Thursday, November 01, 2018

RIP Meredith Susanna Cara Kercher 28 December 1985 - 1 November 2007

Posted by Our Main Posters

Posted by Our Main Posters on 11/01/18 at 07:01 AM in

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Meredith, I miss your sweetness in the world. Mwah, a kiss to your memory. The delicate music is best memorial.

Posted by Hopeful on 11/01/18 at 11:11 PM | #

Haven’t been around for a while, my family and I have been dealing with my very ill father, who remains very ill.

I normally light a wee candle to Meredith’s memory each year on the anniversary of her death. This year I missed it but have taken a note in my work diary, phone and IPad (should have all the bases covered!) to do it this year on her birthday instead. A better day all around to do it anyway methinks.

Lovely Meredith; gone but never, ever, forgotten. A life lost that had more worth in its short 21 years on earth than the current cumulative total of the three feral ingrates who took her life from her so cruelly.

Posted by davidmulhern on 12/02/18 at 12:32 PM | #
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