End To A Long And Unnecessary Charade Over The House
ANSA is reporting that the Court of Assizes of Perugia has acceded to the request of the owner of 7 Via Pergola to have his house back.
Well over one year ago the prosecutors had no objection to this. The crime scene had been thoroughly processed many weeks before, and there was no further evidentiary value.
However, the defense teams claimed they might want to run various tests and inspections. These happened only many months later. We posted on them here and here.
Nothing of value that we are aware of ever emerged from these exercises. If anything, they failed, rather conspicuously.
During the period of the very long defense-induced delay, the house was suspiciously broken into, twice, and the contents was severely disarrayed. Amazingly, defense supporters tried to win points out of this.
So the crime scene was processed well over one year ago, and everything since was pure distraction. And where Meredith lived for two months has been thoroughly desecrated.
We’re glad the defenses are FINALLY calling it quits on this sad charade.
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