Sunday, November 01, 2009

Meredith’s Perugia #19: A Song As A Tribute To Meredith By Perugian Rodolfo Susta

Posted by Our Main Posters

This is a touching story, which seems appropriate to the day.

Redolfo Susta is a talented and popular songwriter and singer in Perugia with a big heart who was deeply saddened by the loss of the bright promise that was Meredith and the media chicanery that clouded her memory..

As we have done by way of this website, to try to even the balance in Meredith’s favor, Redolfo has done by way of a song which he has repeatedly sung in Perugia. His audiences all know of Meredith, and they in turn have been moved and inspired.

The link to his song “Meredith” is presently at top-center of Rodolfo’s MySpace page and the story of how the song was created is at bottom here (click for “more”)..

He has offered the song either virtually through the web or perhaps in person one day to Meredith’s grieving family.

1) In the original Italian

Sei una stella che va via
Una storia da non dimenticare mai
Dimmi tutto quello che sai
Tutto quello che noi non sapremo mai

Intanto tutti parlano di te
S’insabbiano prove storie intime

Sola giovane libera sempre tanti sogni che
Non possono essere spenti così

La vita segnata da un destino crudele che ...
Segni lasciati in un angolo chiuso e per giunta che ...
Vicino a ricordi bellissimi
Insieme ad amici o nemici e misteri che ...

Ridi nelle foto a compagni che ...
Questi risi non si spegneranno mai

Senti tutta questa ipocrisia
L’umiltà  non rende liberi i presenti

Intanto tutti parlano di te
S’insabbiano prove storie intime

Sola giovane libera sempre tanti sogni che
Non possono essere spenti così

La vita segnata da un destino crudele che ...
Segni lasciati in un angolo chiuso e per giunta che ...
Vicino a ricordi bellissimi
Insieme ad amici o nemici e misteri che ...

Sola giovane libera sempre tanti sogni che
Non possono essere spenti così

La vita segnata da un destino crudele che ...

Tutto quello che non sapremo mai
Tutto quello che non sapremo mai
Tutto quello che non sapremo mai
Tutto quello che non sapremo mai
Tutto quello che non sapremo mai ...

2) Translated into English

You are a star taking leave
A story never to be forgotten
Tell me all you know
All that which we shall never know

Meanwhile they’re all talking about you
Evidence and secret things are covered up

Alone young free, so many endless dreams
Which cannot be extinguished like this

Your life marked with a cruel destiny which ...
Signs left locked in a corner and what’s more ...
Nearby the most beautiful memories
Together with friends or enemies and mysteries which ...

You are laughing in the photos at friends who ...
These laughs will never be extinguished

Just feel all this hypocrisy
Humility doesn’t set those present free

Meanwhile they’re all talking about you
Evidence and secret things are covered up

Alone young free, so many endless dreams
Which cannot be extinguished like this

Your life marked with a cruel destiny which ...
Signs left locked in a corner and what’s more ...
Nearby the most beautiful memories
Together with friends or enemies and mysteries which ...

Alone young free, so many endless dreams
Which cannot be extinguished like this

Your life marked with a cruel destiny which ...

All that which we shall never know
All that which we shall never know
All that which we shall never know
All that which we shall never know
All that which we shall never know ...

3) From Il Giornale dell’Umbria, October 31st 2009


The yearning words of songwriter Susta

The author is a composer who lives in Bastia who wrote the lyrics and the music on the wave of strong emotion.

by Katia Ciancabilla

Perugia - “Sei una stella che va via, una storia da non dimenticare mai…” thus begins the song written by Rodolfo Susta, the young Umbrian rock composer who lives in Bastia. 

The artist, struck by the sad event of the Meredith Kercher case, drew inspiration for the composition of an unpublished song, dedicated in fact to the English student.  The lyrics and the music are extremely beautiful and full of yearning.

How did Susta become a composer?

“My passion for music was born during adolescence.  At that time I was mainly listening to pop-rock, above all Simple Minds, Police, The Cure, Dépêche, Mode and other English and American groups who were the first to make a name for themselves in a way that was quite different from the melodic music of the eighties.

This passion continued over the years.  I was a member of several groups as a guitarist and bass player, until a few years ago I myself started to write the lyrics and the music of my songs.  My first demo was entitled “For a night you are” and was dedicated to the world of women. With that piece I took part in the first performance of my music, called “Future”, and held at Foligno last June, together with other young musicians starting out and personalities famous on the national stage. 

The title of my first work was “Beyond all limits” an eloquent title, aiming to express the idea that the passion for music is above all the limits imposed by everyday difficulties, arising from the many demands of work and family.  It is made up of four pieces, one of which is dedicated to Meredith Kercher.”

Why is the song dedicated to Meredith?

“One evening, while I was trying out a new tune, the news story with the murdered English student as the protagonist was on the television.  I was struck by the joyous images of a young woman who had spent the night of Halloween with her friends, and who was in my town to study.  Above all I was touched by her smile and by the fact that it had been shattered by such a cruel event, indeed by murder.

In those images, the joyful aspect shown in the photos clashed with the series of news items on the investigations which violated her person, which somehow did not respect her private self.”

What impresses Rodolfo Susta and what he describes in his music is the freshness of this girl, appreciating and unlocking her “joie de vivre”.  This is why he will remember her for ever as “alone, young and free,  so many endless dreams which cannot be extinguished like this”.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 11/01/09 at 01:45 AM in The wider contexts

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Just listened to his song on his myspace page - beautiful song for a Beautiful young woman!  God be with the Kerchers especially this week.  My heart and prayers go out to them.

Posted by chira385 on 11/01/09 at 05:51 AM | #

When he sent me a copy of the article translated here, Rodolfo expressed his support for Meredith in these words:
“Per qualsiasi cosa sono disponibile ad aiutare la tua comunità degli amici di Meredith.
Sarebbe il mio sogno, consegnare ai familiari di Meredith la mia canzone, per ricordarla insieme con gioia.
Saluti. Rodolfo”

“I am available to help your community of Meredith’s friends in any way.
It would be my dream to give my song to the members of Meredith’s family, to remember her together, with joy.
Greetings. Rodolfo”

Posted by Tiziano on 11/01/09 at 09:04 PM | #
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