Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Invitation To Nominate Musical Videos On The Fifth Anniversary Of Meredith’s Passing

Posted by Our Main Posters

Above: the Kristian Leontiou musical video “Some Say” featuring Meredith which we first posted 40 months ago,

The first of November is the fifth anniversary. Nominations of any new videos for our Memorial Videos page would be welcome, perhaps with a few words to her family explaining why Meredith’s memory still moves you.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 10/31/12 at 12:52 PM in

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Thank you, Pete, for all you do and have done for Meredith these past five years. (And I know you’re dealing with your own problems due to Hurricane Sandy right now!)

Right now, I’m just remembering Meredith’s last Halloween, five years ago, also a Wednesday like today. I know we’re all thinking of her with sadness. I’ll try and get back to you with one or two video suggestions later today.

Posted by Earthling on 10/31/12 at 10:32 PM | #

As both TJMK and PMF sites have shown along with the entire world Meredith Kercher will never be forgotten.

Meredith Kercher remains forever in our thoughts and further exemplifying this are recent comments made from Mayor of Perugia, Vladimiro Boccali and the city of Perugia.

Posted by True North on 10/31/12 at 11:31 PM | #

Here’s my choice for a song to honor Meredith this day five years out from her incalculable loss: Danny Boy as sung by Harry Belafonte.

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountainside
The summer’s gone, and all the roses falling
It’s you, it’s you, must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow
And when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
It’s I’ll be here, in sunshine or in shadows -
Oh Danny boy, ah Danny boy, I’ll miss you so…

But if you fall, as all the flowers are dying
And you are dead, as dead you well may be
I’ll come and find the place where you are lying
And kneel and say an ‘Ave’ there for thee.

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow
Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow
It’s I’ll be here, in sunshine or in shadows…
Oh Danny boy, ah Danny boy, I love you so!

Posted by Earthling on 11/01/12 at 09:55 AM | #

I cannot think of any appropriate video but Meredith is in my thoughts and prayers for sure. I will light a candle for her tonight and pray that justice is done. Rest in peace, Meredith, we will never ever forget you.

Posted by Sara on 11/01/12 at 12:55 PM | #

I am father to 2 ‘stars’, both girls. They were at university at the time of Merediths senseless murder. One could be mistaken for Meredith, the same skin colour, eyes, hair, figure etc. She graduated with a degree in law.(very proud) My other girl graduated in dramatic arts. She sings opera, dances, plays musical instruments etc.
Merediths murder stirred so many anxieties and anger within me at the time.
I would like to nominate ‘You’ll never walk alone’ by Gerry and the Pacemakers. Appropriately, this song was chosen by the Hilsboro Families Fight for Justice in their campaign for the truth to be known. Although much maligned, they never gave up and it is only by their persistence that we know of the unpalatable cover-up that occurred.

Posted by starsdad on 11/01/12 at 05:41 PM | #

This is an old favourite on TJMK, but as poignant as ever:

Posted by The Machine on 11/01/12 at 07:00 PM | #

A beautiful piece for a beautiful girl.

Posted by Sian on 11/01/12 at 07:56 PM | #

I´d like to suggest this one:

Posted by aethelred23 on 11/03/12 at 12:29 AM | #

Thanks a lot for these great suggestions, and also for some more in Italian submitted by email. We will post them all tonight or tomorrow and also a roundup of all the many kind media mentions of Meredith this week.

Apologies to those who offered these suggestions for the delay, we still have a very demanding situation in New York which still has some of our main posters and readers maybe days away from normal.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 11/04/12 at 11:53 PM | #
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