Wednesday, November 11, 2009
LA7 TV’s Documentary On Meredith’s Case #3 The English Segments
Posted by Nicki
Below: Very moving scene from Meredith’s funeral, as her coffin is brought to Croydon Parish Church
Below: Croydon Parish Church (St John the Baptist) where 400 attended Meredith’s funeral mid-Dec 2007
Below: Reverend Colin Boswell conducted Meredith’s funeral service, and tells of pain at its long delay
“It was a very sad day, sad because of her horrible death, for the pain her family were experiencing at that time - pain they are still feeling right now. The family had to wait for six weeks before they could bury her, she was only 21 years old. Her family showed great strength and courage. We gathered together here in the church. There were many friends from school, teachers, university companions, friends, neighbours. We tried to play down our sadness as much as we could, to reflect upon the goodness of her life, her beauty; trying thus to concentrate on the positive characteristics of Meredith and of her existence which we had shared.”
Below: One of several shots of the Kercher family in Perugia, their only direct presences here
Stephanie: “Mez was so important for so many people for her spontaneous, smiling and altruistic personality. We are trying to understand with great difficulty why she was taken away in such a cruel way.”
Below: Several images of Meredith appear late - documentary could have used fresh images in first part
Below: Image from a segment on Meredith’s starring in a music video, linked at top-right here
Below: One of many intensely moving segments on Meredith’s Perugia friend Samantha Rodenhurst
“I’d only known her for five weeks, but when you are in a foreign land, you become friends very quickly. You depend on each other for so many things, emotional support, language support, advice, information. We became close rather quickly, even though we didn’t ever have the opportunity to know more about each other’s pasts. I think at first she reminded me of the friends I used to have at home… In fact we became good friends at once.”
Below: Start of a long segment on University of Leeds where Meredith’s activities were described
Below: One of various scenes at the University tending to show women students Meredith’s age
Below: First of four university students unhappy at protracted process and poor media coverage
Yes especially in the beginning it was talked about a lot. But now it’s almost disappeared. I don’t think it was excessive; I think the media concentrated just on some aspects, just the ones they thought would make interesting news, like the war in Afghanistan, the news which create a sensation they keep showing. But probably they don’t report the whole story. I think that in the case of Meredith they concentrated on just a few things exaggerating them, leaving out others. And now, for the family, it’s been going on for too long. They’re going back over the same things.
Below: Second of four university students unhappy at protracted process and poor media coverage
She is remembered here. Services have been held and there is a memorial to her. There is much sadness.
Below: Third of four university students unhappy at protracted process and poor media coverage
It’s think that for the family it’s been going on for far too long. The media can’t just talk about it the same way they did in the beginning.
Below: Fourth of four university students unhappy at protracted process and poor media coverage
Our media pass very quickly from one thing to another. Sometimes they are very mistaken: perhaps they don’t give some things the attention and depth that they really deserve.
Below: Another intensely moving segment on Meredith’s Perugia friend Samantha Rodenhurst
“Horrible - it was a horrible, terrifying moment. I was in a complete state of shock I couldn’t feel anything - I think that when you are in such a state it’s almost impossible to feel anything. I didn’t cry much that evening; I was in too much shock. I couldn’t do anything.”
“After the funeral service, we planted a tree at the school: a symbolic place where people can come to remember her and pray for her.”
Below: Storefront sign in Coulsdon, Croydon, in south London where Meredith lived till she was 18
Below: Wider shot of Coulsdon, Croydon, in south London where Meredith lived till she was 18
Below: A cafe in Coulsdon, Croydon, in south London where Meredith often ate out
Below: The owner of the cafe describes often serving Meredith cheeseburgers and chips
She was always a very striking girl - a very beautiful girl. Now it’s a been quite a while, because she went off to college. She used to come here once a week, sometimes with her family. She would order a cheeseburger with chips and a milkshake.
Below: The newsroom of the Croydon Guardian which has provided the best coverage in the UK
Below: Croydon Guardian reporter Kirsty Whalley who we have praised here for her outstanding articles
“Meredith’s background is solid, very proper middle-upper class. She was a girl from a very good family. Meredith’s family is reserved and their friends are acting according to the family’s wishes: no publicity. The family was surprised by the number of people attending the funeral, friends, neighbors, and former classmates. They like to remember her happy smile, because she was a happy person. She went to Croydon Old Palace School, very exclusive, prestigious and very expensive, where she made many friends. She loved to write and loved the media; and certainly she wanted to travel and to have experiences of new places. Her brother gave an address in her honour in which he said he wanted to always remember her so jovial, happy, always ready to make people laugh; that he wanted to remember her smile.”
Below: The entrance to the church, Croydon Parish (St John the Baptist) where Meredith’s funeral was held
Below: The floral arrangement at the funeral of Meredith (Mez) put together by her friends
Below: One of the several intensely moving images of the cemetery where Meredith hopefully lies in peace
Below: Another of several intensely moving images of the cemetery where Meredith hopefully lies in peace
Below: The final of many images of Meredith in the documentary which rises to linger in full-screen
Below: Three images of the conclusion of the dcumentary, for which a translation is provided above
Merdith Kercher was killed in Peruga on 1 November 2007. Amanda Knox e Raffaele Sollecito were arrested on November 6th 2007. They have been charged with voluntary murder and sexual violence.
The verdict of the Court of Cassazione is expected by December 2009. The Ivorian citizen Rudy Guede has already been sentenced to 30 years by the GUP of Perugia in a fast track trial.
Patrick Lumumba, accused by Amanda Knox, was cleared of all charges after two weeks of detention in the Perugia jail.
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Nicki, thanks so much for taking the time to make the translations and post them here! I wish they would produce such a program here in the U.S. and remind us all of the true victim here, Meredith Kercher.
Do you happen to know what they ask the minister at the end of the documentary and what his response is? You have a translation of his initial comments but not of his final ones. Thank you again!
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Meredith’s Perugia #20: The Old City In A Wistful, Perhaps Might-Have-Been Mood
Or to previous entry Two Years Since Meredith Was Taken From her Family And A World In Need Of Her