Sunday, April 01, 2012

Meredith’s Perugia #32: Why Italy Is so Attractive To So Many Smart Students Like Meredith

Posted by Our Main Posters

Over 100 of these for Italy and its various cities are online; some are promotional, some personal, reflecting happy memories; Meredith was there with the EC’s Erasmus scheme.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 04/01/12 at 10:55 PM in

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Finally another one of those nice posts about Meredith I´m always waiting for !  I´m tired of reading about Amanda or Sollecito .

Posted by aethelred23 on 04/02/12 at 02:58 AM | #

Hello Peter,is it true that CBS “journalist” Peter Van Sant said that the Amanda case was a FARSE?  Is it possible?

Posted by Matteo_65 on 04/02/12 at 05:51 PM | #

Hi aethelred23. Agreed. Hopefully we have caused the book projects to wobble and we will see what comes next.  There is a chance that the facts undermine or disrupt them. Publishers and agents can only take limited heat if they have it wrong.

Based on these videos alone, Milano might be my choice. That Italian design is just untouchable. Based on location and ambience and experience of culture and history and food, those hilltop cities (Sienna is another) tale some beating.

If Knox’s parents had insisted she go there via one of these structured programs, Meredith might well be alive and Knox and her family would be way better off. Pity they have zero aptitude for reflection. Not exactly a very bright move.

American universities tightened their study-abroad rules a lot after Knox got herself into such trouble. Back then, she was one of perhaps two percent that turned up with zero structure but still with some loose affiliation to a home university.

Today if she tried to head out on that half-baked basis, there is not a university in America that would want to know her. No grey area left.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 04/02/12 at 06:35 PM | #

Hi Matteo. He really spelled it as “farse”?! we have a post due shortly on the hapless clowns at CBS.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 04/02/12 at 06:36 PM | #

Peter,explain me what you mean:We have a post post due shortly on the hapless clowns at CBS?

Posted by Matteo_65 on 04/03/12 at 02:33 PM | #

Hi Matteo, Peter is saying that he will be posting soon on the foolish people at CBS.

Posted by Melanie on 04/03/12 at 05:29 PM | #

Very poor by CBS. It only takes a few minutes to research the facts to realise the case is most definitely NOT a farce (farse?!). Even the most inept reporter should at least be capable of getting a few facts correct. I suspect some of them are or were on the PR payrole, at least they are helping out with the calúnia charge.

Amanda claims the aggressive questioning turned physical.

“I was hit in the back of the head by one of the police officers who said she was trying to make me - help me remember the truth.”

Posted by Urbanist on 04/04/12 at 10:37 PM | #

We are supposed to not discourage our youth.
This is hard for me though.

Posted by zinnia on 04/05/12 at 07:12 AM | #

I’ve lost all respect for both CBS and ABC news over the last few years.  They used to be well-respected news agencies.  Now they just pander to the public’s sentiments.  CNN isn’t much better.  It’s difficult to find any high-quality and unbiased news anymore.  Usually I just watch public television (PBS).

Posted by believing on 04/06/12 at 07:48 PM | #
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