Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meredith’s Neighborhood: Her House From The South
Posted by Peter Quennell
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Shots taken from the street above, and from the parking building above that again. The house is still a crime scene and looks neglected and abandoned.
The house is built at a slightly odd angle, facing too far right, so only Meredith’s window and the balcony look onto the great sweeping hillsides to the north.
You can see the window of Filomena’s room above, through which a burglar may or may not have entered. A mop and pail - though not that mop and pail - can be seen at the entrance.
The boys’ apartment downstairs is reached by way of steps down to the east of the house (last shots). It is down there that mobile-squad cops broke in the door because of blood traces.
The window in those shots is of Laura’s bedroom. The separate structure down there is not complete, and it looks like an old attempt to add a couple of rooms or an apartment.
And see Kermit’s excellent powerpoints on the probable history of the house.
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