Thursday, March 11, 2010
CBS Producer of Most Biased Perugia-Case Reports Pleads Guilty To An Unrelated Crime
Posted by The Machine
CBS 48 Hours producer Joe Halderman plead not guilty just a few months ago to a blackmail attempt against a popular late-night comedian.
Yesterday, as the report above shows, Joe Halderman really changed his tune.
He now pleads guilty as charged - and he is apparently very relieved to be receiving only 4 to 6 months behind bars, a fine, and community service.
Slimy ethics at play. Not to mention criminal behavior, and a nasty intent to hurt others.
Unsurprising, really, that he worked for 48 Hours.
The CBS production team of Halderman, Longhini and Ely Hulse have tried very hard for two years to sell the American public on the fiction of an innocent Amercian girl being railroaded by corrupt and incompetent foreigners.
The CBS documentaries on Perugia have been exceptionally biased and xenophobic, worse even than those of ABC, highly one-sided, pandering to the Knox family, ignoring of Meredith as the real victim, and absolutely riddled with factual errors.
In particular the CBS team went to town on Prosecutor Mignini, having Doug Preston in his predictably shrill and cowardly manner rant on at great length about him.
This has all been documented here on TJMK.
CBS have never apologized for their anti-victim bias, or their sliming of Italy and the official participants, or their misrepresenting of even the most basic of facts. And now in an example of real poetic justice, one of their lead producers is a convicted criminal, and he has to spend 4 to 6 months behind bars.
We hope that Halderman reflects on his crimes against the trusting American public while inside, as well as his bizarre crime against a CBS colleague.
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The funny thing is that if Joe Halderman was convicted in Italy to 6 months of prison, he would have spent not even one day in jail. In fact, if you are convicted in Italy, and your sentence is less than 3 years, you will never physically enter prison. And even if you are sentenced to 3 years and one day, you will be out on parole after less than a year.
Next time you decide to commit a crime, Mr. Halderman, do it in Italy.
This reminds me of nothing more than a comedy sketch that was on Dave Chappelle’s show, I believe, in which the white-collar criminals and the ghetto criminals exchange places. I.e., the white-collar criminals get roughed up, yelled at, and only get public defenders, while the judge throws the book at them. In contrast, the (mainly black, he can it because he’s Chappelle) ghetto criminals (petty drug dealers, thugs, etc.) get really great lawyers, lots of second chances, sweetheart deals, and community service. If you’ve never seen it, check it out. I think it’s the first or second season of Chappelle—it’s really funny!
Less than 6 months for trying to extort a cool $2 mil. When poor dudes rob a convenience store for $500 and get sent up the river for years. That’s American justice for you! LOL.
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