Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Forum On The Meredith Kercher Case

Posted by Peter Quennell

A new Meredith-case forum opens for discussion today: PMF dot Org . 

This one continues the heavy lifting on the case of a very informed, watchful, and caring group which populated the Steve-Huff-hosted forums for nearly a year.

Moderators are Skeptical Bystander and Michael, two of the most dedicated moderators you will find on any forum.  Real survivors, too!

Added in 2016

PMF dot Org went private and then quiet after the Marasca-Bruno verdict late in 2015. Some posters moved to PMF dot Net and some called it quits.

Much of the translation that TJMK and the Wiki still carry was done by members of that PMF dot Org group. We immensely appreciate their past help.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 09/29/08 at 02:53 PM in

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