Congratulations To Andrea Romizi! Surprise Winner In The Election For Perugia’s New Mayor

Andrea Romizi wins with 58% of the vote.

He has served for 10 years on the Perugia City Council and has recently occupied the post of vice-president. He represents a center-right coalition, the first time that Perugian politics has moved to the right in 70 years. He was a very late candidate after several withdrew.

He is now aged 35, he is a Roman Catholic, he practices as a lawyer, and he is engaged to be married to another lawyer. He’s a lover of Tolkien (think: The Ring). His family’s palazzio, famous for its haunting Nightingale courtyard with a fountain, which he recently opned to the public, is in the highest point in town and looks over Meredith’s house about 300 yards to the north.

His father is a respected pediatrician, his mother Maria Rita was a herbalist, and his twin brother Francis is an anthropologist who just moved to Brazil. His grandfather Renato taught for forty years at the Greek and Latin High School of Perugia and was a university fellow at the Scuola Normale of Pisa.

He is said to be determined, cool and low-key. He’s very popular among the youth vote, and always the subject of embraces and big grins when he walks around.  Sounds like the kind of modest super-achieving guy that Meredith would have had a lot of time for.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/11/14 at 10:07 PM in

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Fond farewell to the former mayor, the kind-hearted and caring Wladimiro Boccali, who steered the fellowship for Meredith through.

Now Italy has a very young prime minister and an increasing number of young mayors.

It is unusual for the old-guard families of Perugia to win enough support these days with the huge influx of academics for the university’s staff.

Wladimiro Boccali did a lot for the local economy, though it seems it was the younger voters who voted him out. Maybe just not enough jobs.

Posted by Peter Quennell on 06/11/14 at 11:30 PM | #

This young mayor has quite a pedigree. He may be very good for Perugia. It’s good his family villa can be shared with the public, a win-win situation for culture tourists. A thanks to former mayor Boccali for what he did for Meredith.

One wrong click to submit this comment led me to the Leontiou music video, “Some Say”. Lovely to see Meredith’s elegance and lyrics: “some say the world is clear…some say confront your fear…show me where the answers live…show me where the truth forgives… I try to tell you I’ll be on my way…but can you feel the love that I feel.”

Posted by Hopeful on 06/12/14 at 04:06 PM | #
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