Sunday, November 01, 2009

Those Who Reach Out For Meredith Are Now From 130-Plus Countries

Posted by Our Main Posters

Click above for our readership statistics by country of reader for the past one month


Posted by Our Main Posters on 11/01/09 at 01:46 AM in The wider contexts

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I am not surprised you have so many readers from all over the world. You do a great job and your readers appreciate your unbiased reporting about the case.

Thank you!

Posted by Nell on 11/01/09 at 03:46 PM | #

Thank you Nell.

This might be the most international blog in the world now. We’ve looked around and cant see others with such a distributed audience - most are relatively narrow geographicaly.

We hope that brings some solace to the Kerchers and to Meredith’s friends - John Kercher remarked in Perugia in June that they were drawing strength from Meredith’s worldwide following.

If one intention of the contemptible Knox PR campaign was to disappear Meredith from the public mind and replace her with Knox, as many believe, it sure has failed at that.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 11/01/09 at 05:04 PM | #

Hi Posters!

Being from Washington State, formerly of Seattle, now in Gig Harbor Area, there of course has been the biased coverage brought on by FOA.

Is there any way to break down the statistics for the US by state, or at least Washington?  I would like to know how many of our residents have seen this website and therefore, been able to come to their own conclusions on the guilt of AK and RS.

All the newspaper, tv reports and FOA that claim that AK and RS have been targeted by the Italian Prosecutor concern me.  If that is the only place that most people are getting their information, then it would appear they were railroaded!

Really, until I came across this website, I thought the same thing.  I just could not imagine how someone, seemingly so down to earth, on the Deans’ List, who earned her own money to go to Italy, could be involved.

This web-site has taught me a lot about the Italian legal system. The reason it can take a very long time for a trial, the genius of the courts not having a defendant swear to “Tell the Truth, the whole truth”, because they are presumed to be lying, holding a suspect for a year before charges are made while the evidence is collected and sorted, defendants being able to contradict statements made during the trial and there are so many other great aspects of the Italian system.  Including, letting the jurors have the time to process the information. 

U.S. courts are so overloaded, and the right to a speedy trial is a great idea.  With that speedy trial comes errors.  Haste makes Waste!

Thank you, True Justice for all your hard work and for preserving the memory of a beautiful young woman who deserved the world!

Let Justice Prevail!

Posted by BARBM on 11/04/09 at 01:13 AM | #

Yesterday 20 November according to Alexis TJMK was the 452,000 most visited in the world - in the top 5 percent of all websites worldwide. Click traffic rank tab at top left.

These stats in the PDF above are an accurate capture of our very fine hoster’s statistics for the previous month’s visits. People around the world - including thousands now in Seattle - are clearly drawn by the very sad story of Meredith.

Someone from Seattle posing as Fulcaneli on the Seattle Times website has been desperately trying to challenge these statistics. This may be because every FOA and PR campaign site - every one - is below 10 million in the world now.

BarbM, in answer to your good question above, over 1/3 of all US readers are in Washington State, in part thanks to recent Seattle focussed posts. Based on this and on comments on many Seattle websites, increaingly few are being duped.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 11/21/09 at 12:14 PM | #
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