Despite Depredations By Witless Knox, Perugia University Is Again Rated Italy’s #1
Really don’t miss this, it is astonishing work
Universities Compared
What do Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, and Cornell have in common?
They are all large campus universities that really dominate their towns. Usually wonderful places that feel pretty special. Here are 50 in the US and a couple of dozen in the UK.
Perugia University (UP) is a campus town too, a very big one, with about 1 in 5 residents either on the staff or studying there.
UP is known as top-level globally in its main fields with renowned teachers and professors attracted from all over the world.
Knox of course was not enrolled there, see her pretty phony excuse explained here. Students fled by the hundreds after the shock report of Meredith’s death - it was ultra-safe Perugia’s first murder for some years.
The university did shut down during the peak of Italy’s pandemic but is back up to speed now with expanded remote learning - and the choir! - in place.
And UP has again won a prestigious award. From the “Top Universities” site, this was last year’s report, which for 2020 remains the same:
The University of Perugia, one of the oldest in Europe (established in 1308), is located in the Umbria Region, in the “green heart of Italy”, famous for arts, music and natural landscapes. Today organized in 16 Departments and several Centers of excellence, it has about 24,000 students, 1,100 professors and researchers and 1,100 staff.
The quality of its research, education and services is certified by the 2018/2019 Censis ranking (Center for Studies on Social Investments), that sees the University of Perugia first, for the sixth year in a row, among all large-sized Italian Universities within 20-40 thousand enrolled students.