Shots of The Patio: One Of Perugia’s Nicest Hotels
It’s hard to find better. In fact, it’s a little hard to find any. The only alternative to the El Patio appears to be the Golf, which is pricier.
There are several very lovely old hotels right off the main piazzas. They do cost more though, and have limited parking. Otherwise, even in daylight, hotels of any kind seem hard to find around Perugia.
As you might deduce from the previous post, the El Patio is on the western outskirts of Perugia. It took over an hour to spot it, late in the evening, after some fruitless cruising closer to downtown.
It’s about 15 years old and is rather oddly located. This makes it a real bargain in terms of the room price. In July, a large room with a huge balcony cost just over $100. Rather cheap by European standards.
From the El Patio, there is a very fast route via the autostrada to all points central. El Patio has a good pool, and hotel-room internet of sorts. And that huge expanse of onyx the bar and counter are made of? They glows softly at night.
Let’s see here. Knox and her sister stayed in a hotel “twenty minutes away” when she first visited Perugia to find a place to live.
This one? Conceivable.
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