Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Possible Trial Delay While Giulia Bongiorno Gets Well
Posted by Peter Quennell
[This new image was just emailed to us - it seems that we are read in Rome]
Italian media are now reporting that Sollecito’s lead lawyer has appendicitis.
A decision as to what to do will be made by the court today. Under the agreed schedule for the next two weeks, Ms Bongiorno and Mr Maori were due to argue Solllecito’s side of things this Saturday and next Monday.
This is the second time the trial schedule has been affected by ill health. The previous time it was Judge Massei. He contracted a touch of pneumonia.
bad karma. I’m just sayin’....
Hi Snape. Bad karma? Maybe. Or could it be a symptom of stagefright?! Giulia has been away a LOT. If they all on the defense side head off to get their appendixes out, that could be an indicator, right? We thought for a while back there that Ghirga or Della Vedova might walk right off the job, when Chris Mellas seemed to be grabbing the wheel.
Giulia Bongiorno is a rising star on the Italian political scene: she is currently working in close cooperation with Gianfranco Fini on law reform matters. He is President of the Italian lower house, la Camera dei Deputati.
L’Espresso (important left-leaning weekly of la Repubblica group) has a feature article on Bongiorno up on-line.
Perhaps she has had enough of the Perugia trial - she has not been in court of late - and is getting out before the proverbial matter hits the spinning object!
The Alexa webtracker site is showing that TJMK was in the TOP TWO PERCENT of websites in the world yesterday.
We are not commercial, not promoted, and not much more than one year old. So we see that as a very real tribute to Meredith.
Thank you, caring people - many caring people, it seems - for reading.
Continued buzz from Italy is that the defenses might be trying to engineer some separation between the prosecutions’ summation, and particularly the horrific nature of the attack, and their own defense summations.
The judges and jury are really expected to forget all of that in the space of a few days?
Okay, there is some new buzz from Perugia. It seems that if the defense lawyers choose to go AWOL the trial still goes on…
Kidding a bit there, and we are sure Ms Bongiorno’s appendix really is very sore, but there is apparently some dark humor over the defense teams’ possible discomfort in Perugia itself.
How do we really know if Ms. Bongiorno has an appendix Peter? Apparently, her first priority is not her client at this point. She hasn’t been in court for a while and she was spotted at some type of symposium over the weekend when the mysterious appendicitis flared up?
My impression is that Guilia Buongiorno lost interest in Raffaele Sollecito the moment her request for a mistrial was denied.
Where next:
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Or to previous entry The Prosecutions’ Closed-Court Reconstruction Of A Brutal And Prolonged Torture Attack