Sunday, February 08, 2009

Meredith’s Perugia #5: A Very Nice Old City In The Mist

Posted by Peter Quennell


Posted by Peter Quennell on 02/08/09 at 02:00 PM in

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‘Tis a shame.  I was in NYC the other day and saw some college age girls laughing and joking in an animated way as they charged up the street.  I also then thought of Mez and the fact that she will never have this kind of fun anymore.  And still for no discernable reason.

As I then glance at the trial I realize the are many people who have lost their lives, one way or another, in this episode.  The families certainly are being chewed up by this. For what?

Posted by Arnold_Layne on 01/19/09 at 10:02 PM | #

You might have heard this moving and inspirational poem read at a funeral; it certainly seems to me to be appropriate to the memory of Meredith.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die…

Mary Frye (1932)

Posted by Anne on 01/19/09 at 11:14 PM | #


1. Classification of crimes.

*Legal classification. 

All criminal offenses (reati) are divided by the Penal Code (Codice Penale) into two broad categories:

a) delitti, which
are serious offenses and

b) contravvenzioni, which
are less serious offenses. 

The two categories

(The crime categories are described in the second
and third books of the Italian Penal Code entitled, Libro Secondo: Dei Delitti in Particolare and Libro Terzo: Delle Contravvenzioni in Particolare, respectively)

are also used to help to classify special law statutes (drugs, prostitution, weapons, bankruptcy, pollution, hunting, traffic, customs, tax evasion, Military Code in wartime and in peacetime). 

The distinction between delitti and contravvenzioni crimes is based on the seriousness of the crime and on the severity of punishment. 

Although they are both punishable by imprisonment and/or fine, the sentences for delitti are more severe than those for the contravvenzioni. 

For delitti crimes, the penalty is 15 days to 24 years imprisonment, and as much as 30 years or life imprisonment in special cases.

For contravvenzioni crimes, the penalty is 5 days to 3 years imprisonment. 

As a rule, sentences for contravvenzioni are served in different types of prison facilities than those used for delitti.

Fines vary considerably and can amount to 500,000 U. S. Dollars for serious drug offenses. 
(Penal Code, Art.22,23.25).

The Penal Code generally classifies each crime under a specific heading:

a) Crimes against the Nation (delitti contro la personalita` dello
Stato), (for example, espionage, assassination of
the President, armed bands, terrorism).

b) Crimes against public authority (delitti contro
la pubblica amministrazione), (for instance,
corruption, bribery, embezzlement of public
property by an officer).

c) Crimes against judicial authority (delitti
contro l’amministrazione della giustizia), (for
example, Perjury, to suborn a witness).

d) Crimes against religious feelings and against
the feelings of pity towards the dead (delitti
contro il sentimento religioso e contro la pieta`
dei defunti), (profanation of a tomb, offenses
against religion).

e) Crimes against the public order/breach of the
peace (delitti contro l’ordine pubblico), (for
instance, criminal association, particularly of
the mafioso type).

f) Crimes against public safety (delitti contro
l’incolumita` pubblica), (poisoning food, water
and drugs, arson, provoking a railway or air

g) Crimes against public faithfulness (delitti
contro la fede pubblica), (forgery and

h) Crimes against public economy, industry and
commerce (delitti contro l’economia pubblica,
l’industria e il commercio), (commercial fraud).

i) Crimes against public morality (delitti contro
la moralita` pubblica e il buon costume), (rape,
indecent exposure).

j) Crimes against the family (delitti contro la
famiglia), (bigamy, incest).

k) Crimes against the person/violent crimes(delitti contro la persona), (murder, assault, non-ransom kidnapping, defamation).

l) Crimes against property (Delitti contro il
patrimonio), (theft, money laundering, robbery,
extortion, ransom kidnapping).

(The Penal Code considers the violent crimes of robbery, extortion, and ransom kidnapping as property crimes because their main intent is to gain property.)

It seems Knox and Sollecito are being tried under categories: i) k) l)

By Italian law, murder (omicidio) is regulated by articles 575-582, 584-585, and 589 of the Penal Code (Codice Penale).

In detail, according to articles 576 and 577 is punishable with life imprisonment murder committed:

1/ In order to commit another crime, or in order to escape, of favor, or take advantage from another crime (art.61, sect.2);

2/ Against a next of kin (parent or child) and either through insidious means, with premeditation, cruelly, of for futile motives;

3/ By a fugitive in order to escape capture, or in order to acquire means of subsistence;

4/ While raping or sexually assaulting a person (articles 519, 520, 521).

5/ In a cruel way and/or through the use of torture (art.61, sect.1);

6/ For abject and/or futile motives (art.61, sect.4);

7/ Against a next of kin (parent or child);

8/ Through insidious means;

9/ With premeditation.

Cases 1 through 4 (art.576) used to be considered capital murder, and therefore punishable by death by firing squad.

Since 1946, though, death penalty was discontinued in Italy, and death was substituted with life imprisonment.

Sentences for murder under cases 5 through 9 (art.577). instead, are subject to parole or probation.

A person that is serving a life sentence can reach libertà condizionata

Therefore, in detail, according to articles 576 and 577 murder is punishable with life imprisonment when committed 4/ while raping or sexually assaulting a person (articles 519, 520, 521).

Aggravated Circumstances

There are multiple aggravating circumstances in this case and NO MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES AT ALL, based on a finding of guilt.

Posted by Central Scrutinizer on 01/20/09 at 02:52 PM | #

What happened to Perugia MF???

Posted by fotomat on 06/28/09 at 05:52 PM | #

Stunningly beautiful and heart aching artwork. Lovely how the students are walking, the birds seem to humbly bow and the street activity lands you smack amidst the soul of this misty day.  I wish I knew the words from the song which speaks to my heart. 

Truly enchanting!

Posted by Professor Snape on 06/28/09 at 10:21 PM | #

You really wonder how, coming from another part of the world and having this exclusive opportunity to live for a while in such a beautiful place, you can grow in you such horrible hatred, and change the color of the city for ever: with blood.

I do not know to which extend AK and RS are guilty, but I do not have a doubt that they are badly involved and know the whole truth. They are denying peace for Meredith’s family, milking their parents’ savings, with this stupid and enormous lie: It was not us, we weren’t there.

Shame on them, and as sad as it is for their families, they should face the truth.

Beautiful video indeed, I loved the musical choice too!

Posted by Patou on 06/29/09 at 01:34 AM | #

Crimes against the feelings of pity for the dead:
The airing by Telenorba of the Sollecitto-supplied forensic video depicting the murder scene and Meredith’s violated body.
This is an obscenity beyond belief.

Posted by mimi on 06/30/09 at 07:38 AM | #

A heads-up on our next post. With luck, it will be up later today. The largest one we have ever posted on TJMK: a summary of the entire case made by the prosecution.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/30/09 at 06:56 PM | #
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