Friday, June 12, 2009
Trial: Knox Claimed Not To Have Been At The House On The Night
Posted by Peter Quennell
New York’s Daily News from various wire services.
Knox said she last saw Kercher on the afternoon of Nov. 1. Knox testified the two talked about what they had done the night before “” a Halloween night out “” and Knox said Kercher still had a bit of her vampire makeup on, the AP reports.
Knox went on to say Sollecito then arrived at the house; he and Knox had something to eat while Kercher remained in her room.
“She left her room, said ‘bye,’ walked out the door,” Knox said, who switched from speaking English to Italian. “That was the last time I saw her.”
Her testimony on the stand was markedly different than the statement she gave police days after her roommate was found dead.
Originally Knox claimed to have been at the house she shared with Kercher on the night of the murder. She later retracted that story and said she was not there.
Sollecito flip-flopped on his story as well. He had told police he was at his apartment watching a movie with Knox and she spent the night with him. Later, he claimed to not remember if she had spent the night.
Yes her testimony was different today and she explained that in her testimony. She said they hit her and called her a stupid liar so her previous statement is not valid because it was made under duress and while being confused. Please don’t mislead the readers.
Hi Pablo. “Please don’t mislead the readers.” That was the New York Daily News simply pointing out a discrepancy, not I think misleading their readers.
There was a lot of testimony by a number of witnesses a few weeks ago that Amanda Knox was not treated badly. Even her own lawyers had backed away from that claim.
The judges and jury will have heard both sides and will presumably come to a conclusion as to why she then made the statements she made.
Added: Re-reading the News story, I can’t see the beating claim mentioned. Is it there? This seems to have been the News’s only report for today.
Pablo has a point. They should have mentioned the beating claim in the story. We linked to the beating report early-on today.
It seems from the Italian media that the beating claim is widely or universally disbelieved though.
You’re right Pablo, that does omit a very important piece from her statement and I always get annoyed with pro Amanda sites doing the same. I’m sure TJMK didn’t do it on purpose though as with all the other links they’ve added from today this is made quite clear and there’s also a link there to the full article.
There is no substance in these statements however while she is being interviewed by her own lawyer - although I understand she’s fielding questions from Lumumba’s lawyer in the civil case.
I haven’t heard the question…why did you not retract your statement against Lumumba in the days following?
Did I miss something? Has that question been asked?
It sounds as though she hasn’t stumbled yet and part of me suspects she won’t, even under cross examination. That concerns me as I’ve pretty much made up my mind that she’s guilty - pending evidence being refuted by her defence team. If she performs impeccably, it won’t change my view because it is possible to be that well prepared.
Of course, I’m hoping that she falls into a trap and we finally get to know the truth.
Hi Pablo,
It’s not true that Amanda Knox’s previous statements are not valid because they were made under duress and when she was confused.
The Italian Supreme Court ruled that two statements in which she accused Diya Lumumba of murdering Meredith were inadmisable because she had no legal representation when she made them.
However, she repeated the accusation in a note that she wrote to the police on 6 November. This note was not thrown out by the Italian Supreme Court, and it has been admitted as evidence.
Where next:
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Or to previous entry Defendant Testifies: Is This A Prosecutor’s Dream Come True?