Sunday, December 23, 2012

Meredith’s Perugia #32: The Historical And Cultural Center Of Perugia

Posted by Our Main Posters

Everybody here knows that the center of Perugia is a walled plateau. If you’ve not yet been there, though, it might surprise you how high up it is.

Its great height really explains its existence. Above the mosquitoes and marauding bands. Its great height does not always come out in these videos. At a guess it is 1500 feet up. To get up there involves long fun zig-zaggy climbs up from the railway station area to the west or from the football stadium area to the south.

Hardly anyone arrives from the east or the north. To the east behind the court there is a long rather steep drop down and few roads could be built at the lowest levels. Perugia ends rather abruptly down there.

To the north below the sweeping view from Meredith’s window the two winding roads to the bottom of the deep valley through groves of olive trees and fig trees drop down for a very long time. It is difficult to build on those slopes. Perugia also ends rather abruptly down there.

Perugia is right at the center of the Apennnine mountains, which are slowly sinking and dividing out.  Perugia is strangely protected though. This makes it one of the most original old cities in Italy, one of the few where the tolls from natural forces have always been low and the ancient artistry remains.

Meredith knew all of this long before she got there. It was a place she was bound to love, and would have remained attached to for life.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 12/23/12 at 02:56 PM in

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I am happy to see the two Italian marines back home for the Christmas. Enjoy the holidays with friends and family.

Merry Christmas and a happy new Year to all the friends on forum.

Violence against women in India and Children in the US continue to dominate headlines. Let us hope for peace and pray for forgiveness and promote respect and equality for the world.

Posted by chami on 12/24/12 at 08:38 AM | #

Beautiful video! Thanks for sharing! There’s so much history embedded in those streets, stones, and architecture. Meredith must have been in awe of it!

Posted by Earthling on 12/24/12 at 10:08 AM | #

Merry Christmas! Guess what I just did: I downloaded Kristian Leontiou´s “Some Say” onto my I-pod.

Posted by aethelred23 on 12/24/12 at 05:56 PM | #

Happy Holidays to everyone! Many warm thanks to Peter and to everyone who’s contributed to this board and helped keep Meredith’s memory alive.

Posted by Vivianna on 12/25/12 at 03:18 PM | #

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to everyone. I have been out of the loop for a while but I am back now and looking with optimism towards the future. God Bless each and everyone and keep the faith

Posted by Grahame Rhodes on 12/26/12 at 04:53 PM | #
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