Tuesday, June 30, 2009

University Of Washington Daily Continues To Not Get It Right

Posted by Peter Quennell

An unbroken record of mediocre reporting.

Facts wrong, opinions biased, and of course U-W students by the thousands misled. Consider the two latest efforts by these wonderful U-W Journalism majors.

These are really our future news professionals? No wonder the blogs are taking over.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/30/09 at 07:07 PM in News media & moviesMore hoaxers


I read Rachel’s synopsis of the Italian Justice system. The way she put it, I like the Italian Court system. I like the fact that it is majority vote, and I really like the fact that two judges also sit on that Panel. That is two professional jurors. I think we should have professional juror’s in some respect. Our system in the U.S. has evolved to such a degree that the defense lawyers try to get the least of us to sit on a jury. Hence, trying to get guilty people free. The fact that there are two judges on the jury is a great thing. To them, DNA is DNA. Not, “It was contaminated.” But, they could also have the mindset of a defense attorney. But I think having judges as part of the jury is a great thing.

Posted by kredsox on 06/30/09 at 09:15 PM | #

Hi kredsox. We believe you are spot-on as far as this jury of six and the four alternates is concerned. They are a highly educated lot, and their watchfulness and detachment comes across repeatedly in the many court photos that include them.

This by the way is one of the payoffs of the Friday-Saturday sessions of the court. Assuming that most of them would normally work Fridays but not Saturdays, they have been asked to give only about three work-days a month - for which they are well-paid of course.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/30/09 at 09:58 PM | #

By the way our University of Washington readers might be interested in this post and thread touching in part on U-W’s role.

As some of the comments there indicate, it seems to remain controversial as to whether U-W could have provided Amanda Knox with a more formal and financially secure structure for her stay in Perugia.

Does official U-W have a covert vested interest in The U-W Daily taking the editorial line it does on the case? Blaming Italy would sure seem to beat blaming U-W as the lawyers have probably noticed.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/30/09 at 10:06 PM | #

I am certain the authors Solomon and Krell are deans list students just like Amanda and seem to be well on their way to a stellar career of biased journalism for the American media gravy train.

How much research could have been done by either?

Seriously,these reporters (Woodward and Bernstein they are not) certainly have an hours time and a computer that would certainly provide them with a wider view of what is ACTUALLY taking place in Italy.

Posted by fotomat on 06/30/09 at 11:21 PM | #

From the TimesOnline Nov.8 2007
[Note the comments from her former friend, Colin Gregg, about how she had changed after entering the UW]:

Amanda Knox posted short stories on her MySpace page about drugging and raping a young woman and photographing a woman in bed without her knowledge.

The page, on which she is known as “Foxy Knoxy”, is filled with photographs of Ms Knox with her friends and accounts of her trips in Europe. It also states that she is single even though she had been going out with her fellow suspect, Raffaele Sollecito. In one story, called Baby Brother, two brothers discuss the rape.

Colin Gregg, a former friend who once took Ms Knox to the school prom, told The Times that she had changed radically after leaving school.

“The Amanda I knew at prep would never have done such a thing, but in the three years between when I last saw her there and when I saw her at university she changed so much that I cannot honestly say one way or another what I believe she could or could not do.”...

Did Rachel Solomon write the latest PR spew or did Cris Mellas and the Seattle PR firm write it for her.

Posted by jennifer on 07/01/09 at 07:52 AM | #
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