Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Meredith’s Neighborhood: Her House From The West
Posted by Peter Quennell
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Mid-summer and the house area is very lush from this angle. The house is surrounded at the front and sides by productive fruit-trees.
Meredith would have seen the beautiful fall colors, but probably not yet these rather bright summer greens.
These shots were taken from the fast circular road outside the city wall that cars use to get to and from the modern town and the railway station to the west.
Directly behind here about 500 meters away is where the two mobile phones were tossed into a garden. Guede and Sollecito both lived behind here and higher up, also about 500 meters away.
The parking building above the house, which Meredith probably crossed to get home that night, is visible here. That is where running footsteps were heard and the four CCTV cameras are located.
And see Kermit’s excellent powerpoints on the probable history of the house.
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