Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Why Guede’s Ex-Lawyers Really Bailed On Him? The Italian Perception
Posted by Peter Quennell
Way too much is being made of this in the US in a wrong way.
Biscotti and Gentile of Perugia are not Italy’s winningest team. They have had precisely two cases of national significance in Italy. And both of their clients are serving long terms in prison.
- Rudy Guede is serving 16 years in Viterbo Prison awarded by the Perugia court and confirmed by Cassation and another three years awarded by the Milan court for stolen property.
- Salvatore Parolisi (seen above with the lawyers) was sentenced to 20 years for killing his wife Melania Rea with 35 stab wounds, and is appealing for a sentence reduction (really).
We posted a lot on Melania’s case starting even before it was clear that her soldier-husband killed her, in a very elaborate premeditated staging so he could continue life with his girlfriend.
Salvatore and Melania had a little daughter. Melania’s parents not only washed their hands of him after initially defending him, believing his tale that he was innocent.
They ran a blowtorch of a media campaign against him, the sort of thing Knox & Sollecito escaped, and for a while there he was the most hated man in Italy.
To their considerable credit, Biscotti and Gentile do accept to try to defend these low-income clients. But their fees cannot be remotely like those of the Sollecito and Knox teams.
And they do need to win some cases, and to attract more cases, and it is hard to see how they can help Guede to win anything at all in the law courts.
In fact, they never have won anything, ever, for Guede.
He chose the short-form trial in Perugia and the sentence was eventually set by Judge Massei at 16 years under the formula. The three years he was awarded in Milan was to code also.
Ten to one against this, but if the Sollecitos DO sue Rudy Guede as they are threatening for fingering RS as one of Meredith’s killers he is likely to spill the beans entirely.
That wont require any lawyers.
Biscotti and Gentile handed this one on a plate to the US. The timing was bad and I have seen intimations that they’ve left him because he went on RAI against their wishes, also that Guede received the news from others, rather than face to face, denoting a rift. I don’t imagine Biscotti and Gentile acted knowingly, they’re just getting on with building a livelihood, and it certainly doesn’t add anything to reaching any truths about Meredith’s murder. It’s just a shame if it detracts the public from Guede’s core message.
What is Guede’s core message?
Hi John
Franceso Sollecito and Giulia Bongiorno had been characterizing the bottom line of the Marasca-Bruno Report in a very odd way, as if they had read it wrong (if at all).
So how about, as Hopeful posted on the thread below: “Guede points to Marasca/Bruno report which concludes that Raffaele and Amanda were at the cottage on night of murder. Guede says wake up, the Supreme Court mentions AK and RS, no other names as my suspected accomplices.”
Thus provoking the Sollecitos to sue.
There was no other way the tainted but damning Marasca-Bruno report could ever cause an investigation of the trial process and two suspect courts by state attorneys.
In a civil suit the state can go some places it cannot go.in a prosecution, such as the conflicting and damning RS and AK statements not allowed by the trial courts.
Much in focus will be what Judges Matteini, Ricciarelli, Gemmli and Micheli said in 2007-2008 and they were very sharp on the evidence and hard on the psychology.
Maybe also in focus: the Hellmann and Marasca/Bruno courts.
Guede’s core message, JohnQ, is that he didn’t kill Meredith, and those who are guilty are walking free.
Right on Pete and Ergon, that’s what I meant but I’m open to any alternative views. I’m looking at the PMF for Guede’s interview with subtitles - not convinced up to press, but surely the point is that it’s an opening to more in-depth thoughts, available on this site in spadefuls.
I asked my partner for his immediate views as someone who has no real views about this case, just a shadow outline on the people involved and the judicial outcomes. His response off the cuff - Maybe you should look ABOVE the radar, since the movers and shakers seem to be operating from their own private cloud. The perspective of Steven Lukes occurs to me when he writes of his “Radical View of Power”. A beautiful woman was slaughtered in her prime. However, as long as judicial hierarchies conclude in their chambers in collusion with their powerful cohorts, feathers will remain unruffled. It seems that Meredith’s death was ‘inconvenient’ to some, but what does that say for humanity. Invisible buttons have pressed notional buttons. Justice, what’s that got to do with it’.
Radar Online has picked up the Rudy interview. Radar headline is “Rudy Guede claims he is a Scapegoat and Accuses Exonerated Amanda Knox of Murder”. Radar includes the entire interview by RAI and credits Eric Paroissien of perugiamurderfile.net as translator.
In hot pink letters Radar directs online readers to the video of Rudy’s interview. The headline: “Amanda Knox Co-defendant Rudy Guede Fights Back—Interview with English Subtitles.”
Also True Crimes Podcasts has something.
January 31, 2016
Breaking News
Rudy Guede has asked two teams of lawyers in Rome and Viterbo who volunteered their services to file a request for review of the process that convicted him. While some supporters of Amanda Knox seem to think his recent interview pledges he respects the sentence he says no such thing.
If the Giordano Supreme Court found he murdered in conjunction with others (by implication Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, how come the others are walking free?
Make no mistake: by calling for a review of his conviction, it strengthens the hand of any other parties who might call for a review of the Knox/Sollecito acquittal 😊
Stay tuned for further revelations.
Sources: http://www.ilmessaggero.it/umbria/rudy_guede_mandato_ai_nuovi_avvocati_revisione_processo-1525178.html - Il Messagero
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1011315475607844&id=1004420932963965 -Rudy Guede Facebook
European Court
Julia Smith, Edda Knox confidant and serial plagiarizer of our translations, claims that “word on the street is the ECtHR has accepted Knox’s appeal”.
So I checked with the Press Office:
“I am enquiring re the case of Knox v. Italy application no. 76577/13 which was lodged with the Court on 24 November 2013. Has a ruling re: admissibility been issued? I have been unable to locate its status on the HUDOC database.”
Prompt reply:
Dear Naseer,
Thank you for your email.
The case in question will be examined by the Court in due time. No decision has been taken as to its admissibility so far.
With best wishes,
ECHR – Press Unit
Great work Ergon.
More on the Guede front from Italy when we hear. The claim of ROME lawyers is a big deal if it holds. Cassation cases are not easy and some lawyers specialize in those.
If they are smart they will pursue the argument that the Fifth Chambers broke two laws. That could render the 2015 verdict null and void. They should also be made aware of this:
Thx. Julia Smith claims it was Chris Mellas who told her that whopper about Knox’s appeal being accepted by ECtHR
TheWizard1999 â€@the_wizard1999 3h3 hours ago
@giufuliafa @Jay7r @Machiavelli_Aki ‘Buzz on the Street’ was it a wasp that told you this!!
Julia Smith
@the_wizard1999 @Jay7r @Machiavelli_Aki “If the wasp was named Chris Mellas, sure.”
Desperation setting in?
Its just not eligible. We had some very good posts. Knox PROVABLY lied about her “interrogation”.
The Fifth Chambers actually made quite sure that no ECHR appeal would succeed. The Knox team tried to delay the Marasca-Bruno ruling, but that was swept aside.
There are at least twenty in Italy who could claim that the dangerous serial defamer Knox trampled on their human rights.
Julia Smith is one of those odd characters who attempt to attach themselves to cases by being more outrageous, or acting completely bizarrely. Most definitely a sycophant in the sense she herself sees Knox as important.
For many years Smith just wanted any acknowledgement at all by Knox. If it meant plagiarising Italian translations, then so be it, it got her some form of recognition. If it meant harassing Ms Kerchers family on social media, then so be it. At times even some of the hardcore supporters of Knox (supporters that were/are in fact recognised, unlike Smith, by Knox), told her to back down.
It’s all very embarrassing for other supporters of Knox when they see the barely out of her teens Smith make a complete fool of herself.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Knox’s Unsound Appeal To The European Court Of Human Rights Slapped Down By Cassation
Or to previous entry Is Francesco Sollecito Forced Into Legal Aggression Anti-Guede Which Could Rebound?