Saturday, January 23, 2010

Meredith’s Perugia #21: We Return To The Amalfi Coast As Meredith Might Very Well Have Done

Posted by Peter Quennell

This truly spectacular shoreline with the pretty villages and great drive along it draws people back again and again.

The Amalfi coast is about three hours from Perugia, two from Rome, and one from Naples. The coast faces south, so it is sunny all day, and all the way along, the main crop is huge yellow lemons - mostly made into a liquer.

We posted still shots here and these now are some great videos.

More places Meredith will never see. How much she could have done in that very promising lifetime…. 

Posted by Peter Quennell on 01/23/10 at 01:51 PM in

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Thank you , Pete. I really enjoyed the little drive and soundtrack.😊

Posted by bucketoftea on 01/23/10 at 03:12 PM | #


Red “Stuart Little” convertible, Amalfi coast, sun and blue Mediterranean, dreams come true. Thanks for music, “Speak Softly, Love”, so tender and romantic. My parakeets heard it and started chirping. Wish I had two wings to fly to Amalfi and splash in the sea.

Posted by Hopeful on 01/23/10 at 10:09 PM | #

Thanks for the lovely videos of the coastline trip. Who wouldn’t want to spend a week traveling in all that beauty? I’m sure Meredith would have gone there many times in her lifetime.

Also thanks for the recent pictures of Perugia’s improvements, such as the Energy Roof and the little red monorail. I really enjoyed those, too!

These spots are all now on my list, whenever I get over to La Italia!!!

Posted by Earthling on 01/24/10 at 04:50 AM | #

Hi All, just wondering have any of you seen where apparently Amanda’s supporters in Seattle are holding a comedy fundraiser in support of her- apparently Meredith’s murder to some people is just a joke - something to laugh at. Clearly not only are Amanda and her parents completely sick but so are their supporters.
Please view the following link

Posted by Paddy5000 on 01/27/10 at 09:33 PM | #

Yes indeed, Paddy5000. It is in very bad taste but I seem to notice that there are more commentaries against it that for it.

It is very distasteful, and many people are upset about it… Some even comment that if you are an American, just kill abroad and the trial will be described as anti-american and you will have supporters to pay for you…

But the Knoxes and Mellases have proved now that good taste is not their way of life!

I am curious to see how it will go. I read that they have sold 75 tickets only so far…

Posted by Patou on 01/27/10 at 09:47 PM | #
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