Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Andrea Vogt’s Interview With Meredith’s Family In The First Post
Posted by Peter Quennell
Click above for the interview with Arline, Stephanie and Lyle in Perugia yesterday morning.
They miss the most ordinary things - the way she used to come dancing into the living room or rugby tackle her brother… her quick-witted sense of humour.
“It’s so sad. At the age she was killed, there was still so much ahead. We had so many laughs and good times ahead that we will never have.”
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Wow. #nancyGracehln calls #amandaknox acquittal a miscarriage of justice: http://usat.ly/qheHWV Interesting.
This was a copy paste of BN tweet. I like a lot Nancy G, here she shows again she is not afraid of tell what she thinks althought it could harm her competition in Dancin with the stars
Congratulations to Vogt and Nadeau for retaining their professionalism throughout this story despite what must have seemed like being buried alive by the ethically challenged misinformation packagers for Knox.
Anyone know what’s to prevent the independent testing of the low count DNA now by truly independent experts.
Jen in Seattle
“Anyone know what’s to prevent the independent testing of the low count DNA now by truly independent experts.”
I’ve been wondering the same thing, Jen.
“ethically challenged misinformation packagers for Knox”
Great line Jennifer!
Yesterday, I sent the Kerchers white roses in memory of their beautiful daughter. I told them that many people are holding them in their hearts today and everyday.
You can send them to their minister.
c/o Reverend Colin Boswell Croydon Minster, Church Street Croydon United Kingdom, Croydon, United Kingdom-CR0 1RN
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry John Kercher’s Book “Meredith” To Be Published By The Second Largest Publishing Group In The World
Or to previous entry Barbie Nadeau’s Interview With Meredith’s Family In The Daily Beast