Tuesday, June 04, 2019

The Italian Venue (Really) Where Knox Will Feature On A Media Panel Next Week

Posted by Peter Quennell

Really? Here? Behind those garbage skips?!

We had to laugh. This really is the main entrance to the Open Laboratory space in Modena which that northern city now makes available for happening events.

The image below shows the main interior. It looks rather prison-like, to us appropriately so.

Here is the program in Italian for the first-ever conference of the Innocence Project’s Italian arm.

Knox’s media panel is shown as being next saturday there. 

As there are no known innocents in Italian prisons, given how careful the justice process is, importing Knox was apparently the best they could do to get anyone to come.

We’ve held back posting on this up to now, as we really do want to see how Knox is received there.

But expect some posts intended to open Italian eyes to Knox in the next several days.

No word yet on whether Sollecito will be there.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/04/19 at 12:48 PM in


Concerning Sollecito, has he ever pondered having Knox rubbed out? At least a while back, he could easily have engineered a hit.

This occurred to us a few times as we observed the degree of hatred of Knox for dropping him in it that he has let slip many times over the years.




Don’t be walking down any dark Modena streets, Knox. 😊

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/06/19 at 02:37 PM | #

Sollecito will be very jealous of Knox getting a USD20,000 fee and fares and accommodation paid, that’s for sure. 

Perhaps they’ll meet up to reminisce about old times.  Perhaps tour the Via de Pergola region to recreate the thrills of yore and how they evaded justice under the noses of the all-knowing police and forensics teams who know the truth, for sure, unlike the Innocence Project in the USA which can only presume innocence.  The difference here is, in Italy they KNOW that is not the case.

Perhaps Knox will retrace her steps to no.7, and show newer boyfriend “Party Rock” where it all took place and how she found notoriety, erm, fame and fortune, albeit of the negative kind.  A guide around via Corso Garibaldi and the garden where Meredith’s two phones were thrown away. 

Perhaps she’ll demonstrate how throwing a rock under-arm from the car park could smash the window, although this time it will bounce off because of the new protective bars.  How they will laugh at the idea of Guede shimmying up the 12’4” wall with just a rusty nail and downstairs bathroom window frame for leverage.

She’ll show Christopher the underground carpark and how its a short cut to Plaza de Grimano basketball court, now renamed and used as something else.  There will be the internet cafĂ© to show him and the University for Foreigners where she turned up promptly at 9:00 on the Monday after the murder to write about going shopping with Mom.

She can take him to the Questura and the Perugia court where she found herself the centre of attention.  She can reenact her 2011 ‘mask of the assassin’ speech which she knows off by heart. 

“Party Rock” will get her dressed up in costume as a cat burglar ‘for a laugh’ and the pair will fool around on the steps of the cathedral pretending to be a pair of teenagers.

Then she will address the law student crowd at Modena, who are there out of curiosity, or simply because they need the CPD credit towards their course, with a carefully rehearsed performance, wearing a frumpy lawyer’s outfit (as she imagines it) with floral frilly blouse, pausing meaningfully at quips, giving the audience a cue to laugh or applaud. 

There’ll be a wobble of her chin and a tremble in her voice as she recounts how she was smacked around the head and shouted at.  She’ll bring up the sex card.  She was the vulnerable female who was persecuted by the Italians for being a female who enjoyed promiscuous sex. 

She’ll avoid mentioning Guede and certainly mention Patrick not at all.

Questions from the audience will be carefully selected.  She will explain her conviction as being police not understanding young romantic love between her and Raff (pause for girlish giggles) and the big bad prosecutor bullying her into accusing her boss of the murder

The pair will have an outing to the Austrian border to enjoy the time in 2012 Raff tried to jump bail there.  Knox will have brought her Little Red Riding Hood outfit, and she and Chris will enact her being Mez and him being the Big Bad Wolf and post it to instagram.

Posted by KrissyG on 06/07/19 at 01:49 PM | #

A tip for Italian readers.

KrissyG’s satiric comment is par for the course in Knox presentations in the United States. This is a familiar act she has evolved over more than a decade, and it still sucks in a few people in support of her. In such arenas there is no fact-checking - as in the Netflix report offered online globally she can lie incessantly with no push-back.

Trashing Italy pays really, really well for her.

The typical fee demanded is $10,000, we found out from a speaker’s bureau, plus all costs, and Knox is quite capable of pulling in $100,000 a year for doing this and little else. She may not have made the full $4 million for her book as sales were way below expected but she is presumed to have got at least half of that.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/07/19 at 08:47 PM | #
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