The Kerchers’ Hometown Paper Profiles Our Site
This story has just been posted on the Croydon Guardian website.
Thank you, Croydon Guardian of south London. We are honored that this first media mention was right there where Meredith’s family lives.
And where the great sadness and loss and sense of wrong we also feel lingers on.
The one amendment we might offer to the story is this. We don’t see a conspiracy of the media to misreport as such.
But we do think there was something of a herd-mentality media rush-to-judgment here that was pretty light on the facts.
And that some misreporting continues, right up to today. Just scroll down below and you will see it.
The tide seems to be turning, though, and a rebalancing of the coverage is perhaps now in progress.
Meredith was the real victim here. And her much-suffering family in south London. The last media holdouts should take note.
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I ‘m so happy to see this! And I believe this is just the beginning… Fast Pete, you’ve been doing a truly amazing job.A huge thank from Nicki-Italy
Nicki, Skeptical Bystander, Michael and the others who show appreciation here are in fact the real long-distance runners, in this campaign for justice for Meredith and respect for her memory.
I only picked up the baton in a small way in July, after Kermit’s compelling visual arguments drove me to Perugia, where the presence you feel everywhere in that special town of Meredith REALLY took over.
The drive of The Machine, both in posting here and in working the friendly (and unfriendly!) media, has been realy awesome to behold. Guy must be a New Yorker or something…
And some really compelling bits of works by Nicki and some others will be in front of all of us here in the next few days.
And if any of the Kerchers do happen to come by: we love you.
People here really ache for your loss. On this site and the forum.
And around New York. Our largest readership in the US is right here.
Great job! I just posted a comment to the Croydon Guardian, correcting the statements that this is a “conspiracy theory” website (as in media conspiracy) and that it claims to know the truth. I don’t think anyone who contributes to this site has ever claimed to know the one and only truth of what happened to Meredith Kercher. On the other hand, all of us are interested in learning the truth and ensuring true justice for Meredith Kercher.
Thank you Fast Pete for all your effort in seeking true justice for Meredith Kercher. Kermit’s powerpoints are amazing.
Great work, Well done!
Great Job Pete!
The only sour taste in the mouth? It would seem…can you believe it…Frank of Perugia Shock has now banned linking to the Croydon Guardian…he has banned Meredith’s hometown newspaper from his site!!! What a mistake!
So. Shall we give it an A grade?
A slightly quirky piece, but well-meaning and honestly intended, and it made me laugh. Skep corrected the one mistake in it that might have mattered.
It raised our profile in an area that mattered, we had our share of south Londoners checking out the site today, and it ticked off Frank and presumably Candace.
If that isnt an A grade, then I dont know what is!
I’m surprised at Michael’s surprise, frankly… just kidding! This not-for-profit site is making a serious effort to review and critique all media interests related to this case. That is bound to ruffle some feathers.
As for the PI reader blog, Candace Dempsey continues to assert, wrongly, that this not-for-profit site dedicated to justice for Meredith Kercher violates copyright law, and that this - alas, poor Yorrick - is why she cannot link to it. Pete, I believe you have already provided a clear explanation as to why this is not the case. Perhaps you need to contact Ms. Dempsey directly so that she does not continue to misinform her readers on this point.
Hmmm. I wonder. Do we really want any links from that for-profit blog? Making money out of bashing the victim?
We gave the blog an F rating then, for its perpetual anti-victim bias and its extreme callousness. And a recent glance suggests we won’t be upgrading it any time soon.
And for copyright reasons also, we may not want links. Here’s part of a 10 October comment on the PMF forum on that subject:
First, news shots usually have a premium commercial shelf-life of only a few hours, and it is the commercial newspapers and magazines which pay the big bucks, and then only for the high-resolution shots. If the providers want copyright to apply and a fee for their use, they always say so - often right there on the shot itself. Copyright is never applied to the sample images under 100,000 bytes widely used on the web.
Second, look around the blogosphere. There are literally thousands of shots reposted daily on blogs. Go look at Google Images, where there are millions. See ANYONE worrying? These days, anyone can use shots from sites everywhere, certainly for a not-for-profit blog like ours, without any fear. Nobody is going to start suing all the blogs, and certainly not the not-for-profit blogs. Companies do not want to waste money and goodwill, and risk the almost sure chance they’ll lose, suing the not-for-profits, period.
Third, having said all that, Dempsey actually has no clue where we get the shots for TJMK or whether we pay for them, and she should perhaps be careful about those “illegal” accusations. I’m very experienced in this area and I have been reposting shots for years. I know people in Reuters etc etc here in NYC and it is easy for me to get all the shots and okays I ever need, and easy for me to pay whatever they want for them. And we specifically DONT claim copyright. Please see the statement in the TJMK footer saying that.
Fourth, Dempsey and Frank DO seem to us to have a need to take care of what material they post on their own blogs. Their status is entirely different.
Nobody would mistake Dempsey’s blog for a not-for-profit: it is posted on a Hearst corporate website, and there are online ads appearing right alongside it. And this appears at the bottom of all posts: “Copyright 2008 by Candace Dempsey. All rights reserved.” That is pretty unusual on any blog, and it strongly limits her right to reproduce copyright material that she takes from others…
We may soon be posting an open letter to the Hearst Corporation on illegal copyright use. They are going to LOVE that.
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