Friday, April 10, 2009
Rumors In Manhattan About Ludicrously Bad CBS Report
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the CBS promo for a “48 Hours” report this Saturday night.
Early in the case CBS seriously shot itself in the foot. Now Manhattan lawyers and media people who are following the case are really amused that CBS seems to be about to do it again.
And CBS is said to be very, very nervous at putting itself out on such a limb. The best report by a US network so far would have to be that put together by NBC. And the worst report by a US network so far would have to be that put together by CBS.
The previous CBS report was confused on many of the basic facts of the case. And CBS tried to trash a key witness who gave some very convincing testimony a few weeks ago.
The apparent mainstays of this new report? The old chestnuts again. Prosecutor Mignini is REALLY evil! And Amanda Knox was somehow coerced into fingering Lumumba - and that in the course of a 14-hour interrrogation.
Talk about time-warp.
Not only have the claimed hitting of Knox and the endless interrogation already been discredited at trial by a number of witnesses. But the “evil” prosecutor has initiated an investigation into whether she committed slander against the interrogators.
More after the CBS broadcast. This should be most interesting.
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