Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meredith’s Perugia #2: The Lively Side Of The Place That She Never Really Saw

Posted by Peter Quennell

Posted by Peter Quennell on 11/15/08 at 09:00 AM in

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Hi Pete.
I did exchange programs and would have loved loved loved Perugia.  Friends for life, then work, family, time passes, get in touch.  Maybe you talk to every five years or so, when someone gets married, etc.  Maybe more frequent with Facebook!  But memories for a lifetime and an experience which shapes your being.  Then you make a trip and see people again.  It doesn’t matter because it is such a vivacious part of ones life.  Thank you for posting this.  It matters.

Posted by jumpy on 11/15/08 at 11:57 AM | #
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