Sunday, December 27, 2009
Meredith’s House Sees Some Seasonal Snow
Posted by Peter Quennell
Rather nice. You can see Meredith’s bedroom window with the amazing views at top-right above there.
Perugia is located in the Appenine mountains which see at least some light snow every winter. Some more images of the Appenines posted here.
Because of intended developments in this area the house may not remain standing forever. Kermit presented us with an intriguing analysis of why the house is the way it is.
It’s quite moving, that out-of-season red rose, down below in the last shot.
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I’d like to think that rose is for Meredith.
I’m with you on that Mo-in-Mass.,USA!
A beautiful winter rose for Meredith’s birthday which is tomorrow, December 28, 2009.
Thanks for the shots Pete!
What lovely winter scenes. And that red rose is just so perfect—what a beauty! Just like the woman we honor here.
Thanks to whoever took these pics—and Pete as well for putting them up!
The rose (pix) gives me a greater incentive to do all I can to help keep Meredith’s memory alive.
I think the rose in the picture stands for the fact that Meredith’s killers are finally where they belong and it’s her way of letting her parents know she can now R.I.P.
Its a beautiful picture and a beautiful sign that she is now at peace.
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