Saturday, November 21, 2009

WHY Did She Have To Go Like That? Our Saddest Day In Two Years

Posted by Our Main Posters

We praise the fire and anger that Giuliano Mignini showed in court on Meredith’s behalf.

This much maligned but really very caring and compassionate man really went to town today, for someone he clearly sees as a quite extraordinary girl.

Like all of us, her never met her. But like all of us, he loves what she stood for.

Posted by Our Main Posters on 11/21/09 at 01:57 AM in Trials 2008 & 2009Massei prosecution

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As I undertand it meredith Travelled to Perugia on her own and began her search for somewhere to live. To my mind that is very brave, and shows just how independent and mature she was. I don’t think i could have done that at 21 years of age. in fact theres no think about it, i couldn’t and thats that.
Fate played it’s most grave hand, and meredith stumbled across the cottage that had appealed to AK also. Seemingly Filomena had interviewed several potential flatmates prior to both AK and Mez. All of whom either turned down the offer or were never heard from again.
If any of those people ended up living at 7 pergola, then of course I wouldn’t be writing here today….It makes me wonder sometimes how making alternative decisions can change our lives. I remind myself quite often ( since Mez died ) how very lucky i am. I have three smashing children,caring parents and friends i have good health, I can travel freely, i often wonder how my life would have turned out had I not gone out on the 24th March 1982 and met my future wife for the very first time.
Life is a funny old thing when you think about it isn’t it…....

Posted by derian on 02/13/10 at 02:25 PM | #
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