Friday, June 12, 2009

Trial: CNN Reports Defendant Claimed Questioned While On Drugs

Posted by Peter Quennell

Click above for the report by CNN Rome’s Hada Messia.


Know was waiting around for up to 10 hours at the police station (cartwheels,etc.) having voluntarily accompanied Sollecito to his police questioning. So when does she say she got high for her questioning which began immediately after Sollecito. Funny how whatever drugs she says she took didn’t interfere with her cartwheels. Compulsive lying is the currency of sociopathic behavior.


Posted by jennifer on 06/12/09 at 05:40 PM | #

Perhaps she indulged in a few puffs in the loo? If Sollecitto was arrogant enough to march into a police interview with a flickknife in his pocket…

Posted by mimi on 06/12/09 at 11:07 PM | #

I just don’t buy that they got loaded to go to the police station. Anyway,I thought she said she was doing her homework? High?

Posted by bucketoftea on 06/13/09 at 01:44 AM | #

CNN now seem to be saying that the drug-taking was claimed to have happened earlier. Testimony today seems to have confused a few people in and around the court who thought they had a good grasp of the case.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/13/09 at 02:07 AM | #


You might actually be more right than you know!!.

I just spent the night listening to the audio of all yesterday’s hearing (Link on PMF)

A phone intercept played was from knox to Filomena, when knox called from ‘next to the lift’ in the police station on 5th Nov.

The defense played it to show that Knox and Filomena were ‘still buddies’ at that point. Knox spoke poor Italian then. However, to me she does sound stoned; slurring words, not just struggling for the right words. I’d be interested to hear what others think.

The phone conversation is played towards the end of the day.

I’ve posted some other stuff I’ve not seen reported anywhere on PMF.

Posted by Kevin on 06/13/09 at 10:15 AM | #

I guess the point of the defendant testifying is not to introduce new evidence, but to persuade the jury of sincerity by speaking directly. Unfortunately Amanda’s testimony is par for the course, she throws in stuff not mentioned before, and her story is either true but points to very strange behaviour, or is a rather poor lie. Really, who takes drugs then voluntarily attends a police station and takes homework?

Of course, strange behaviour or even mental deficiency is not evidence of guilt, but if she is trying to paint a picture of an innocent in the wrong place at the wrong time it’s not working.

I think if I was a juror I would simply discount all her testimony.

Posted by bobc on 06/13/09 at 12:15 PM | #
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