Category: Various hypotheses
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Amanda Knox Defence Team Strongly Objects To Seattle Sliming Strategy
Posted by Peter Quennell
Above: Luciano Ghirga (left) and Carlo Della Vedova.
Click for a larger image. They are apparently thoroughly ticked off. Here’s our previous post on exactly what made them so ticked.
Once again, the demand from the Amanda Knox legal team goes out: Pipe down, Seattle. And give Amanda Knox a break.
Translation below by poster Kermit is of the story in today’s La Nazione
“Those American personalities are not helping Amanda”
Lawyer Ghirga: “I have spoken with Prosecutor Mignini”
by Enzo Beretta - Perugia
“There are people around the figure of Amanda who have no formal role in the student’s defence team, which is formed by myself together with my colleague Carlo Dalla Vedova.
These people are not only not helping our client in the difficult judicial process in the Corte d’Assise in which we have to defend her, but on the contrary, they are harming her judicial position.”
Luciano Ghirga, lawyer for the American accused by the prosecutor of sexually assaulting and killing Meredith Kercher with her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito and Rudy Hermann Guede, once again distances himself from the Stars-and-Stripes “know-it-alls” who repeatedly have tried to throw mud on the work of investigators and have even personally attacked Giuliano Mignini, head of the murder investigation.
There is strong evidence which supports the prosecution, unlike the “macaroni” pleading endlessly and one after the other on American television broadcasts, who pay lawyers, show-men and private investigators not much inclined to read the documentation.
That documentation was studied a lot by the Review and Court of Appeal judges, who confirmed preventive prison for the suspects, and the GUP Paolo Micheli, who has sentenced Rudy to thirty years in prison (with the abbreviated trial) and sent the ex-boyfriend and girlfriend to trial. This is a validation of the good work done by the investigators.
Lawyer Ghirga has not acted on a video in which the correctness of the findings of the forensic investigators is called into question, thereby attacking the protagonists of the case. But he will play his cards at the appropriate time in the trial, which resumes Friday.
“On a personal level I expressed my impressions to Dr. Mignini,” Ghirga said.
The lobbying work by Amanda’s side fits into a framework of traditional adversity by Americans when their fellow citizens are left in the hands of another country’s justice.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Knox “Friends” Paul Ciolino & Co Smear Prosecutor Mignini As “An Out Of Control Maniac”
Posted by Peter Quennell
At the Salty’s hatefest in West Seattle, Paul Ciolino whipped up the crowd with a rant about Dr Mignini being “an out-of-control maniac”.
We see no proof. We check this whole point of view almost daily but we never, ever, ever get independent confirmation. The BBC also checked it out and found zero proof of ANY of Ciolino’s wild-eyed claims.
We are repeatedly told that Mr Mignini is tough, fair, and effective, in an Italian system of justice where things are not particularly loaded on the side of the prosecution.
And that he has the reputation of being very, very caring of the victims and their families. The Kerchers have expressed their full confidence in him.
Also that Mr Mignini’s stepping-aside would probably make just about zero difference to the momentum of the case at this point.
There seems to be just too much suggestive evidence waiting to be explained, and a dozen careful judges have endorsed it as suggestive, and the strongly dominant mood in Italy seems to be one of: let us proceed.
Amanda Knox is of course very well represented by counsel. They have already shown irritation over attacks on the prosecutor.
Calling the prosecutor a maniac sure won’t be music to their ears. Is this whole PR campaign quite loopy, or what?!
Monday, January 05, 2009
Another Dog-And-Pony Show Friday: A Second Defense Attempt At Filomena’s Window
Posted by Kermit
Kermit has already analysed the first, failed attempt for us.
It’s just been reported in the Italian media that a second defense test has been scheduled for 12:30 this Friday. If they fail that test for a second time, it will be pretty obvious to the known universe that:
- There never was a burglar who covered up a burglary with a sex crime, a bizarre move almost unknown in the annals of crime as the penalties are so very much harsher.
- There really was a rearrangement of the crime scene in an attempt to point the finger of blame at a single perpetrator who had just taken to his heels up some local steps.
A lot is riding on this one. We guess the burglar the defense hired for the job will be in real fighting trim.
Update: Did the defense blink?! Today’s show simply involved engineers, Giovanni Lombardi and Pasquale di Francesco, apparently retired police technicians.
They took measurements to see if that 4-kilo rock could have been thrown from wherever to land where it did in Filomena’s room.
Why not just, you know, bite the bullet, and actually try throwing the rock?!
No prizes are offered for the answer to that one. There was no Spiderman act, no lawyers were present, and no glass was broken.