Thursday, August 08, 2019
How Amanda Knox Lied About “The Media” Which Had Long Lied Profusely For Her
Posted by Peter Quennell
Long post. Click here to go straight to Comments.
1. How Knox Demonizes “The Media”
Here we go again, with three pro-Knox lackeys of the US and UK media.
Click for Post: Amanda Knox blasts media coverage of trial
Click for Post: Knox accuses media of depicting her falsely as ‘man-eating murderer’
Click for Post: Amanda Knox accuses media of portraying her as guilty over 2007 death.
Amazingly, they are quite incuriously reporting a Knox rant against themselves this time (actually a standard inclusion in all her paid talks). Not even that provoked any actual checking of her “facts”.
Not so reported (or ever even much questioned) is that Knox and her shadow writers took shots in her 2013-15 book at “the media” approximately every ten pages.
Media frenzy… dishonest and unprofessional… horrible things… awful things… misread my rape story… prosecution leaked… sex charged… evil media… Meredith a saint and myself a monster… whore… liar… convicted in media… incomprehensible… prosecution leaked… too simple [on blood evidence]... misread my Beatles t-shirt… purposely did not report this… prosecution leaked… just let false claims hang out… no attention to Raffaele.
All imaginary, and as good reporters who were in court will tell you, it was the defenses, not the prosecutions, that prolifically leaked. This strident I’m-the-real-victim rant is part of the scams that are paying Knox’s bills, and up to now plenty of suckers still bite.
2. The Specific Context Addressed Here
We’ll concentrate here on exposing the biased print media and online news sources, and in the next post on exposing individual reporters and commentators who blatantly pushed a pro-Knox, anti-Italy bias.
Print media may represent half of all the case sources for Brits and Americans, the other sources being TV and YouTube, books, blogs and forums - typically more tilted Knox-wise, though there were some excellent neutral books (James Raper) and TV reports (BBC and NBC Dateline).
Knox herself never names any of the print media that she claims were relentlessly against her, and in fact there were none. No mention of her massive and brutal PR. No proof that “the media” twisted even one judge’s or jury member’s minds. The big turn against her was this, and Knox caused it, all by herself:
Click for Post: Knox Testimony Does Not Seem To Have Gained Much Traction Here In Italy
Click for Post: Italy Shrugs: Why Amanda Knox’s Testimony Seems To Have Been A Real Flop
As our lists in Part 4 below show, print media and online news sources tilted thus: roughly 1/3 always pro-Knox, another 1/3 often pro-Knox, and another 1/3 neutral, professional, and objective.
Our Wiki remains vastly better than any media for original official documents, and the only source for accurate translations, many of them professional. They overwhelmingly reflect a careful, cut-and-dried case for the guilt of all three, with Knox as the instigator with strong motives. The Wiki’s readership has been growing consistently.
3. Pro-Guilt Bias In The Italian Reporting?
Actually there was zero bias that we could see. This did not remotely resemble all too many US trials where suspects really can be demonized nation-wide with impunity.
Italian media in contrast were cool, dispassionate, and even-handed. They have strong anti-libel laws to worry about. Mostly they reported court events which Italians could see played out live on their TVs in any case.
We took note of that in for example these posts.
Click for Post: Trial: Italian-Language Reporting Now Faster And More Objective Than English-Language
Click for Post: Italian Media Reporting Impartially On Prosecution Appeal Filed For Increased Sentences
Click for Post: Tenth Appeal Court Session: Italian Reporting So Far Good, First English-Language Reports Misleading
There was little or no difference between the Knox reporting and the Sollecito reporting - how does Knox explain THAT one? Both wanted the media to notice them. Both they and their families worked hard at that and it became pretty competitive. You can see that brought out strongly in this couple of posts.
Click for Post: Seeds Of Betrayal: Multiple Examples Of How RS And AK Have Stabbed Each Other In The Back
Click for Post: How Each of The Three Subtly But Surely Pushed The Other Two Closer to The Fire
Only two Italian outlets tried a strong pro-Knox pro-RS anti-justice bias. They were the weekly pro-mafia Oggi, and a TV station in the Sollecito hometown of Bari. Both have unsavory anti-justice links, and both were charged with diffamazione.
4. Pro-Guilt Bias In The US & UK Reporting?
With one big qualifier, this is how we see the US and UK print media positioned themselves for much or most of the time from 2007 to the end of 2015 (after which we had the pro-Knox Netflix, VICE Media, Innocence Project, and other propagandists).
The qualifier is that the Associated Press is not merely another outlet on a par with the others; it is a New-York-based news co-operative which channels reports from Italy to its 2000 or so owner/clients. So a single biased AP report (and there were many) could reach Americans up in the many millions.
So, quite contrary to the Knox claims, the pro-Knox-bias across US print media outlets was really enormous. Part 7 below highlights the bias of a dozen major outlets.
5. Did Italy React To The US/UK Media Bias?
Well, the Knox-Marriott PR campaign (which was aimed specifically at poisoning US and UK politics) went to great lengths to ensure that the biased pro-Knox reporting and commentary (and her book) remained only in English and under the Italian radar.
But yes, quite a few Italians did realize and take notice, usually with understandable anger. We posted on many of the negative reactions on these lines.
Click for Post: “Million Dollar Campaign” To Try To Influence The Jury Is Being Widely Reported To A Startled Italy
Click for Post: Amazingly, Wrong Facts And Defamations Of Italian Officialdom Show NO Sign Of Being Reigned In
Click for Post: Demonizations By Knox: OGGI Charged For Article Conveying False Claims To Italy #1
Click for Post: Epidemic Of Anti-Italy Fake News She Generates Bites Knox In The Tail
Click for Post: Prominent Political Commentator Takes Strong Exception To American Reporting
Click for Post: Most Important Italian Paper Balks At The Attempts In US At Intimidation
6. Our Generic Exposures Of Biased Media
This is bait-and-switch on an extreme scale. Both the Knox PR campaign and Knox herself, and thus the beholden part of the US and UK media, focus fiercely on a very few points, such as the DNA and the “interrogation hoax”, and then misrepresent them.
They purposely omit maybe 95% of the damning hard facts, such as (1) the 2007-08 appeal failures, (2) the huge body of evidence at trial, (3) the prosecution’s major success resulting in a unanimous verdict, (4) the defense’s very obvious failures such as Knox’s disastrous stint on the witness stand, (5) the demolished interrogation hoax and (6) the 34 other hoaxes.
Also (7) the bending and then annulling of the Hellman appeal court, (8) Knox being found guilty of criminal defamation by ALL courts, (9) even a bent Supreme Court chamber confirming strong proof of Knox at the murder scene, and (10) Knox not being exonerated - though she claimed in 2019 on a panel in Modena that she was.
These are some of our takes on overall US and UK media performance “complete with omissions” starting from when the strong bias was first becoming blatant.
Click for Post: How The Media Should Approach The Case If Justice Is To Be Done And SEEN To Be Done
Click for Post: How The Strongarm Public Relations Resulted in Most Of The Media Getting It Wrong
Click for Post: Why UK Media Deniers Like The Independent’s Amy Jenkins Come Across As Bigoted And Nasty
Click for Post: Why The Media Are Wrong To Rely On Amanda Knox’s Family For Impartial and Accurate Information
Click for Post: The Toxic Pro-Knox PR Campaign And Media Circus That John Kercher So Rightly Complained About
Click for Post: Why Much Of US Main Media Is Disbelieved And Ignored Now
Click for Post: Now France Is Ticked At The American Main Media For Mindless Assumptions About Another Case
Click for Post: Million Dollar Campaign And American Media Come Under Intense Ridicule By An Influential Italian
Click for Post: US And UK Media: Make RS & AK Answer The HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS Of Open Questions
Click for Post: Tip For The Media: Getting Up To Speed With The Hard Facts Of This Complex Case
Click for Post: The Defenses’ Dishonest, Distinctly Ill-Conceived War Of Aggression Against Perugia
Click for Post: Admired Feminist On Knox As Ice-Cold And Media’s Hit & Miss Performance On The Case
Click for Post: Why Did The Mainstream Media Enable A Takeover By The Conspiracy Nuts?
Click for Post: Knox’s War Of Aggression Against Italy: Questions For Media To Nail Her Once And For All
7. Our Pinpointed Exposures Of Biased Outlets
These are our posts on a dozen of the main US and UK media outlets. Some carried very good reports; but all twelve carried bad reports which the posts took to task.
1. Associated Press
Reporting by Trisha Thomas was excellent back in 2009 but all the other AP reporters and especially Colleen Barry were wildly pro-Knox. The damage Colleen Barry caused with her huge platform as described in Part 4 above was enormous.
Click for Post: Slanted Associated Press Paroting Of Knox PR Campaign Release Achieves Over 800 Google Hits
Click for Post: Perhaps Associated Press Should Try Reporting The Odds?!
Click for Post: Inaccurate Report By The Associated Press Carried By Over 2,000 Media Sites
Click for Post: Dear CEO Gary Pruitt: Could The Associated Press Please Report Much More Accurately?
Click for Post: Another Highly Misleading Associated Press Report By Colleen Barry Shows Up On 700 Media Websites
2. CBS News/48 Hours
This group aired some of the worst reports and featured a very self-serving Doug Preston. The producer headed off to prison for a blackmail attempt, which is pretty telling.
Click for Post: Why CBS Should Report Better - Way Better - On This Case
Click for Post: Rumors In Manhattan About Ludicrously Bad CBS Report
Click for Post: CBS Reporter’s Bizarre Claims About Prosecutor And Reporters
Click for Post: CBS Report Sets New Record For Trashing Of Meredith, Xenophobia, Multi-Inaccuracies, Libels
Click for Post: Producer Of CBS Reports On The Case “Crazy, Desperate, Stupid, And/Or Unscrupulous” ?
3. CNN News
Paul Callan, Nancy Grace, Wendy Murphy, Andrew Cuomo, Lisa Bloom, and Hada Messia were all well-informed and impartial. But Jane Velez-Mitchell, Ann Bremner, Joey Jackson, and Drew Griffin were truly terrible.
Click for Post: Now CNN Gets It All Wrong - What Will They Make of THIS In Italy?
Click for Post: The Summations: Perenially Fact-Challenged CNN Reports Correctly For Once
Click for Post: Drew Griffin Report This Sunday At 8:00 Intent On Sustaining CNN’s Extreme Bias
Click for Post: Explaining Why CNN Is So Desperate For A Hit And Quaint Niceties Like “Truth” Be Damned
Click for Post: Questions For Knox: 15 Questions That Drew Griffin On CNN Tonight SHOULD Have Asked
Click for Post: Open Letter To CNN Head Ken Jautz: Reports As Terrible As Drew Griffin’s Risks All CNN’s Credibility
Click for Post: Knox-Mellases And Candace Dempsey Display Extreme Contempt Of Court On CNN
4. Daily Express
The Express did little of its own reporting, but it ran a sleazy, abusive and dishonest “gotcha” interview by Bob Graham with Dr Mignini.
Click for Post: Report By Bob Graham In The Daily Express Close To Breaking New Record For Inaccuracy
5. Fox News
Business reporter Lis Wiehl made some callous remarks, and after we posted she next showed up nervous. Geraldo Rivera was deeply in the tank for Knox and in many segments came across as stridently anti-Italy.
Click for Post: Fox News Analyst Lis Wiehl Seems to Think Meredith’s Murder Is One Terrific Great Joke
Click for Post: Respected Journalist Carl Bernstein Criticizes “Murdochism” For Debasing News Reporting
6. The Guardian
Perugia reporter Tom Kington could be okay but… Simon Hattenstone??? It seems David Marriott had a very strong connection to the editor there and for year the Guardian stridently bashed Italy and its justice officials.
Click for Post: Did The State Department Offer Assurances To Knox She Never Would Be Extradited?
Click for Post: Did The Bungling Guardian Check Sollecito Enabler Andrew Gumbel’s Myriad False Claims?
Click for Post: Obstruction Of Justice? How The Guardian Poisons Public Opinion Against The Italian Courts
Click for Post: The Guardian Publishes A Negative Take On Italian Justice Rather Poorly Researched
7. Huffpost
The Huffpost ran the ludicrous takes of the crackpot feminist Linda Marie Basile who seemed unaware that Sollecito even existed.
Click for Post: Explaining Why Smart Feminists Have Rightly Been Extremely Wary Of Amanda Knox
Click for Post: Why Smart Feminists Much Prefer To Keep Amanda Knox At Arms Length
8. The Independent
Rome-based reporter Peter Popham had an enormous chip on his shoulder about Italy. So apparently did Amy Jenkins.
Click for Post: Peter Popham Of The UK “Independent” Sure Has Drunk The Knox PR Kool-Aid
Click for Post: Why UK Media Deniers Like The Independent’s Amy Jenkins Come Across As Bigoted And Nasty
9. New York Times
The New York Times was actually chastised by Italian media for some stridently anti-prosecution reporting. It never once did a good report on any aspect of the case. A reviewer burbled about Knox’s book. Unrelated takes on Italian justice though were some of the best.
Click for Post: The New York Times FINALLY Awakes To The Case
Click for Post: How The New York Times Caused Unneccesary And Unhelpful Anger In Italy
Click for Post: The Second Misleading New York Times Commentary On The Case
Click for Post: Today’s New York Times Headline: Why Much Of US Main Media Is Disbelieved And Ignored Now
Click for Post: Italy’s Advanced, Effective, Humane Law & Order System Also Adopted By City Of New York
Click for Post: NY Times Describes How Italy Leads The World In Rehabilitation
10. Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone twice carried seething anti-Italy commentary by Nathaniel Rich. Later its reputation crashed when it very damagingly reported a fake rape claim as genuine.
Click for Post: A Deeply Ugly, Inaccurate And Callous Piece Of Junk By Nathaniel Rich In “Rolling Stone”
11. Seattle PI
The extensive reporting by Andrea Vogt was the very best. We quoted from it dozens of times. But it also carried inflammatory prejudice in an unpaid blog by the dumb-as-a-rock amateur Candace Dempsey.
Click for Post: Hearst’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Is The Editor Banning Truthseekers From Website?
Click for Post: Hearst’s Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Now On The Defensive?
Click for Post: Looks Like Seattle Post Intelligencer Could Be On The Rocks
Click for Post: Is Seattle Case Coverage STILL In Cloud-Cuckooland?
12. Time Weekly
“Reporter” Nine Burleigh’s posts from Italy (she spoke no Italian and had zero expertise) became pure poison against Italy, the prosecution, and the Catholic church, as she fell for Knox and sought to wedge Edda Mellas away.
Click for Post: Knox Groupie Nina Burleigh Posting The Nastiest And Least Accurate Reports
Click for Post: Nina Burleigh: View From A Broad Who Doesn’t Seem To Like Broads Or Being Abroad
Click for Post: Media Starting To Take A Closer Look At The Knox PR Shills With Nina Burleigh Exhibit One
Click for Post: What’s Nina Burleigh Got Against Women? A Bizarre Time Report Suggests Deep Problems In Her Psyche
Click for Post: How With Myriad False Claims Nina Burleigh Pushes To Forefront Of Pro-Knox Crackpots
8. Finally In This Series On Knox’s Lie-A-Thon
A couple more posts should do it, as two of Knox’s scams - the Modena scam and wedding scam - are in the news and driving our audience.
The posts will cover how Knox was dishonest to her audience about some of the best reporters, she smeared the prosecution and police repeatedly, and she blamed Meredith’s death solely on Rudy Guede.
Nothing suggests such a lone-wolf attack was feasible - even the defense lawyers turned to other theories.
So, to those “news” sites… do you really want to subscribe?!
Actually something very encouraging in the media world is in motion now. There is a real flight to quality. The most diligent and honest media are seeing their online subscriptions rise and rise.
I was at a political panel discussion at the NY Times a few weeks ago, with some editors and senior reporters, and they described how they are overjoyed. Their target for paying online readers is 10 million within several years.
But the media in the left column above? Not such an easy life.
Journalism schools, journalism schools… Yes they still exist. We are sometimes asked if they’ve abandoned their role.
We contacted two so far, in a low-key sort of way.
The Columbia University school in Manhattan showed real interest and could soon become our big friend.
The school in Sacramento which made the case one of their flagship offerings seemed to get a real fright.
One professor there, an Italian, was running a course on the case and was trying to do a good job, but knew only maybe 10 percent of what we know about the real case.
Another professor had written a paper with a strong pro-Knox anti-Italy bias. She took it offline after we asked questions, but so far did not get back.
Law schools and associations? So far, too many are suckers for Knox and happy to demonize Italian justice - see below. Big mistake. They’d learn a lot if they could take a real look.
The quality of journalism has gone down hill. When researching history and looking up old newspapers, I am struck by the excellence of the reporters for papers such as THE TIMES, especially in reporting WWII. The reporting from, for example, the Battle of Stalingrad is incredibly professional, thorough, well-written and almost like a full-scale book chapter.
These days half the news reports are lazy copy and pastes from other news sources, or just a repeat of AP or Reuters.
Having read two newspapers a day ever since I was small, what leaps out about the pro-Knox news writers is how they omit inconvenient details, and thus deliver fake news, such as ‘Knox was wrongfully imprisoned for four years for a crime she did not commit’ and it is not just the so-called ‘journalists’ who are piss-poor.
Social observer Malcolm Gladwell who wrote such interesting books such as ‘Freakonomics’ and ‘The Outliers’ has now told Oprah Winfrey in an interview that his latest book is about how people misread body language and cites Amanda Knox as an example, claiming she was only convicted because she was seen performing somersaults and didn’t behave how an innocent person is expected to behave.
As if after a full and fair trial anyone is going to be found guilty because of body language. Talk about trying to rewrite history! Today’s hacks seem to believe their role is to revise the truth in order to please their target market. It’s not far off what PRAVDA used to do.
Knox: disgusting liar. She weeps when media calls her a liar, but she lied that her boss was at her cottage killing her friend, a lie that threw him in jail for 2 weeks. Yet he never lied to wriggle out of false accusations against him. He stood tall and maintained his integrity, spoke his innocence boldly, and never wavered nor lied like Knox had done against him. Yet she has never paid him a dime in damages, though courts order her to.
Knox stood there at Modena podium with her new husband in the audience. Did she acknowledge him as such or speak one public word there to thank her new husband, Chris Robinson? No, she did not. She lied by omission, fearing her new lies soon to be posted on crowdsource wedding website might not garner as many contributions for her “future wedding”.
Knox weeps for herself in Modena, wears the long hair little girl look to pretend that 12 years later she’s still the innocent young girl she was in Perugia when wrongly arrested. Another lie. She lied about where she was on the murder night, asked boyfriend to lie for her. Got her mom to lie about vital phone call the night of crime. Lies about her recent marriage. She was born. She has been lying ever since.
And the media gave Knox the benefit of the doubt on all the DNA evidence.
They didn’t pummel hard enough the fact her DNA was found in 5 separate places throughout the house mixed with victim’s blood.
Media didn’t holler loud enough that Luminol showed Knox’s footprints (or shoeprints, I forget which but HER FEET) in Luminol meaning in blood by the door in hall near her bedroom. Knox’s clever defense was “maybe it was turnip juice or fruit juice”.
Media didn’t holler too loudly about the watered down blood drops found…water means a washing. Supreme Court later concluded Knox washed away the victim’s blood! yet they would go no further and let her walk. Now she hugs Peter Pringle.
Knox was called a whore by the media because she had a drug dealer on speed dial and was believed (I’m not sure how solid this is) to have exchanged sex for his drugs. A whore’s transaction.
Skank or slut might be the better term for the many men she brought back to the cottage and slept with in her short stay in lovely Perugia. A guy she met on a train, Daniel, Raffaele the first night she met him, yet she maintained her heart was still with David Johnsrud back in Seattle. The female tenants of the cottage worried about her revolving door of men, and they were right. It ended in catastrophe.
Knox weeps buckets for herself years later but where were her tears or even her sober body language and downcast face when her friend was murdered in the bedroom right beside hers? Nope, nowhere to be seen. When others were huddling in grief and tears, terrified, Knox schmoozed with boyfriend, did cartwheels at police station, stuck out her tongue. Even a year later on the witness stand she said the throat cutting of Meredith was “blrrrgh…yucky”. She now weeps for herself and her own pain, all of which is based on a lie.
And where are her staunch forthright statements of I AM INNOCENT. Lumumba declared his innocence with a straight face and integrity. Knox can’t. Where is her outrage at wronged innocence? Where is her outrage at the evil Rudy? Such is the power of a guilty conscience that she cannot speak of her innocence without telltale signs of face and body language that she is anything but.
She is foolish enough to think most people believe her simply because she has camouflaged herself hiding in Innocence Conventions.
And she lies by omission while lambasting the media for their lies. How strategically she clams up to make the world forget all the work her dad’s PR agency called Marriott did on her behalf to paint her the naive waif caught in foreign web.
And Knox still resents the comparison of her own wild child antics with Meredith’s more restrained demeanor and more wholesome balanced outlook on life, a gift Knox will never possess.
Envy of Meredith’s brains and goodness and HONESTY when Meredith called a spade a spade (or a drugged up tart) and spoke openly of faithfulness to one’s lovers, this simple decency enraged Knox against her, despite the fact Meredith had been very very good to Knox and had included her in outings, even to the music event where Knox met Raffaele. Meredith had good friends in Perugia, the English girls she hung out with. Knox may have envied them.
Meredith was a special Erasmus student, Knox envied that. Meredith didn’t have to work to provide her income in Perugia, Knox envied that.
Meredith had a lovely English private school background (St.John Whitgift school) and nice British accent. Knox envied that. Maybe she envied Meredith’s warm love for her mother, or Meredith having brothers which Knox did not. Meredith had “starred” in a music video (“Some Say”). Maybe Knox envied that. Knox later made a music video (“HOT” or “Hands of Time”) with a horrid theme and witchy images.
There’s no telling what Knox secretly seethed about or what set her off into violence. Could have been as simple as having been bossed or told to do anything by the Perugia roommates in general, since Knox was a disobedient irresponsible rebel who reveled in her wild west image to her shy boyfriend and loved to cause a scene.
Knox thinks she can outrun science but forensics may yet prove her wrong.
I was watching an old Forensics Files video on YouTube about this. Take the case of Dawn Fehring, a 27-year-old who was sexually assaulted in her own apartment and strangled to death in 1995.
No evidence was left for police to go on except cigarette burns and a blood smear on a bedsheet in Dawn’s blood.
Fabric is hard to lift fingerprints from, but in desperation they used Amido Black and immersed the bedsheet in it. A palm-print was found, but it was obscured by the fabric weave.
A Tacoma, Washington policeman named Erik Berg created an algorithm that “disappeared” the fabric weave. They could see a clear palm print. It belonged to a young man living in the upstairs apartment. He was brought to justice.
On Meredith’s bedsheet was a visible knife print in her blood. There may have been much more invisible evidence that one day is exposed.
Who knows if digital fingerprint enhancement may one day reveal further truth in Meredith’s case, unequivocal evidence of Knox and Raffaele’s presence?
Hi Hopeful
A very interesting catch. This electronic disappearing of “noise” is also used a lot in space science, to disappear most stars so the unusual items for study stand out.
Re Knox and RS, yes, a total absence of prints the first time round has been hard for the apologists to explain.
If you approach our Wiki from the chronology direction it’s astonishing to see the extent to which investigators walked the extra mile and then some. Some 10-20 reports daily for weeks and weeks.
The Kercher request to have a closed court throughout should either have been fully approved or fully rejected.
The half-a-loaf that Judge Massei allowed resulted in a closed court just exactly when some of the most compelling evidence was being brought forward.
Had this been a fully open trial, for sure Knox & RS would still be locked up. It would have been impossible for Judge Hellmann in 2011 and Marasca & Bruno in 2015 to rule they way they did.
That was dependent on hiding so much even the Italian public never got to see, as Knox and RS do to this day.
Via the documents, we can see it all now, of course.
Hi Hopeful,
I’ve sometimes wondered if there is more evidence against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito just waiting to be unearthed e.g. CCTV footage of them on Via della Pergola or in Piazza Grimana on the evening of the murder or DNA evidence.
Luciano Garofano thinks the handle of Sollecito’s kitchen knife should have been opened up to check whether any of Meredith’s blood had seeped inside.
There have been a number of cases in England where killers killers like Gary Dobson, David Norris, Mark Weston and Billy Dunlop were brought to justice after new and compelling evidence came to light.
New DNA tests provided definitive proof that James Hanratty was guilty of murder forty years later.
Rudy Guede should come clean and give an honest account of what happened. I don’t think he will because he doesn’t want to admit his own part in Meredith’s murder and confess to sexually assaulting her.
Like Amanda Knox, his accounts of what happened are a mixture of fact and fiction. They have both given very brief and clearly incomplete accounts of what happened in the cottage on the evening of the murder - which is very telling. They are withholding the details of their own involvement.
Amanda Knox repeatedly mentioned meeting Diya Lumumba near the basketball court in Piazza Grimana in her statements and Antonio Curatolo corroborated her claims she was in Piazza Grimana on the evening of the murder. She was clearly referring to Rudy Guede. She said Diya Lumumba was infatuated with Meredith and in his prison diary Guede said he found her beautiful.
Both Knox and Sollecito mentioned Meredith’s loud scream and their claim that Meredith screamed loudly was corroborated by Nara Capezalli and Antonella Monocchia.
A number of Rudy Guede’s claims have been corroborated i.e. Knox and Sollecito were involved in Meredith’s murder, Diya Lumumba had nothing to do with Meredith’s murder, Sollecito owned a knife that looked like a scalpel, the window in Meredith wasn’t broken before Meredith was killed, there was lots of blood in the hallway, Knox was hanging around with people who were part of the drug scene in Perugia and bringing back men to the cottage, Meredith had complained about Knox - not Filomena or Laura and Knox and Meredith quarrelled that evening.
Where next:
Click here to return to The Top Of The Front PageOr to next entry Re The Seriously Bizarre Lovefest Between Knox And Theo Von
Or to previous entry Knox’s Fake Wedding Exposed, Yet Another Fraudulent Scam For Yet More Bloodmoney