Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hoax: Huge Problem With “There Is No Evidence”
Posted by Peter Quennell
Startling new evidence…
Today reports are surfacing in Italy that a witness (one of the hidden 100) seems to have seen Amanda Knox in this Conad supermarket (lower right and below) at 7:45 on the morning after the crime.
Knox apparently claimed she was asleep in Sollecito’s apartment to around 10:00 am.
This supermarket (right above) is maybe 50 meters from the School for Foreigners (ahead above). About 600 meters from Raffaele Solecito’s apartment (behind above). And about 300 meters from Meredith’s house (left above).
It sells, among other things, laundry detergent (laundry of Meredith’s clothes may have been happening when the cops arrived) and bleach (the place might have been bleached to hide evidence).
Amanda Knox may have been seen in that detergent and bleach area, by someone who knows her, and then seen exiting in the direction of her house - Meredith’s house.
New evidence should really not come as much of a surprise.
Despite claims to the contrary - that it has all been leaked, and found wanting - the evidence in this case is actually more like an iceberg.
Eighty-plus percent of it is still out of sight. Little of what is in those 10,000 pages of sealed evidence, added to daily by new witnesses, is known to outsiders.
Much of what we HAVE seen of it hangs true.
And those few who are insiders seem to get noticeably more quiet and cautious when they do see it. Rudy Guede’s lawyers were bullish about his prospects - until they saw it.
And then Rudy Guede got handed 30 years.
The defendants really deserve a GOOD defense. By their lawyers. And hopefully, at long last, by their friends.
Sliming Italy and the players in the case looks like a slow-motion train-wreck to us. Available evidence deserves to be gone over without reflexive shoot-from-the-hip dismissal.
So. No evidence? Perhaps that mantra should now be laid to rest. It’s increasingly looking to be flat-out wrong.
And a quick shortcut to a life behind bars.
The witness seems to have KNOWN Amanda Knox was a student. This is in today’s UK Daily Telegraph:
“I saw Amanda, on the morning they found the body of Meredith, doing some shopping at around 7.45am,” the witness, whose name has not yet been released, claimed.
“She was in the part of the shop where they keep detergents, but I couldn’t say for sure if she bought anything,” the man was quoted as saying by the Giornale dell’Umbria newspaper.
“I thought it was very strange for a student to be out so early in the morning. That morning was virtually a holiday, there were no lectures, if there had been I could understand her being up so early.”
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