Friday, January 09, 2015
Illustrating How Batshit Crazy The Curt Knox/David Marriott Public Relations Is Now
Posted by Chimera
I’m Marriott’s Parrot, For Now In Charge
David is out of office right now. He is sitting naked with Curt and Chris in the sauna, trying to lose that manic redness which is so telling.
Our incessant jeering at Italy is losing too much traction. So David has asked me to keep repeating these new talking points, parrot-like, until even the dimmest bunny Karen Pruett gets up to speed.
Knox PR Talking points #31779
1. Six More Outraged Chest Thumpers
For those of you who believe that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are sex killers, and who doubt that Rudy Guede did the horrible crime alone, or that Mignini was a dedicated prosecutor, I will fully explain all the discrepencies in the case. Please bear with me.
For those of you claiming that AK and RS are pathological liars, trying to evade responsibility for a horrible deed, you need to see things from their point of view, and keep an open mind. Again, please be patient.
If after reading these explanations, you are still convinced that AK and RS were involved in Meredith Kercher’s murder, then you are by definition too clueless to be helped and part of the problem.
1. This should have been an open and shut case
According to Amanda (May 2014 interview with Chris Cuomo), Rudy Guede was “known to police” for doing many burglaries where he climbed through second story windows, using a rock to break in, and wielding a knife. It made no sense that he wasn’t the immediate suspect for Meredith’s murder, however, we have 3 alternatives that explain it.
(a) Perugian police truly did not see any connection between second story break ins with knives and rocks, and second story break ins with knives, rocks, and a dead woman. The logical connection was too simplistic to make.
(b) Perugian police did know about Guede’s habit of second story break ins using knives and rocks, but thought it so minor they never bothered to write it up.
(c) Perugia is filled with people who commit second story break ins using knives and rocks. This is normal. It would take time to get around to Guede.
However, I am not sure which explanation Amanda believes is true at this minute, or what is her best truth. Rotate the three of them. And blame the police.
2. “Spider-Man” burglar Guede chose his latest target well.
According to Sollecito (Honor Bound book), Guede “knew” that the 4 women in the upstairs part of the house would each have 300 Euros after the end of the month for the rent. He also knew where Meredith kept her money, and he knew it would all be in cash. He knew that the house would be empty for the holiday, and it would be a great opportunity to break in and steal the money around 8:00 pm when everybody is still around.
You might ask how Guede had this inside knowledge, or how Sollecito knew it either, or how Sollecito knew that Guede knew. After all, Guede and Sollecito did not know of each other, right? Though they lived 100 meters apart. And actually only one flatmate was out of town. Hmmm. And 8:00 pm is kinda an odd choice for a breakin time and Filoemna’s window the worst place. Label all such pesky points irrelevant and rush on to the next subject.
3. “Spider-Man” Guede knew of marijuana growing downstairs.
Source is RS’s “Honor Bound” book. Guede was attracted to the house because he knew about the drugs. And being a drifter and drug dealer (according to Knox, Sollecito and FoAK), it made sense to target the home. After all, who would report their drugs stolen in a home robbery.
So, the drug dealing serial burglar ignored the drugs in the bottom floor, climbed up to the second floor, but didn’t take anything. He just took a dump without flushing, attacked Meredith, and then left. Label all such questions as irrelevant as Guede is obviously such a bad guy. Again blame the police and move to the next subject.
4. Serial “Spider-Man” burglar Guede really is Spider-Man.
For those of you who used to watch cartoons, you’ll know that Spider-Man would sometimes mutate into an actual spider, and would grow 4 extra arms, all with super strength. That is how at one and the same time Guede kept Meredith restrained, kept her from screaming, held 2 knives at opposite sides, and from behind assaulted her.
Pesky critics have wondered about this: few defensive wounds, no ligature marks (Meredith wasn’t tied down), no sign she was drugged or knocked unconscious as signs to be skeptical, no DNA. However, they clearly did not watch the right cartoons when they were younger. Six arms is the answer to this.
5. Rudy Guede got a break by testifying against Knox and RS
His false testimony was the bulk of the reason they were convicted. It also got his sentence reduced from 30 years to 16.
2008 - Guede gets 30 years (short form equivalent of life) from Judge Micheli
2009 - Guede offers to testify against AK and RS, but prosecutors say no
2009 - Sollecito and Knox get 24 years (with extra time for sex-crime, staging, theft and callunia)
2009 - Appeals court reduces Guede’s time to 16 years (24 same as AK and RS, with 1/3 off deduction)
2011 - Guede is finally called by the prosecution to appear at AK and RS 2011 appeal
So obviously Mignini gives Guede the break for testifying, but doesn’t actually call Guede in 2009. Or maybe he gave the break with action pending, hoping there would be an appeal in 2011 and that he might be needed. This is not rocket science.
6. Guede fiendishly took a separate trial under Judge Micheli
Even though Guede’s plan all along was to frame Knox and Sollecito for Kercher’s murder, he was so freaked out that he asked to sever his case, and go for the short form trial separate from their trial which then involved them framing him.
Yes this does seem odd at first glance. Sollecito supposedly didn’t know Guede. Amanda had no contact, despite once crossing paths (see December 2013 email to Nencini). Three people who don’t really know each other are all convinced the other is trying to frame them. And they are so spooked, none of them agree to testify fully. Really all such questions only for subtle minds and we have only a few of those to convince. Move on to the next subject. And blame the police.
2. Eight More Cookie-Cutter Elucidations
1. That Amanda Knox was actually the perfect patsy for the crime. Keep in mind that she had only been in Perugia for about 5 weeks, never did drugs, and was overwhelmed by the emerging events. She was 20 years old, but was ‘‘just a kid’’ (May 2013 interview with Diane Sawyer).
Okay its true police officer Rita Ficarra seemed to contest this, saying that Knox spoke Italian, and during her interviews spoke to her only in Italian (2009 trial transcripts). But be realistic, Knox is not a native Italian speaker, and being a 20 year old kid, didn’t know she was expected to cooperate fully, though actually she entered the conversation with Ficarra very eagerly to point her to seven other possible perps.
2. That Knox was also a target to blame for other reasons. She was a foreign exchange student and her single language course would result in a full year of transfer credits (Waiting to be Heard book). However, her mind is easily rattled (though not by use of drugs, dont mention them). She is prone to having visions about vaguely remembering someone killing her friends (her 2007 statement), and isn’t sure if she is at home, or if her boyfriend is. She also has trouble with her truth, her best truth, the real truth, the truth she thinks is closest to the truth.
Yes depending on which pesky statement of hers you read, either she left Raffaele’s alone to meet Patrick, or she is not sure if Raffaele is with them. And she thinks she remembers being outside Meredith’s room, with her hands over her ears to drown out the screams.
Many people have accused Amanda of being a bullshit artist, and of being deceptive. However, she is taking creative writing, and it teaches her to think in possibilities, and that her feelings are what matter not hard facts.
3. That Knox’s odd hygiene habits also made her a perfect target. Apparently, she was in the habit of leaving her blood around the home (menstrual blood I assume. Ew.). (read her November 2007 mass email). However, this came back to haunt her as Rudy Guede left tons of Meredith’s blood throughout the upstairs floor, and some of the spots happen to be where Amanda left hers. Ewwww, I know. Hence the mixed DNA in several places. But Amanda wasn’t a total slob, she liked to wipe everything down out of cleanliness, including her own lamp which, for some reason we forget the explanation of, ended up in Meredith’s locked room. And of course, Rudy, being a man, took a large interest in a woman’s period habits.
Police and prosecutors have claimed that mixed blood and absence of normal fingerprints are evidence of a struggle, and partial clean up. They completely misconstrued Amanda’s quirky ways, and Rudy’s diabolical nature. Here again, blame the police. Foolish police.
4. That much has also been made about the email that Amanda sent on November 4, 2007 to about 25 people. It was a long, rambling, illogical message, and many of the recipients were learning for the first time Meredith was dead. Both the tone, and content raised eyebrows.
But really it makes perfect sense. Her internet plan only allows her so much data, so she must use it wisely like this. Besides, separately emailing all those people would take a lot of time, and hey, she had to get on with her life. Besides, there was some Ooh-la-la with Raffy, and a ukulele that needed strumming, though no time for Meredith’s memorial. Bottom line: just Amanda being Amanda may work here again.
5. That Sollecito made a great frame-up victim as well, due to his faulty memory. There was the added bonus that he was the boyfriend of Knox, who also had memory problems. Sollecito’s mind is so scattered, that to this day he has trouble remembering where he was when the murder ocurred.
Pesky facts for us here.
- RS claimed he was at a party (not sure which one)
- RS claimed he was with AK at his apartment (AK isn’t sure if she read or made love)
- RS claimed AK went out and asked him to lie for her (November 2007 statement)
- RS refused to say where AK was (Massei 2009 and most of Hellmann 2011)
- RS claims he has questions about her account (February 2014 interview)
- RS claims he meant AK was only with him that “evening” and not “that night” starting at 9:00 pm (July 1, 2014 press conference)
Obviously, claim what total sh*t Sollecito’s brain is. What better person to blame this on, one who is too confused and lacks any real sense of time. Dump on him.
6. That Sollecito received a lot of attention for bringing a knife into the police station, and it was determined later that it could be one of the knives used on Meredith Kercher. Raffaele, quite lucidly, wrote in his book (Honor Bound), what kind of idiot brings the murder weapon to the police station?
Okay, normally we would agree with Amanda, that this case is actually not complicated. However in this case, Knox is also right, things are actually more complicated than they appear (see her September 2013 Daybreak interview). In this case we point out that Guede took Sollecito’s knife, on the offhand chance he would have to kill someone. He then broke into Raffy’s girlfriend’s home, killed her roommate, cleaned the knife, and then returned the knife to Sollecito, all without Raffaele noticing.
7. That on a related note, Sollecito also sees things that ‘‘his mind made up.’’ When asked about Meredith’s DNA on his knife, he envisions that Meredith came to his apartment to cook, and that she pricked herself. Even though Sollecito realizes later that it didn’t happen, it still kind of comes up in his mind.
It is not proof of a coverup! RS and AK are just doing some hard drugs that make them vaguely remember or confusedly remember things. Both were on and off high right through to being arrested but we need to hide that. Amanda had a terrific drug source and a cash-free way of paying for them. So blame the police. It was really the pressure from the police, and the pressure of being in solitary confinement, that addled their brains.
8. That Guiliano Mignini was the prosecutor in the original trial. He has taken flak in some U.S. circles for trying to railroad two innocent ‘‘kids’’ (in reality 20 and 23), when he should have focused on the 20 year old ‘‘man’’ who really, really did it. Here is proof of this gross misconduct.
- During the investigation of the house, Mignini told CSI’s to be careful collecting evidence that would incriminate Guede, but ordered them to mishandle evidence that would incriminate Knox and Sollecito. Apparently Mignini is so wise, he can glance at evidence and know who it came from.
- Mignini pressured Knox to incriminate Lumumba, despite his being at home right then. (Read her November 6, 2007 statements). Apparently, when he did come in, his mere presence was so overwhelming, that Knox proceeded to write out two more statements.
- Despite what must be a very time consuming job as a prosecutor, Mignini apparently moonlights as Perugia’s Mayor (Waiting to be Heard book).
- Mignini telepathically caused Judge Claudia Matteini and Judge Ricciarelli to decide Knox, Sollecito (and at the time, Lumumba), were such dangers that they should be locked up in preventative detention. He also caused the psychologists to give bad reviews regarding AK and RS mental health, despite not being there.
- Mignini caused Knox (December 2007 interview), to give wildly contradictory statements when he questioned her with her attornies squirming right there.
- Mignini caused the Italian Supreme Court to agree (April 2008), with Judge Matteini that AK and RS should remain locked up.
- Mignini caused Knox (see her June 2009 testimony), to behave in a cold, callous and deceptive manner, and get the Massei court to completely disbelieve anything she said. Hey, blood is YUCKY, but AK only knew Meredith for a month, and good grief she just wants to get on with her life.
- Mignini had the Italian Supreme Court (March 2013), annul the 2011 Hellmann verdict, despite not being present.
- Mignini had the Florence Appeals Court (January 2014), confirm the 2009 conviction, despite not being present.
- Mignini will likely cause the ISC to confirm Nencini’s ruling (coming in March 2015), despite not being present.
- Mignini is as we all know omnipresent and all-knowing.
3. Yet More Cookie-Cutter Mantras
Here you go. Please chant regularly on chat threads and chat shows.
- Guede is known as a knife and rock using burglar, yet the police don’t suspect him.
- Guede naturally had inside knowledge about the large amount of cash inside the home.
- Guede is a drug dealer, but didn’t break into the room he knew had drugs.
- Guede used his 5 or 6 arms to overpower and restrain Meredith.
- Guede got a reduced sentence, for not appearing against Knox and Sollecito.
- Guede tried to frame AK and RS, but feared they would frame him.
- Knox is just a kid, who didn’t know how to behave properly or speak Italian.
- Knox is scatter-brained, but only when asked pointed and direct questions.
- Knox has the quirky habit of leaving blood around the house, and wiping everything else clean.
- Knox just likes to get it all out, so she doesn’t have to repeat herself a hundred times.
- Sollecito has trouble remembering even today where he was during the murder.
- Sollecito’s knife was stolen, used in the murder, then returned to him.
- Sollecito had a vision that Meredith pricked herself while cooking, it was caused by police pressure, in solitary confinement.
- Mignini is apparently the Mayor as well, and has railroaded RS and AK, despite not being involved in the case for years.
So there you have it. Proof to widely propagate that an evil prosecutor and evil police can team up with a serial super burglar, and the result is two completely innocent kids are railroaded for a murder they did not commit.
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Hello all. Author here. Been watching for a while. This is my first publication. Please enjoy the ‘tongue-in-cheek’.
Here is the full interview in May 2014 Knox did with Chris Cuomo. Commentary has already been submitted. AK not only claims Guede is not just a burglar, but a very precise type.
And as for those of you who doubt that Spiderman really could break in and overpower Meredith…
Also, I guess Guede could just ignore the drugs and break in elsewhere. After all, AK ignored the broken window and bloody bathroom to take a shower. Could RG just be ‘quirky’?!
Cheers, from Northern BC, Canada
I thoroughly enjoyed it, Chimera. Well done.
Thankyou for making me laugh.
Long live satire and irony, a long tradition here in Europe…
Great article. Thanks also for posting the link for the Cuomo interview; Knox crumbles through it!
Ha ha! Wonderful work, Chimera!
It just occurred to me that all “yo momma” duels should now be about Mignini. As in, Mignini’s so good at railroading, Joss Whedon based Spike on him.
I’ll let you enjoy your collective groans :p
Chimera, You forgot that anything is possible.
A whole book could be written on all the bad advice and bad legal strategy and bad PR and crossed wires and and hubris and flying blind Chimera so wonderfully spoofs here.
I think Curt Knox headed for the PR route in a heartbeat in 2007 because he simply knew of guilt and knew he also had had a big hand in Knox being so weird. The father from hell.
Knox was never allowed to drive the bus, maybe a real pity for her and the Kerchers because especially on 17 Dec 2007 she was SO close to giving herself up.
The US chest-thumpers get more and more shrill but to the extent this is known and cared about in Italy it is very bad news for RS and AK.
The Italian lawyers for RS and AK somehow dont manage to exude confidence in their clients and everyone in Italy picks up on this.
Those lawyers refuse to pick up 99% of the crazy notions the Fischers & Moores & Pruitts propagate because simply those unequivocal claims are crimes.
Read the court transcripts carefully and you can see they were really reluctant about playing not-nice with Dr Mignini or the cops.
Later this week the RS book trial goes public, and we will be posting. His crimes in the book are quite mild compared to many made by the loose cannons in the US.
@Vivianna - You said in one of your statement analyses, you don’t think AK’s brain is scattered. Rather, she just layers everything in total bullshit. I agree fully. The trick is to interview with timid half-wits, who either won’t see it, or won’t call you on it. (Great work on your review of the 2014 Cuomo interview.)
@ Mimi, Thundering, S.U., DavidB, Wascana, Chami, you’re welcome. More to come.
@ Peter - Yes that shows how illogical the PR was. Even if Curt thought he was partly responsible, he would logically keep things quiet and get her a good lawyer. (If necessary, plead it out). The publicity and forcing her to push back would only make things worse for everyone.
As for AK not driving the bus, am not sure. Yes, people have their own agendas, but AK has hers, getting away for a nasty sex killing. The law makes for strange bedfellows. AK now has 28.5 years to look forward to. Meanwhile, all the bandwagoners got their money and got their names out. Shit happens, but let’s get on with life 😊
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