Italian mass movement pro-Knox, and President Obama and Republicans leaders have nothing to gain by denying Meredith her justice.
How very touching, by the way : http://www.ninaburleigh.com/media/the-fatal-gift-of-beauty-trailer.html
How do they know what the Madonna looked like? Meredith was the pretty girl arriving in Perugia, not Knox.
Peter this report was short but oh so sweet. Thank you sir.
Rocco Girlanda’s failed attempt to rescue his little hearthrob half way through her first appeal by involving President Napolitano is barely being reported in Italy - only Umbria 24 carries much of a story.
And as Jools and Popper are pointing out over on PMF it appears the President actually cautioned Girlanda to respect Italian justice, and to use his organization to make sure that Americans do the same.
The very opposite of the spin Candace Dempsey and other goofy apologists are putting on what President Napolitano’s spokesman conveyed: “Even the President is following Amanda’s case!”
This will not be lost on Judge Hellman. Politics is dead in the water now. To be ignored.
Hooray for President Napolitano! He clips the claws of those whose private bias aims to slash at the judiciary. Napolitano made the right move to block attacks on the independence of the judges and juries of Italy.
Good referendum, Mr. Berlusconi will now be too busy with his own legal problems. He hardly seems like the man to call to make sure LAW is followed to a T.
Rocco’s letter may have brought him attention that he will later rue. He seems to have been gently told to “see to your own house and work for American-Italian cooperation in positive ways, drop the Knox mania”, whispered between the lines.
@aethelred Nina Burleigh: I dislike her stance on Knox, but I was intrigued by her book on modern trade of Biblical antiquities. Thanks for link.
Nina Burleigh gave me a copy of her book on ancient Egypt “Mirage” and it really was terrific. We met at her place in the fall of 2009 and got on really well both then and (as the emails show) for some time after.
Such a pity that she seems to have been captured by the loony toons. Meredith could have used some friends of the caliber of her, though it is obvious now that Meredith will get her justice regardless.
Good to know the foolish efforts by politicians to derail the Knox appeal have withered on the vine!
Back in the USA maybe we can help clip the wings of another misguided politician, Judge Michael Heavey. I went to the site of the Commision on Judicial Misconduct (Washington State) http://www.cjc.state.wa.us/ and found that filing a complaint is easy. Here are some highlights:
“All complaints begin in the preliminary investigative stage and may be submitted by any organization, association or person, including a member of the Commission.
If you choose to write a letter, the letter should:
• identify the judge
• specify the conduct or action you believe was improper
• identify by name and address any witnesses
• include any documents or correspondence that may substantiate your allegations”
State of Washington
P.O. Box 1817 Olympia, WA 98507
Thanks, Sailor, but also, the complaint has to be sent by snail mail or fax.
Hi Ergon,
I’m sure most people have an all-in-one printer, fax, scanner and copier or know somebody who does. If they don’t, they could always find a business that provides a fax service. There are also online fax services.
The fax number wasn’t listed on the Commission website so I called and asked for it.
Here’s the fax number for the Washington State Commission on Judicial Conduct: (360) 586-2918
Thanks, Peter. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for keeping the truth TJMK’s hallmark. When I see Bremner’s attempt to rebut Nadeau’s book and his comments section with lie after lie aiming to exonerate Foxy, it makes your site more important than ever.
Thanks for the succinct update on the response to the specious Girlanda appeal to the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, Pete.
Napolitano is a true statesman, a man of immense intellect and integrity.
Finally Berlusconi has troubles he can’t wriggle his way out ? Nice ! So many Italian expats here are dreaming of him going away !
In Europe, the Italian justice is reputed to be one of the most independent from political pressures. It wouldn’t be able to fight the mafia with any results if it weren’t.
Whatever her PR campain makes of Ms Knox, she is not a criminal of mafia caliber, able to pull political strings to get a lenient sentence - and such a move doesn’t work in Italy, so I’m told. The only asset she has is her face and her body, and it’s not like throwing herself around Girlanda will do anything toward her freeing.
She’s just another psycho murderess who should stay locked up, to protect women from her - just like Joran van der Sloot should have stayed in prison following the disappearance of Natalie Holloway.
From Perugia Murder Files:
“Even Sollecito’s aunt told Bruce Fisher on his Facebook page that neither him or Knox’ supporters were helping. Frankly she said their support was harming the defendants!
Sara Achille left the following message in Bruce Fisher’s Facebook page:
Amanda’s supporters in fact are doing more harm than good in what has become a clash of cultures. And they are also hurting Raffaele. Even if their intentions are noble, of course, their actions have the opposite effect… Each time a supporter condemns the Italian justice system; Italians in their turn go on the defensive and do their outmost to prove that their system is just. We beg of you please. ENOUGH. There is an appeal process and we want to approach it in peace. ENOUGH WITH THE SKIRMISHES. Those who pay the price are Raffaele and Amanda and we with them. Thanks”
September 16
Not that the “skirmishers” give a hoot, of course. They’ve got their TV appearances, book and movie deals, and sons running for political office, lined up.
For those interested in the type of antics utilised by the Knoxii, I really recommend the talk pages of the Meredith Kercher Wikipedia entry, the JREF ‘cartwheel’ thread, and the Huffington Post, which still shamelessly peddles the MSM line. A small example of how er, socially maladjusted they are can be seen here in the comments thread at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/14/amanda-knox-case-appeal-italy-president-giorgio-napolitano-_n_876558.html
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